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APE Chimpanzee

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  1. Steam Name: APE Chimpanzee Ingame Name: N/A SteamID: STEAM_0:1:88912092 Ban Length: Perma Admin that Banned you: FBI Director Nolan Reason for Ban: Spam of Admin Chat Dispute: To be fair, I don't even remember the ban, I was trying to do a police rp and attempted to join but it didn't go through, stating I had been banned. I was a little kid back then, and I have matured much more now, I'd love to play on gaming light. I beg for the second chance to play a great server, and interact with a great community.
  2. In-Game name: DT MSGT XI2 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:88912092 Rank: MSGT How long have you been in your current rank?: Well technically around a week, but I have been in DT for around a year now. Came out of retirement, was a 1LT. What experiences in leadership do you have?: Was a 1LT Back in October under different Leadership. I have Led DT on multiple servers, along with other Battalions. I have been leading Battalions for around 6-7 years. Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum) Well for one, I think my experience is needed more then ever within DT, as I am pretty vetted when it comes to DT. I was under one of the best DT Commanders that DT had to offer, and I learned a lot from the individual. I created the Tryout Document we use now, and I'd like to implement change on said document to not only make it more difficult, but more intrusive and engaging. I see a lot of flaws that not only I can improve on, but DT as a whole. DT when I am made Officer, will have documents such as: Positioning, Combat, Simulations, Event Logs, PT Documentation, and possibly new Tryout Documentation brought up to the current Vice Commanders and the soon to be Commander for approval. I have multiple documents that I am ready to introduce whenever I am given the chance. I believe I am one of the best and more experienced Officer Candidates has to offer, and I'd like to pursue said role, and throw my hat in the ring for the position of a DT Officer. What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum) Well, I think the fact that I recruited RR7. I am kidding, but I think I stand out more due to the fact that I was retired for nearly 4 months then I decided to come back because I was told that a lot has changed. I stand out not only because of my experience but because of my integrity, respect, maturity, dedication, and most importantly, drive. I am able to fail but keep at it. I see it effective to push forward and pursue a greater version of DT, to potentially overtop the past greatness of former DT Battalions before us. I do not share this vision alone, but I would like to be an Officer to see it through. I believe that DT Stands for greater values then what we stand for currently, and I believe that I am the best person to return us back to those former values. I am ready and dedicated to DT. Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position? Yes. Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion? Yes
  3. Uhh I know I am not meant to reply to my post, but I have never exploited nor do I know how to exploit
  4. Steam Name: APE Chimpanzee SteamID: STEAM_0:1:88912092 Ingame Name: Don't know Ban Length: Perma Admin that Banned you: th3 Reason for Ban: Extended/Perma Dispute: Honestly, don't remember when I was even banned but I'd like to attempt and reconnect with the community, and I find out I am banned. I am on ImperialRP currently as a DT MSGT, so I am not mingey whatsoever towards Gaminglight. Would like to be unbanned to explore new RP experiences within the Gaminglight Community
  5. - Support Whilst it is a good idea, I like the fact that we trying to produce a more ground based division for some SF, but the fact is you have multiple lives, and you don't have to be on SF for ground events.
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