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Myan's 1 year anniversary on GL


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Hey guys, its been a heck of a year on GL, and its my 1 year anniversary  on this server. I joined from this day 1 year ago and I just want to say, this has been  a blast. I've had a lot of fun on PoliceRP, and I still do. I've also changed when I joined. I was confused, a little mingy when I first joined. But when I met my current friends , they taught me to improve and I have. I've made goals ever since I joined this community; I wanted to make friends with everyone, I wanted to a part of the staff team, and be a command member of a tactical team. All of these  have been achieved, and I just want to say to SMT, thank you, as well as a thanks to all of my GL friends. You guys are awesome, and I will continue to be a part of this community. I don't plan on leaving GL for a very long time, so if anyone was worried, don't be, Lol. Anyway's its my 1 year anniversary, and I thank every member of SMT, my friends in GL, and the entire community as a whole for making me the person I am today!!!



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PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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