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Everything posted by Ein

  1. If Tyler does not get this position then our society is doomed Massive +Support
  2. DENIED Unfortunately, this resignation has been denied. This could be due to a skill issue, skill issue(s), or just generally having a skill issue. Do not re-resign.
  3. SMT already confirmed this isnt happening but +Support
  4. What are you suggesting? The addition of an actual Ethics Committee (that isn't SMT restricted). Ideally, you'd have 3 jobs related to the Ethics Committee directly: Ethics Committee Chairman (These would likely still be SMT), Ethics Committee Members, and Ethics Committee Assistants. The Ethics Committee would be responsible for updating the Code of Ethics, including making new additions based on the needs of the server (obviously, this would have to get approved by SMT/O5). People would be able to apply for the Ethics Committee, with a SLOT CAP of 6 Ethics Committee Members at any given time and no slot cap on Assistants. Ethics Committee Members: Clearance Level 5 Ethics Committee Assistants: Clearance Level 4 Due to the nature of this being a Level 4 / Level 5 position, I propose the following restrictions: 1. Applicants must have at-least 1 month of experience in a CLEARANCE LEVEL 4 position. 2. Ethics Committee Members appointed by a vote of the Ethics Committee, approved by O5/SMT 3. Ethics Committee Assistants appointed by Ethics Committee Members 4. Any Site-Wide documents/rulings made by the Ethics Committee must be approved by O5/SMT 5. Ethics Committee Members and Assistants are NON-COMBATANTS 6. Ethics Committee Members (Require at-least 2 to agree) may authorize the use of the Alpha/Omega Warhead during a Code Red with approval of a SUPERADMIN+ 7. Ethics Committee Assistant+ may authorize a D-Block Lockdown with approval of an ADMIN+ with a valid RP reason 8. All positions in the Ethics Committee (Incl. Assistants) count as a life. How would this change better the server? It creates a TON of roleplay opportunity. Players being apart of the Ethics Committee allows players to create actual ethical code changes and site-wide policies/documents based on the needs of the server. SMT is a very limited position and not all SMT can be online observing RP and the server at all times. By allowing players into this position, you allow the playerbase to create policy changes as needed. Falling under more roleplay opportunities comes the subject of Tribunals. A Tribunal is meant to be hosted by a member of the Ethics Committee. Unfortunately, due to the nature of SMT's work, Ethics Committee Members are basically never online to do these and as a result D-5 commonly has to fill in. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. Obviously, there is the issue with lending such large amounts of power to the players, however, I believe that by restricting it to people who have had CL4 positions and having members appointed by a vote that the possibility of abuse can be limited significantly. There is of course, a LOT of fine-tuning with this, and specifics will always have to be worked out, but I think the general concept can work. Who would this change mostly benefit? Site Administration. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion N/A
  5. Ein

    Serum's Short End

    I am completely unaware of what happened between you and SMT, but I can tell from what little I have seen is that you've been making a lot of 'dumb' moves without really thinking about them in quick succession. Believe me, I made incredibly stupid moves. I resigned and then came back when I felt that I had worked on those things and could basically 'restart' You came back and immediately made 2 suggestions which were just kind of idiotic in my opinion. Not in the way of 'Oh this suggestion just sucks', but the most prominent example has to be the new D-Block. Trust me, it has its flaws, but you immediately made a suggestion to just completely throw the whole thing out and revert to a prior site not only after it had already been suggested and denied, but without spending more than a few hours on the new map. You also made another suggestion which honestly should've just been put in the security suggestions channel and furthermore you didn't consult your sub-branch head about it. I do not have anything against you Serum, I actually think you were a solid command member and did some good work for the FTO program, but the road to Command / High Command can be very bumpy and I think you should take some time to thoroughly understand your actions. Think before you speak.
  6. What are you suggesting? Make it so that SCPs are unable to open ANY doors by themselves, instead, they must break down the door. This ideally would be based on the strength of the SCP (I.E. SCP-682 would be able to break down doors incredibly easily, while an SCP like 049 would take a few more hits to break down a door). This initially seems to harm the SCPs, but if maintenance hasn't repaired the door yet then it's completely stuck open (making the whole 'door-closing' strategy redundant, and allowing SCPs to secure kills more often) How would this change better the server? 1. It makes Maintenance far more essential to the operations of the site and gives maintenance a lot more to do (This would likely increase maintenance activity ten-fold) 2. It makes securing kills as an SCP a lot easier over time, while also giving MTF a bit of time to create distance and get more damage in before dying to an SCP. 3. It makes an SCP breach far more damaging to the Foundation 4. It prevents the 'door-closing' meta that affects a lot of other games and even to an extent GL, where you just close doors repeatedly and run. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. No maintenance online will result in doors being basically permanently stuck open, allowing easy D-Class escapes. Who would this change mostly benefit? Maintenance, SCPs Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion N/A
  7. At-least on the Alpha-1 side of things, this should not be happening. As Mary said, there are strict rules on using the Defib in Alpha-1. If you've noticed any of our operatives abusing the defib please let us know. We can't do anything unless we see it or have proof.
  8. DO NOT GIVE THIS MAN SENIOR COMMAND. +SUPPORT In all honesty, Matt2 is a pretty solid command member from my experiences with him and while I have unfortunately not gotten the opportunity to talk with him as of recent due to our very different roles, the limited time I had with him when I was a COL/MAJ was pretty good. Best of luck.
  9. WHERE IS THE MODEL UPDATE?? +Support ig
  11. If we keep using the 'semi-serious rp' excuse to justify not expanding the already lack-luster RP, we're never going to get more roleplay in this server. 'Semi-Serious RP' still means there's roleplay, and I don't see how this would be annoying in any way. You shouldn't be referring to somebody as a redacted term in the first place. Additionally, this would only apply to existing redacted terminology (We aren't redacting Nu-7 names and shit, as of current this would really only apply to O5 designations) The 'Semi-Serious' nature is effectively meaning "Roleplay, but you can also fuck around and have your own fun from time-to-time", and right now a large portion of the server seems to think it stands for "TDM, with a pinch of roleplay sprinkled on top", which it isn't. If you think it's going to be annoying that "O5-1 'The Founder'" gets changed to "O5-1 'The Founder'", then you've got bigger problems to worry about.
  12. What are you suggesting? To redact certain names / parts on names when on specific jobs (I.E. if a Junior Researcher or a Security Sergeant were to look at an O5's name, it would look like O5-1 'The Founder', while if an A-1 were to look at the name, it would look like O5-1 'The Founder'.) Of course, players on the Admin Job would be able to see everyones regular names without the redaction for obvious reasons. How would this change better the server? Creates an actual system of redaction for the server, which can be more immersive and prevents newer players and people who shouldn't know personnel's names from accidentally saying 'O5-1' because there's no official documentation on redacted terms in the server. This also opens up a lot more opportunity for actually redacting branches, names, and other stuff and whatnot. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. Would probably require some major changes to the job system and sounds like a bit of a coding nightmare. Who would this change mostly benefit? SF's and Redacted Personnel Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion N/A
  13. What are you suggesting? Remodeling/Retexturing the Keycards with a more modern design, as well as adding the players name and their job (I.E. the Keycard of Nu-7 PVT Bill would display 'Nu-7 PVT Bill' on the Keycard) Along with this should come a new rule change, the ability for Keycards to additionally function as I.D's (the exception to this would be SF's with redacted names, such as D4 and A-1 and whatnot, who would instead do the /me shows Site I.D. thing) How would this change better the server? Removes the annoying requirement for ALL personnel at the Nu-7 CP (excluding LVL 4) to show their Site I.D., many of whom don't understand and try to do something like /showid or anything similar. Additionally, it'll bring a little more of a modern look to the server instead of the rather bland CB keycard designs. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Genuinely do not know outside of it taking time to retexture the keycards. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Literally everyone. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  14. +/- Support (Leaning +) All of these weapons are easily accessible from the armory, and this makes MC&D a redundant class. There is no reason to make deals and sell things to people and actually attempt to make a profit or anything because both the current and proposed weapons suck. Instead, a new idea, give MC&D the ability to sell branch exclusive weapons (Freedom SR, Volk, Minimi Para, ETC) for a MUCH larger price (likely several million) "BUT EIN, IF YOU CAN JUST BUY THE GUN FROM MC&D, WHY SHOULD I JOIN AN SF??? AND CANT MC&D JUST RUN AROUND GUNNING DOWN FOUNDATION WITH SF GUNS?" This gives people a chance to experience these weapons without having to spend months in an MTF branch earning reputation and experience to get access to an SF job. I understand that SF's are meant to be exclusive and have lots of privilege and whatnot, but there is no way to make MC&D an actually viable class in the server without giving it a special element, in this case, the ability to sell branch-exclusive weapons. Additionally, MC&D should be non-combatants, so no running and gunning in the foundation, and perhaps a cooldown for selling the guns? Who knows. In my opinion, the following weapons should be sellable: tfa_ins2_codol_free tfa_ins2_volk weapon_ethereal dan_mg34 iw_erad and perhaps some other guns in the Infinite Warfare weapons pack, but this is just a proposal.
  15. What are you suggesting: 1. Move the "reception" area / building with all the desks to the very front of the gate, and add a window to speak through. This should help enhance roleplay and allow for a more secure channel for civilians and foundation to converse. 2. Add 2 doors. One regular fence door (keycard locked) and a larger "vehicle" door (also keycard locked). To the front gate. This will stop civilians just wandering into the base. 3. Add a watchtower (or 2) for sniping and long range observations. 4. Add a keycard lock to the "armory" room in the reception building and put an actual armory in there. Disadvantages: Development time. Who would this benefit: All branches involved with any kind of Surface Operation. Additional Notes: N/A
  16. What are you suggesting: Separate the Level 5 wing from the rest of the site via an elevator. This elevator would have no keycard level, however would lead into a "lobby" / waiting room type area with a level 4 door lock. This area would house A-1 bunks, KH, Site Admin offices, its own electrical center (For Tesla gates), and an Interrogation room. How would this change the server: Creates a new unique area for Site Administration/Site Command and A-1. Would also have many different combat implications (Imagine a C.I. raid all charging out of the elevator, with firing lines and whatnot.) and gives a dedicated area for high level interrogations and cells for high-ranking captured personnel (such as Delta Command) Disadvantages: Development time. Who would this benefit: Site Administration/Site Command, Alpha-1, all SF's. Additional Notes: N/A
  17. You are the spearhead, the mighty arrow of our bow, piercing deep into the Foundation's enemies, and annihilating all those who seek to harm us. However, you are meant for so much more than that, Director. Look forward, for the life you have led thus far is behind you. You are returned to the quiver on this day, HexG. - Captain Odysseus Alpha-1 Operational Command
  18. "You are the shield. Scuffed as you may be, you wear your battle scars with pride. Keeping the Foundation safe from all that seeks to harm us, you are the mighty sheet of steel that lies between a great Foundation.. and oblivion. However, you are meant for so much more than accumulating those battle scars, Major. Look forward, for the life you have led thus far is behind you." - Captain Odysseus
  19. What are you suggesting? Remove the "Weapon Inspection" that happens whenever you press R on the CS:GO (and some D5) weapons. I cannot tell you how many times I have died because I have attempted to unsafety my weapon (which is required to be on safety due to CoE) and my gun went into an inspection animation and I was unable to shoot. How would this change better the server? Makes CS:GO weapons actually viable in combat. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. N/A Who would this change mostly benefit? Anybody equipped with a CS:GO weapon Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion
  20. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MENTION!!!!! ly suwaa
  21. +Support but it might not be possible or too time consuming My honest reaction when I shoot a 50 caliber sniper rifle at somebody and it deals 85 damage because I magically hit their arm while firing at their torso, or when I unloaded a magazine into a C.I. and deal 150 damage in 13 hits and they kill me with 250 damage in 8 hits. The only issue is that a suggestion like this was brought up before (universal hitboxes) and was denied because it would be far too time-consuming going through each model. If SMT is willing to take the time though I would absolutely fucking love to see this.
  22. What are you suggesting? That samples of SCP-939 are able to create actual usable amnestics (In lore, SCP-939 is used to create amnestics "AMN-C227"). The idea is simple, you collect SCP-939 samples (maybe like 2 or 3), and you are able to create Class-A (perhaps you could use the elixir inventory to store it?) Upon applying Amnestics to somebody (perhaps through some sort of injection gun or syringe), their vision gets blurry for about 3 seconds, and a "/it" is put in chat that says something along the lines of "You feel like you can't remember anything that's happened in the last 6 hours" (doesn't have to be specifically that). The following branches should have access to amnestics: - Medical - Research - All SF's (G9, HTF, A1, D4) - Site Administration / Site Command (obviously) - Security Wardens (For Interrogations) - Delta-5 Internal Affairs (For Interrogations) How would this change better the server? Adds a lot more RP to applying amnestics. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. Complications with site-wide amnesticization (but this seems like just a few rule clarifications) Who would this change mostly benefit? Research, Medical, Wardens, Internal Affairs, Level 4+ Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion N/A
  23. This is exactly right. Security as a branch was literaly dying on Site-13 because of the D-Block structure. My suggestion says that the reason people dont like the map or many other updates initially is because they arent as polished as they should be. The new map is great, but it’s not polished for the best experience (and to be honest, this isnt entirely the maps fault, it’s d-class cc’s.) Site-23 is awesome and its a step in the right direction, going back now would be ridiculous.
  24. WHERE TF IS MY MENTION RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH But honestly, you gave me the best advice and information I ever could need on this server. I'm thankful for you guiding me along the road of command, regardless of the bumps on that path. You're the guy who humbled me. See you on the other side mate.
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