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Everything posted by Spection

  1. Spection

    Emergency LOA

    I will be taking a 1 week emergency LOA thank you for understanding
  2. Accepted  Appeal 1. Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  3. Accepted  Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 1 warn
  4. Accepted  Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  5. He has been Senior Admin for over 2 months... In fact, he is our longest Senior Admin. I see him in-game all the time. He has been with the community for about a year. That's pretty darn long. And yeah of course if he was in the community for only a year, he is going to be fewer months in staff.
  6. Name: Spection SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125456051 Current rank: Major How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : 78 Days on the day this was posted Rank Wanted: Colonel How many warns do you have? 12 Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Commissioner Snar, Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob, Deputy Chief Dane, Assistant Chief Matthew Why should you be promoted? : I feel I should be promoted because I understand how PD works. I can answer any question that I am asked regarding PD. Now I understand I am not the most active due to school and after-school activities I participate in. Due to that, I am most active during the weekends. I do get on during the week but just not as long or often. If you were to put me in a scenario, I would know how to properly fix every mistake. Also during the week, I get online late so not many people are able to see me that are from other parts of the world. I deal with a lot of officers and I like to correct them instead of demoting them right away. If an officer walks up to me and asks me a question, rather than walking away or if I am busy, I will answer their question quickly to my best ability. I am very friendly with officers and only get angry at them if they are being disrespectful or if they are abusing. I rarely call PD meetings. If I call a PD meeting, it's for a severe reason and something needs to be changed. It could also be because we just finished a situation and the performance and communication was poor. Otherwise its because I need a lot of people to need to be promoted or I want to massively complement the entire department. If PD is at the bank, I will stand at the door and make sure that PD is setting up the appropriate. If they are not setting up appropriately then I will correct them. I will make sure they are blocking off 1 lane, two lanes if the situation is that major. I will also make sure no officers are rushing in the building. If they do I will properly tell them not to do that ever again, and depending on their rank I will punish them accordingly. I know the map very well. If there was a 10-20 called out on the radio, I know the fastest routes to arriving on the scene and getting there. I know a lot of shortcuts on the map and I am always using them so I can arrive before the situation is over. Additionally, I always find bolos very easily. I just think on every hiding spot there is on the map and go to that place and check around. I am also very good at shooting. If there is an armed gunman in front of me I will take cover and then shoot at him. If I am outnumbered I will ask for backup, then I will call it over the radio. If I am drastically outnumbered then I will make sure to press my panic button. I only press my panic button as a last resort as if nothing else would work or if I am being kidnapped. I don't like to waste other peoples time. I make sure the situation is over before I leave or is taken care of to the best of mine and the other officer's ability. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my application
  7. +Support -Mature -Friendly -Active -Role model a quarter of the time -somewhat useful
  8. Accepted Please speak with me in the Teamspeak ASAP
  9. Accepted Please speak with me in the Teamspeak ASAP
  10. Accepted Please speak with me in the Teamspeak ASAP
  11. Accepted Please speak with me in the Teamspeak ASAP
  12. Spection

    NDSTF App

    Accepted Please speak with me in the Teamspeak ASAP
  13. Accepted Please speak with me in the Teamspeak ASAP
  14. Accepted Please speak with me in the Teamspeak ASAP
  15. Man, I can't imagine how much that must hurt. Hopefully I don't have to get mine removed
  16. Accept Please speak with me in the Teamspeak ASAP
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