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Azrael's Community Resignation


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Been a while since I've done one of these. Get ready, it's gonna be a long one.


A lot of people have been wondering where I've been for the past couple of weeks, and the answer to that I can't consolidate for you all too well. I've taken a lot of time to consider the obstacles and challenges I have faced, not only within this specific server but the community altogether. 


I've been around this community for nearly ten years. A major part of my life has been constantly dedicated to this community and its values. Through serving in the staff team on numerous occasions, holding various leadership positions, and meeting many wonderful faces along the way. I can't say this journey has been an easy one though. Assuredly, difficulties present themselves in various paths and sections of our life, but going through all of that with this server has been an adventure, to say the least.


There are many people that, along my journey in this community, I have forgotten their names. Their work and dedication are gone because of my memory loss. I have strived to work as heavily and respectfully in honor of the people that I have met across the community in MilitaryRP, CloneWarsRP, SCPRP, PoliceRP, and other servers previously hosted by GL.


The main reason that I have decided to step away is melancholic in a way. For a very long time now for PoliceRP, I haven't had much fun. Enjoyment tarnished by certain situations and environments that find their way into PoliceRP has taken away what I first found to be encapsulating. After the shutdown of MilitaryRP at the end of 2020, I took a year to reevaluate if it were to be worth it to continue my story here with GamingLight. At the end of that arduous process, I rejoined PoliceRP with the help of a few old friends of mine in the SWAT Department in the Early Fall of 2021.


["If it's not fun, why bother?" Former President of Nintendo America, Reggie Fils-Aimé.]


With all of this said and done, not having fun with the server, I decided that I would continue to play the server, and see things through as the server progressed. Although torturous and mentally anguishing at parts, I remained steadfast in this process. I chose not to leave, not because I didn't know how to, or because I was seeking fulfillment in some way, but because I chose to stay for the people. Those people are the main reason I have exhibited this prowess in the community. The bright and wonderful friendships will always be a guiding light to the best of times. Furthermore, it guides me to the worst of times, too, showing how problems and situations had been solved, and how to remain afloat when the storms were raging.


There have been many instances where I believe that I have accomplished nothing with all of my work, that it had spiraled into a meaningless chasm. In some parts, I agree, others not. This is the second reason I decided to leave. As many know, I always demonstrated the very best roleplay that I had to offer. I did my best to encourage others into this area, although, usually ended up empty-handed. This was not the complete case of how I had felt through my accomplishments in MilitaryRP, with a few exceptions. PoliceRP reinforced that thought process, and it ate away at me.


It's certainly difficult leaving at a time when a commander is most needed. I hope those upset or discouraged about this can forgive me at some point in time. It was not easy to come to this decision, but it was a decision I had to make nonetheless.


My third and final reason for why I have decided to leave is more personal. In about a year, I will graduate from my college with my Bachelor's in Creative Writing. I need to take time for myself and surround myself with my friends and family as they support me through this battle.


And I know that sounds hopeless, and maybe even a little pretentious, but hear me on this.


More than ever, this community has individuals who are determined, even in the face of great challenges. Those who exemplify roleplay, respect, integrity, sportsmanship, and trustworthiness envelop the servers. I can confidently proclaim that there are magnificent people, who will make changes, strategize, communicate, operate, and lead greater than I ever have been able to do. And those people are many.


At the end of the day, the leaders shine out. Illuminated by their efforts and morals. 


Out of many, one. One leader to bring the department together. One individual states, "I will not give in. I will not give up."


Every leader has what it takes to bring together the people, and even more so, to follow others. All great leaders are great followers. 


So I ask you: "Who will you follow?"


"Where will you go?", "What will you do?", "How will you do it?", and "Will you see it through?"


If you ask yourself these questions about the unknown variables that we face, you too can become a leader.


I cannot express through the description of words how much respect I hold for all of my peers. We may be in different roles, although I still view you as an equal. I know that all of my SWAT Members, Peacemakers, FBI, Gov., and other friends and family I have made in my time here, were the reason I remained. Love y'all. You all have what it takes to do great things, and I am proud and believe in you.


Before I move on to the mentions, I only have one more thing to say.


I've said this to a few people in my time with the community, but I'll say it again.


"If every hour wounds, let us sit a minute."


If you are ever suffering, and need to, always feel free to reach out.


I will visit from time to time on the server, but if you want to chat or play something, or anything for that matter, reach out to me on Discord.


Discord: archangel_azrael


Now for everyone's favorite part! The mentions.


Foremost, I must honor those who worked alongside me and remained through the longevity of MilitaryRP and those who stayed after it had shut down. I may not remember all of your names, although you will never be forgotten.


Police Department High Command

@BruceyBoyo Chief Brucey: Through trials and difficult occasions, thank you for being there as a friend and a mentor to discuss topics.

You surely are a beacon for this community, and although at times, your service goes unnoticed by others, I can assure you that it did not pass by me.

Brucey, you have embodied what it means to be Chief, and you have earned that title and much more through your valiant actions.

@MiniEpic Assistant Chief MiniEpic: Similarly, we have been through many situations.

I’ve seen on numerous accounts that you demonstrate potential. Your followership, integrity, and dedication are contagious to those around you in the most marvelous way possible.


No matter how high the odds stack up, you’re always willing to answer the call. You’ve earned my respect more than I can represent, and your honor continues to shine.


Police Department Low Command

@Sato Colonel / SRT Major Sato: It goes without saying that you’ve proven yourself. Within SRT and your other detachments, you radiate the energy that unites others.

I’ve noted your impact on others through the training and activities you have spearheaded. It’s electric. I wish you the best of luck.

@Ganta Colonel / SRT Major Ganta: Through the work and accomplishments you have achieved within the State Police and all of your departments, you have been an inspiration to many.

Hard work pays off, and you’ve done a damn good job.

@Scor Major Scor: Funny man himself.

With all of the effort you pour into this community, it bounces off of others as a domino effect, reaching everyone you work with. Never change Scor.

@thayze Lieutenant / Reserves SWAT MSGT Thayze: Your analytical approaches and detailed observations have been the tidal points in very key situations.

You represent a very strong image of command, and you act instantly when obstacles appear. I wish you all the best for your future and college.

@Robert Peel Lieutenant Robert Peel: My dispatch brother-in-arms.

Helluva guy. Never gives up, and was always an inspiration to me. I’ll remember those late-night talks about life and such. You’re a marvelous individual, amazing work Robert.


State Police

Colonel Kevin: I loved going on patrol with you. You always brought the best of vibes, especially with C.E.R.T. shenanigans with yourself, Spart, and John Disengard.


Captain Dark: Fellow furry man. Enjoy your Mcdonald's adventures. You too brought great vibes to day-to-day running and encouraged me to stick around for a bit longer.


@SPARTAN_ORDER Captain Spart: “Archangel, Archangel”. Hilarious individuals. Ally, friend, brother.


You better believe I’m gonna get revenge for losing that Barret that one time though. (S.W.A.T. on top!)

@Disengard Lieutenant John Disengard: Military Adventurer and PVP Legend. Likewise, with Spart, you are an inspiration and a wonderful leader for State. Keep up the good work.


@GhostlyNinjaDude Reserves / Retired Colonel Ghostly: One of the most prominent individuals in State Police history. Your stories stand the test of time and your name shall never be forgotten.

@Dry Reserves / Retired Colonel Dry: Your influence was astonishing, and carried through your time with State. I miss the times we patrolled together with S.W.A.T. and C.E.R.T., I hope you’re enjoying retirement.

Reserves / Retired Captain Andrew: I recall seeing you around when I first started with PoliceRP. You were a great recruiter and advocate for State Police, I also hope you’re enjoying retirement. It was great to see you around for a bit on SouthSide, come visit more often.


Federal Bureau of Investigations

@ZoeyPlaysGames Director Zoey: There are not enough words to describe your impact on me as an individual for this community.

There were many times when I decided that I was completely done with the server, and had decided to throw it all away, and your influence and wisdom inspired me to stay.

Overjoyed at your promotion to Director, I wanted to be of the greatest assistance I could, seeing that F.B.I. was in a rough state at the time. I dedicated myself to the unit and knew that this was the best route forward. Thank you for giving me that chance.

You will continue to do great through all of the things that you do. I’m certain of it.


@Matilda Deputy Director Matilda: Through the year, we’ve worked together and been through a lot. Thank you for being there when the times have been tough.

I won’t forget the days when I needed a shining light to illuminate the good side of things. You acted as that light, and have for many other people through your actions.

Matilda, you have been a great leader and motivated me to continue my journey here.

Chief of Staff / Hostage Rescue Team Commander Kessel: A fantastic example of what it takes to take charge and continue amidst challenges.

As commander, you exhibit all of the intricacies through the perspective of a soldier. And as that soldier, not only were you a fantastic follow, but an even greater friend.

Stay frosty, bossman.

@Killing.SKR Chief of Staff / Hostage Rescue Team Captain Killing: Always was a joy to patrol and get through situations with you.

I love your approach to roleplay and how intoxicating it was for the people around you.

@Ridgeland Secret Service Director Ridgeland: In a time of need for SS, you seized the day on that opportunity and kept running with it. 

What a splendid approach to leading a department, and it was awestriking to see it in action.


@Justin tbh Reserves / Retired Director Justin: During your time as Director, you organized and executed many complex procedures and protocols, all of which benefitted the department tremendously. Thank you for believing in me during my time in the branch.


@Duncan McOkiner Reserves / Retired Deputy Chief of Staff / Hostage Rescue Team Commander Duncan: Solely the reason I joined Hostage Rescue Team. 


You were there for me when I sought guidance, feedback, and improvement, and acted on all of those things with 200% Effort.


Duncan, your expertise in H.R.T. is still present to this very day, and for that, I thank you.


Emergency Medical Services

@Nicc Medical Chief Nicc: An amazing individual all around. Your feedback and the work you have assisted me with exemplify your prowess and potential. Thank you for everything you do.


@RussTime Head Deputy / SRT First Lieutenant RussTime: Your energy is unrivaled! I love the passion you bring every coming day to the server. 


You’ve worked through so many departments and it’s amazing. I think you will be an excellent High Command member!


Special Response Team

@Kitty. Special Response Team Commander / Retired Chief Kitty: This list could not be complete without you.


The effort you have displayed is incomparable to many in the entire community. Thank you for all you have accomplished in your time here. 


Through my work, you have been a major inspiration and will continue to be for many more for GamingLight. Thank you.


@Andre Special Response Team Co-Commander Andre: I was so excited to see you enter the High Command Team! 


You conduct the department in such a high manner, and it is expressed with every day that you get on duty.


Special Weapons and Tactics

Co-Commander Ducky / YDKids: I have seen you grow and adapt as an individual. The Executive High Command Team has presented so much faith in you, although I do not believe it can rival the faith that I have in you.

I am most certain you will accomplish goals, move mountains, and be a wonderful representation of what it means to be a Commander.

@Vice Team Leader Vice: One of the only remaining MilitaryRP operators. Through our time together, we have been through so much that I find it only appropriate to refer to you as my brother.


We are equals, and you are a founding representation of why I care so much for this community. I love ‘ya brother, til’ the end of the line.


@David Team Leader David: A phenomenal man. At times I had lost faith in you. Now, under that understanding, it has completely 180’d.

 I have the utmost respect for you, the belief in you that you will be an extraordinary high command member, and a wonderful addition to the S.W.A.T. Family forever.


@INXOG2 Lieutenant Jack (INXOG): A warm, caring, and determined member of the department all the way. I have faith in you, that you will prosper both in life and in this community through all things.

I’ll make sure to get that Panini for you, by the way. Take care, Jack.


Master Sergeant Mr. Blaze: Roleplay, problem-solving, planning, and executing complex protocols were just a few to list of the strengths you have.


You have encapsulated the eyes of various people in the community through your acts, furthermore, you have made them interested in the elements of what it takes to be a great roleplayer. 


You will always have my respect, and you have my blessing that you will go on to be a trustworthy S.W.A.T. High Command one day.


Sergeant First Class Rob: Hardworking is your game, and you have never given up on your quests. 


You earned the honor to be called a member of the S.W.A.T. Low Command, and you will be honored through your every action with the community. Thank you.


@Razor the Protogen Specialist Razor: A genuine and wonderful friend.


You always knew the right things to say. Thank you for all that you’ve done.


Reserves / Retired Commander Myan: Was the first Commander that I served under. Demonstrated the true nature of determination and continues to do so in the community.



Reserves / Retired Commander Freeze: Through all of my time with S.W.A.T. you had faith that I would go on to be a command member for the department. 


Thank you for the countless acts you have performed and your unyielding respect for me.


I will never forget Freeze’s Driving School. Honestly surprised by the number of civilian casualties after you rounded the corner in that GT Mustang. Impressive.


@John Newsom Reserves / Retired Commander John Newson: The reason I am here today as a S.W.A.T. Commander! If it wasn’t for your generosity, I wouldn’t have rejoined the server in 2021. 


Thank you for everything.


@ICE Reserves / Retired Team Leader Ice: A wonderful secretary and funny man for S.W.A.T., which was a great example to me through my time starting back up in the department.


@Chip&Dail Reserves / Retired Commander ChipDail: Not enough can be said about this guy. The admiration I have for you cannot be expressed. 


You were a generous, responsible, magnificent member of the community. All of your work has not and will not be forgotten. 


You inspired me through my every action as a command member, and was certain I would make it this far.


Thank you for never giving up on me.


@Trumpo Reserves / Retired Commander Trumpo: Fuck around and find out is your game brother, and you wear that shit like a badge. 


The ultimate Commander that helped me become the person that I am today. If it wasn’t for you, I could never have been a Commander.



@Mark001 Reserves / Retired Master Sergeant Mark: The other remaining MilitaryRP operator. You were there for me when I had nobody to rely on, ask for help, and for when I didn’t know what to do.

Roleplay master extraordinaire.

Your honor radiates in your every action, and will through all of the things you accomplish in life.


Delta Force


@Smaug Co-Commander Smaug: Working with you was a great experience. Through all sorts of situations, I loved seeing the effort you put in, and it all has paid off. Keep up the good work.


@Noah Lee Reserves / Retired Noah Lee: Thank you for being a reliable and trustworthy friend. Your prowess in resolving problems was exhilarating, and you acted as an excellent member of the command team.




If I missed your name, I do apologize as this is the 12th or so page in this Google Document now, and I cannot recall anyone else.


For those who didn’t want to read, I don’t blame you, this is a fuck ton of info. 


TLDR is that I appreciate everyone in the community. I believe you all will go on to accomplish amazing goals.


Once again, please reach out if you need anything.

Kujo Ninety-Eight, Commander Azrael, for the last time, going 10-7, take care.



For if the text above does not embed correctly, here is a link to a Google Doc. 


  • Sad 6
  • Heart-Eyes 1
  • Gaminglight Love 2

~ Shadow ~ Azrael ~ Military RP Beginnings Veteran

GL 10 Year Veteran "The Last Remaining Spetsnaz"  Former Wardog Super Admin / Admin MilitaryRP



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Azrael, I'm sorry too see you leave man! From me coming back to GL around a year ago you have been one of my closest friends & i now see you as a permanent position within my life ! You Welcomed me Into Swat when i was a little nerd LCPL :).. & I am now a SWAT CPT. You have helped my personal life, you have been there when my little girl was born and supported me through all of that !.. I wish you the very best for the rest of your time, I hope college goes extremely well & You get the grades you want ! ... Brother you will be missed my messages are open day or night for you ! ❤️

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It was great seeing you around this community. I remember you from a long time ago. While I've had some ups and downs with you at times, you've had great personality being in this community with leadership and potential. I do also wanna thank you for being on my side for personal reasons, etc. Until a another time you come by. 

  • Gaminglight Love 1


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this is truly a sad day for S.W.A.T. and for police RP there is so much I could write about you Azrael, it has been a true honor to server under your great legacy as S.W.A.T. Commander thank you for all the work you have done your RP guides have been just amazing and all the hard work you have done to make swat peacemakers a thing its true a sad day to see you go I hope to see you in the future sometime SWAT command will do there best to make you proud good luck with college and life 07 ❤️ 

  • Gaminglight Love 1



Retired: PD LT 1L57 | S.W.A.T.  MSGT XD5 

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I'm not good at writing stuff like this but I think you'll understand it.
I wish you well at life as a whole and my dms are always open if you ever need anything. 
I know this doesn't seem like much or alot of work put into this message but I believe you'll get the point of you're a great friend and an amazing leader

  • Gaminglight Love 1


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It was a pleasure and honor serving with you.

It's been a pleasure playing and working with you in this community for the past 9 Years. I've enjoyed getting to know you and I hope we can game together again soon.
I miss the old military RP it was fun fighting there with you and working as officers in Police RP. Your expertise in radio use made this Roleplay Fun and enjoyable. I appreciate your knowledge and Roleplayment on this community alot.
gonna miss your enoying ass

 ( ̄^ ̄ )ゞ( ̄^ ̄ )ゞ( ̄^ ̄ )ゞ

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It's been an honor to have you, both as a commander, command and over all a friend.

I wont lie in saying I didn't know this time was coming... even now reading tearing up as I go through this its hard to believe such a soul existed in just a dumb online game.

your efforts and love for the community will never go unnoticed, Im sure everyone will miss the infamous "angel one-one going 10-8" and just how much you used that damn radio.

no person will ever replace you nor fill the shoes you leave behind, I fear no person ever can. you were and will remain a symbol of hard work in peoples lives, you alone have the power to create that.

knowing you personally through these times has proven to me that regardless of what is thrown your way you will always be the person to solve the problem regardless of the issue.

seeing your writing and hearing your words fall gracefully upon those who listen shows you are and will remain a natural born leader, I personally cant wait to see the first book you create with that head of yours.
(I better get a signed copy btw smh)

so without further banter

1K23 to Angel 11 Direct,

your time here is precious and I refuse to forget the minutes, hours, days we had. but we both know the journey never ends and the road keeps winding, tackle the world for us and show the light that others have lost.

Showing Angel 11 10-7 final call.

Take care and may the winds of change fill your wings...

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My time within Gameinglight has been filled with both overjoyed occasions and of course the occasional turmoil. The countless opportunities given to me by the Command teams is one I will always be grateful for. My time within SCO19 was short lived, but ultimately served as a great foundation to the knowledge I hold now, SWAT was then and is still now a place of acceptance and exceptionalism. The ability to serve under countless leaders such as Chipdail, Techy, Trumpo, and of course yourself is a humbling experience. Even after my separation the opportunity to work with those under you shows the persistence and reliability of your department. 




Aviation fanatic and all things loud

Also some random discord mod  in a far away world

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I thank you for the amazing words however, I would rather have you take them back and for you to come back and keep playing. RIP the greatest RPer I've ever seen.

Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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@Azrael_ from the time I returned to this community about a year and a half ago I have always seen great things from you and I know that you will always continue to prosper in life and I always wish you the best I always hold you in the highest regard of respect you were one of the best roleplay members that I have ever witnessed the amount of skill that you have for radio communication and having the ability to keep a cool head during very high-stress situations it's just astounding to me I'm usually not one to give long speeches but I genuinely wish you the best on the road ahead and I hope you come back to visit us here at police RP until next time my friend...
Johnny Depp Salute GIF

Edited by Ridgeland

Former Lead Admin

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Today was a sad day for many to see you go. You are going to be loved and missed for a very long time I hope to see you around every once in a while to catch up. I remember joining S.W.A.T. and you were the one that really made me enjoy it so much you are the reason I work so hard in the dep and to see you go like this brings a tear to my eye. Wish it didnt have to end like this but as you always say everything good always comes to an end. You helped me with just more then S.W.A.T. and I thank you for that. 


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S.W.A.T. MSGT\S.W.A.T. HFTO\Blaze Family Owner

"Fuck with the Blaze, catch the smoke"



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Damn i go away for like ok maybe way too long but we won’t talk about that AND I COME BACK TO THIS?! no but seriously man thank you for the kind words and i wish i could of spent more time with you on the server, sad to see you go in other words. you will be missed and peacemakers was a fun few missions. o7

PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
ImperialRP Ex Second Sister 〗〖 Ex Seventh Sister 
Staff Ex PoliceRP Senior Admin 〗〖 Ex PoliceRP Senior Event Team 〗〖 Ex Senior Forums Diplomat 〗〖 Ex Support Supervisor 

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Wow, this is a lot. I appreciate everything man. You always provided the server with the best roleplay. It's very saddening to see you go, I really hope you stick around from time to time. We are all going to miss you with that radio!

7 hours ago, Azrael_ said:

Major Scor: Funny man himself.

With all of the effort you pour into this community, it bounces off of others as a domino effect, reaching everyone you work with. Never change Scor.



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Damn, Lost a real one here O7,you probably don’t remember me but I was in swat with you round may 2022 and that was the greatest time I’ve had on gov in a while , I remember your cool codenames and car skin and that’s one part that  motivated me to come back to the server.




Edited by Clover1
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Well, this is truly a an impactful day not just fro S.W.A.T. but for the entire server. Az, you are by far one of the greatest people I have got to be friends with on GL, and I wish our legacy lasted more, then it did. We both know each others story very well, and I know the amount of input you gave for S.W.A.T. and for GL. I salute you Brother, and welcome you to the retired gang. Maybe, just Maybe one day we will all come back to show what we are capable of.

I could keep talking about you infinitely, and would love to. Always waiting for you in DM’s. o7, Lots of love ❤️

P.S: Still never Lose hope in you 

  • Thanks 1

🔵S.W.A.T Commander ChipDail 1K15🔵

“You need to beaware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” – Jim Stovall 

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You inspire people to better themselves at what they do and I have always respected you for that. In my opinion you have been one of the most professional SWAT Commanders, no offense to any of the previous Commanders of SWAT. I wish you the best of luck on your future adventures! It goes without saying that we are all going to miss you, Azrael!

 [Former Ranks] 

PD Sergeant Major

SRT Commander

UMC Manager 

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