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Everything posted by Ein

  1. +Support Weren’t you the guy who said he dismembered and ate a Warden in site comms back on Site-50? Anyways, your experience looks good and while I haven’t interacted with you much, you seem to have the skills necessary to be an officer in A-1. Best of luck!
  2. -Support I have to agree with Pills and Ignis here, I love high TTK because it incentivizes strategy and gives every weapon a chance to shine now (I'm hoping this will give shotguns some much needed new light in the meta of M16A4's, F2000's, and FG-42's)
  3. I've changed this to an Officer application as the Commanders have been picked. However I will not be changing the answers. My original application will remain up to remain as transparent as possible and to not downplay any opinions & criticism put on that post, however, I have rewritten this to be a little more clear and hopefully clear up some of the controversy surrounding me. LINK TO ORIGINAL APPLICATION: 1. Name Ein (Also go by "Everett Wagner", "Simon Wolffe", and "Darren Marauder") 2 Current and former RP ranks [Current] MTF Delta-5 1LT, Chief Advisor (CMD), Senior Raptor Operative, Research Administrator, Head of the Mental Anomalies Division, Professor (RRA HCMD) [Former] Security Colonel & Major, Head of Wardens & Deputy Head of Wardens, Juggernaut Enforcer (CMD), RRH Guardian, MTF Nu-7 JFE & LCPL, MTF E-11 RCT, C.I. LCPL Note: I'm aware I have 2 lives already, if I got this position I would resign from one of my positions. 3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:440507902 4. DiscordID: ein#0001 5. What position are you applying for?(CMDR/LTCOM): LTCOM 6. Why do you want to be an officer? First of all, I’ve had a controversial history on the server. I’ve done a lot of dumb shit in the past, and this is most prominent with D5 CMD/HCMD, and also Site Admin. I used to talk a lot of shit about these people, and I won’t deny it, I even was worried that Ozzie getting DoTF would be the downfall of Wardens (my love child in Security), but there’s one thing that makes me different than some previous Security CMD who’ve faced similar “downfalls” And that’s my willingness to change and learn. My server reputation is kind of in the gutter right now, and it’s almost entirely my fault. Security has a reputation for being considered the “worst” branch by many people, whether it’s dying to D-Class or their bias against X, Y, and Z. I don’t believe I’m the best candidate by any means, but I do intend to shoot my shot at it. Now, with regards to my actual experiences as a member of command. I’ve been a member of command for 10 out of the 12 months I’ve been on this server, primarily in Security but more recently in Research, and I’ve been Sub-Branch HCMD for probably 8 of those months. I did a ton of shit in my time as the Head of Wardens (and now DHWD). Despite my prior comments about Gamehunter (Which I’ve since moved on from), I still enjoyed my time working with the man and cooperating with the endless amount of Legates I’ve worked under and Praefact’s I’ve worked with (Ezekiel, PlantBruh, Ven, Marthan, Zboz, Pork Rind). In my time I have strived for an extensive amount of things. I've worked on an incomprehensible amount of projects, both ones that have been implemented to the server, ones that are still under discussion, and ones that were thrown out. However, I think the most important aspect of these experiences is my work ethic. I will work tirelessly to ensure that the branches and sub-branches I command are the best they can possibly be. I am pretty much always available, constantly offering to allow people to ignore the CoC and go directly to me for questions. Additionally, I spend hours and hours for days on end proposing new ideas, writing new documents, and leading my Wardens (and Security) to enjoy their time on the server. But I don't only focus on the combat aspect of things. I have been fighting for more roleplay on this server since I became a member of Security Command (and now Research CMD). I constantly am organizing GENSEC and Wardens to stray away from the traditional "Sit in D-Block Intersection and do nothing" playstyle because I believe nobody enjoys, whether you're a d-class or a member of GENSEC. I also recognize my limitations and flaws, and it's part of the reason that I'm revising this application, it's to acknowledge them in accordance with the concerns brought up by people like Gamehunter and Kiwi. I've never run a full branch before, but I always see this as an opportunity to grow, learn, and improve. This is an opportunity for me to re-build some lost bonds with the people that I've ruined relationships with in the past (Jrshafer, Gamehunter, and some others). A person will always make mistakes and will never know how to run a branch until they're actively doing it, just like me. I've made dumb decisions in the past and I paid the price for it (in the form of not getting DHOS), but I've learned from these experiences and I joke about them now because I've moved on and changed. This is why I'm applying for LTCOM instead of CMDR, I wish to learn the ropes before I make another big jump. I constantly advocate for promotions of some underrecognized people in SCMD meetings and fight tooth and nail to just give somebody the chance to shine, so I hope this same philosophy will apply when the choices are made on who becomes A-1 CMD/HCMD. 7. What makes you competent to be an officer? Communication I am one of the first to communicate when it comes to ideas and concepts, particularly regarding Wardens, but also with the things I’ve worked on outside of Wardens as-well. I constantly mention to both Wardens and regular Security that they are free to ignore the CoC and come directly to me with questions and I will answer them as soon as I can, and I intend to continue this same policy as a member of A-1 CMD/HCMD. Additionally, with regards to communication I typically always respond within 2-3 hours, even if it’s as simple as “I’ll get back to you later”. Communication, and a lack of it can be an incredibly frustrating thing, and I’ve experienced it myself and it’s the reason I don’t wish to be somebody who doesn’t respond for days on a proposal. Work Ethic I strive to always find a way to improve myself, or whatever branch I am command in whether it be through writing new documents that clarify confusing things (Such as the recent Wardens SOP rewrite and SCP Containment Guide rewrite, which I wrote with the intention of making it easier for enlisted and other people to get the same information in a less “overwhelming” manner.), and Alpha-1 would be no exception. I’m one of those people who will stay up until 2 AM writing documents (regardless of if it’s a healthy decision or not), and will constantly make changes using feedback provided by either my fellow Sub-Branch HCMD or other personnel. Unbiasedness Everybody certainly has some bias, and I don't hesitate to admit that I do have my own biases towards Security and Wardens, so why am I making a section about being unbiased? Because I don't let it affect my job (at-least anymore), I don't hesitate to swiftly crack down on people branch dissing or acting out of line, regardless of how close they are to me or their rank. Whether it's a OFC or a 1LT, I always do my best to keep people following the MoTD and SOP, and more recently have been cracking down specifically regarding branch diss and toxicity towards other branches. I try to remain as open-minded as possible when I'm considering an issue, and I try to address these concerns to the best of my ability when making certain suggestions (such as the D-Block Airlock Suggestion, where I do my best to look out for D-Class by considering and providing possible get-arounds to such a controversial change, such as alternative routes or being able to hack it open). As much as I love Wardens and Security, I will not hesitate to knock people back into line if they're stepping out of it. Willingness to Change & take Criticism I think probably the most important aspect I have, above my Work Ethic, Communication, and any other skills is the fact that I am willing to take criticism and feedback, in-fact I strongly encourage it. I repeatedly ask for criticism and feedback of my person and tell both Wardens HCMD and Security CMD to keep me in line if I'm doing dumb shit (and I've mentioned this as early as last November). A more recent example of this is me when I reached out to Kiwi yesterday regarding his concerns over my application, and to quote "One of the more biased and immature members of command I've seen, very active but lacking leadership skills or overall having an open mind." I spoke to Kiwi in DMs and asked for criticism in feedback, of which he gave plenty and provided concerns not just regarding myself, but Security at large and which I intend to address over the coming weeks and months. I understand that being open to feedback and criticism is a crucial part of being Branch HCMD, and I'm trying to be as open and transparent as possible by writing a new post instead of editing my old one to keep the original feedback present. Leadership Many of the above aspects all fall into this category, but I'd like to place this here from my original application. A lot of my skills are best presented through Wardens, but I'd like to first take a look at the Security aspect of things. I provide reasonable leadership, being forgiving yet strict and always making sure to intervene when necessary. As a member of Senior Command, I've constantly rallied my Security in-game to take back D-Block or organizing them against C.I., and regardless of if we win or not, I am always patting security on the back and looking at the positives instead of the negatives, but this doesn't mean I don't crack down when necessary. I despise when people insult other branches because I don't think many people realize how important Medical or MTF truly is, and I will always not hesitate to pull somebody aside, or issue strikes and any other form of punishment for acting out of line. (Originally from LTCOM Application) 8. How do you plan on running the branch? I intend to run Alpha-1 with a focus around roleplay and professionalism. I constantly strive to make my Wardens both professional and to get them out of D-Block, and I intend to use this same philosophy here. I want to focus on setting up checkpoints, I.D. checking, and making an endless amount of passive RP scenarios that would make A-1 feel "alive" to both new players and members. I hate how a lot of the server is centered around combat, and I intend to integrate roleplay into our combat scenarios. Instead of immediately gunning down someone for saying "RRH", I intend to work with other branches, calling an AOS and asking for assistance from Security and getting peacekeepers online. With regards to the professionalism aspect, I intend to ensure that all members of A-1 follow orders and are respectful, even while CMD isn't online. I feel like its important to enforce the idea that being a member of A-1 is a privilege and not a right. I want A-1 to be a respected and prestigious sub-branch that is known for it, and sets an example for new players, Security, MTF, or anybody else. Lastly, I intend to give people a shot. Like I said at the start of this application, I fight tooth and nail to give people who may not be in the spotlight a chance to shine as members of CMD, whether it's in sub-branches or in regular CMD, and I intend to utilize the same philosophy here. I've always recognized potential in people and it's gotten them far (such as my decision to appoint Marthan to Wardens HCMD instead of a more "obvious" choice). I will always give somebody a chance to shine, but I also intend to be there to knock them into line every step of the way. 9. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches? Through constant availability. The best way to communicate and respond to anything is to always be available, and I am offering that as a member of A-1 HCMD. I'm a person who hates getting left on "read" or ignored when I issue a new proposal, and I think anybody who's been sub-branch HCMD or HCMD and faced a similar issue would be dissatisfied too. Being able to immediately respond to an incident, along with being able to immediately communicate for any possible changes, proposals, or getting approval for branch updates is an incredibly large factor. Additionally, I intend to constantly communicate pro-actively with MTF HCMD regarding any proposals and ideas of my / our own. I think the best possible way to build relationships and communication is to be pro-active and transparent with ideas, concepts, and anything of the sort with fellow HCMD both in MTF and outside of it, and this is a policy I intend to pursue if I do get this position. Additionally, I intend to utilize all of the Foundation's resources in A-1's operations. As I mentioned in the previous question, instead of gunning down people for saying Redacted terms, I could get Security Peacekeepers to flag up to arrest the subject. I wish to incorporate roleplay, while also setting an example for fellow MTF in the same ways I mentioned in the previous question. Please feel free to leave any feedback or criticism, whether it be under this post or in my dms (ein#0001)
  4. I want to try and clear some things up here (to the best of my ability). I was under the impression that we had moved past this (at-least from my interactions with you post-resignation). In my resignation post a while back I stated. "I know we don't really like eachother, but this is my formal apology. I don't really give a shit about anything you've said in the past anymore, I haven't for a while. I was probably overreacting and in a bit of a mood when I sent those messages, you did some good work for Wardens." - My Resignation Post I know this probably wasn't the best apology of all time, but I assure you I meant it. This also took place 6+ months ago if I remember correctly. In the months since I had stopped caring, I consistently attempted to improve relations with MTF and consistently complimented them for good work, and more recently I got in contact with Shadows to clear some things up. I don't mean to justify the things I said in the past, but I've tried to clarify that I'm working to move past these issues, one of which is through acknowledging this in my application. "I've made dumb decisions in the past and I paid the price for it (in the form of not getting DHOS), but I've learned from these experiences and I joke about them now because I've moved on and changed." Feel free to dm me with any concerns, I'd like to hear about any issues you have with me so that I can work on them. I'll dm you because I want to clear things up and know how I can improve.
  5. What are you suggesting? Any custom class equipped with a cloaking swep, including GENSEC/MTF CC's (nerfed or not) should be permanently banned from entering D-Block under any and all codes (Partial, Full, Hands-up, etc) Cloaking in D-Block has always been a controversial topic, and currently we've restricted the 2 Foundation cloaking classes (Zeta-6 and Exspira) to only being able to enter on Partial Lockdown, and these classes only have 150/150. Custom classes on the other hand spawn with 200/200, and with a variety of weapons including sniper rifles, assault rifles, and literally anyone weapon you need to fight d-class. What this essentially means it is going to be essentially impossible for D-Class to riot, including CC's, now that anybody can just give $400 and get a cloaking device on their CC. A custom class with the ability to cloak literally invalidates any reason to get Exspira because instead of "Oh, I'll have to work hard, be active, and get handpicked by Wardens HCMD to get this super special elite job!", it's now "Oh, I can just wait for a slot on a CC with a cloaking device and pay $30 to get a class that is even better than Exspira" There is now literally 0 reason to play on Exspira or Zeta-6. How would this change better the server? Prevents D-Class from getting gunned down by a cloaker with 200/200 because he paid $30 to get a slot. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. CC owners would probably not be happy Who would this change mostly benefit? D-Class Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion N/A
  6. Massive +Support This guy is so unbelievably qualified it’s just blatantly unfair for the rest of the applicants
  7. +SUPPORT I read this application a while ago and I just had to come back to express my opinion. Honestly, this is probably the biggest "+Support" I have ever given. This guy seems like an incredible dude to work with, while I have never had the luxury of really interacting with this person, combining both previous HCMD experience with the integration of roleplay and the creation of characters is an idea I absolutely fucking love. I have tried to create some characters and world-building via changing my name in various branches (Security Major "Everett Wagner", Research Manager "Simon Wolffe", etc). I feel like this is exactly what A-1 would be in a real Foundation and I would love to see this come to life. This application is amazing, and clearly a lot of thought was put into the wording of this application. I genuinely think this may be one of the best picks for LTCOM.
  8. I've put up a new application, this is far outdated. 1. Name: Ein (Also go by "Everett Wagner", "Simon Wolffe", and "Darren Marauder") 2. Current and former RP ranks [Current] Security Major, Deputy Head of Wardens, Research Manager, Head of the Mental Anomalies Division, C.I. LCPL [Former] Security Colonel, Head of Wardens, Juggernaut Enforcer (CMD), RRH Guardian, MTF Nu-7 JFE & LCPL, MTF D-5 IRO & SGT, MTF E-11 RCT Note: I'm aware I have 2 lives already, if I got this position I would resign from one of my positions. 3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:440507902 4. DiscordID: ein#0001 5. What position are you applying for?(CMDR/LTCOM) LTCOM 6. Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the Commander position? I'd like to start off with my extensive experiences in being HCMD in sub-branches. I did quite a bit in my time as the Head of Wardens (and now DHWD). I've been Sub-Branch HCMD for a period of about 6-7 months now in the Wardens sub-branch, and in this time I have strived for an extensive amount of things. I've worked on a variety of projects and pushed for an endless amount of things. However, I think the most important aspect of these experiences is my work ethic. I will work tirelessly to ensure that the branches and sub-branches I command are the best they can possibly be. I am pretty much always available, constantly offering to allow people to ignore the CoC and go directly to me for questions. Additionally, I spend hours and hours for days on end proposing new ideas, writing new documents, and leading my Wardens (and Security) to enjoy their time on the server. But I don't only focus on the combat aspect of things. I have been fighting for more roleplay on this server since I became a member of Security Command (and now Research CMD). I constantly am organizing GENSEC and Wardens to stray away from the traditional "Sit in D-Block Intersection and do nothing" playstyle because I believe nobody enjoys, whether you're a d-class or a member of GENSEC. But I also recognize my limitations and flaws. I've never run a full branch before, but I always see this as an opportunity to grow, learn, and improve. A person will always make mistakes and will never know how to run a branch until they're actively doing it, just like me. I've made dumb decisions in the past and I paid the price for it (in the form of not getting DHOS), but I've learned from these experiences and I joke about them now because I've moved on and changed. This is why I'm applying for LTCOM instead of CMDR, I wish to learn the ropes before I make another big jump. I constantly advocate for promotions of some underrecognized people in SCMD meetings and fight tooth and nail to just give somebody the chance to shine, so I hope this same philosophy will apply when the choices are made on who becomes A-1 CMD/HCMD. 7. What specific skills and qualities do you possess that make you competent enough to run the branch? I'll organize this into 2 specific skills Dedication - I think I have demonstrated this best through Wardens, I work tirelessly, sometimes staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning to get something as simple as a proposal done. I constantly rewrite documents, propose new changes, and overall work to ensure that Wardens is an enjoyable yet player-friendly sub-branch. Most recently, as of current, I've been working on 3 Document rewrites that are directly related to Wardens, and I intend to carry this same level of dedication to A-1. On top of all of this, I'm pretty much always available. I am constantly informing Wardens and Security "Always feel free to dm me, I'll pretty much always get to you within 2-3 hours." and I most certainly never read anybody on read. Leadership - A lot of my skills are best presented through Wardens, but I'd like to first take a look at the Security aspect of things. I provide reasonable leadership, being forgiving yet strict and always making sure to intervene when necessary. As a member of Senior Command, I've constantly rallied my Security in-game to take back D-Block or organizing them against C.I., and regardless of if we win or not, I am always patting security on the back and looking at the positives instead of the negatives, but this doesn't mean I don't crack down when necessary. I despise when people insult other branches because I don't think many people realize how important Medical or MTF truly is, and I will always not hesitate to pull somebody aside, or issue strikes and any other form of punishment for acting out of line. 8. How do you plan on running the branch? I intend to run Alpha-1 with a focus around roleplay and professionalism. I constantly strive to make my Wardens both professional and to get them out of D-Block, and I intend to use this same philosophy here. I want to focus on setting up checkpoints, I.D. checking, and making an endless amount of passive RP scenarios that would make A-1 feel "alive" to both new players and members. I hate how a lot of the server is centered around combat, and I intend to integrate roleplay into our combat scenarios. Instead of immediately gunning down someone for saying "RRH", I intend to work with other branches, calling an AOS and asking for assistance from Security and getting peacekeepers online. With regards to the professionalism aspect, I intend to ensure that all members of A-1 follow orders and are respectful, even while CMD isn't online. I feel like its important to enforce the idea that being a member of A-1 is a privilege and not a right. I want A-1 to be a respected and prestigious sub-branch that is known for it, and sets an example for new players, Security, MTF, or anybody else. Lastly, I intend to give people a shot. Like I said at the start of this application, I fight tooth and nail to give people who may not be in the spotlight a chance to shine as members of CMD, whether it's in sub-branches or in regular CMD, and I intend to utilize the same philosophy here. I've always recognized potential in people and it's gotten them far (such as my decision to appoint Marthan to Wardens HCMD instead of a more "obvious" choice). I will always give somebody a chance to shine, but I also intend to be there to knock them into line every step of the way. 9. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches? Through constant availability. The best way to communicate and respond to anything is to always be available, and I am offering that as a member of A-1 HCMD. I'm a person who hates getting left on "read" or ignored when I issue a new proposal, and I think anybody who's been sub-branch HCMD or HCMD and faced a similar issue would be dissatisfied too. Being able to immediately respond to an incident, along with being able to immediately communicate for any possible changes, proposals, or getting approval for branch updates is an incredibly large factor, but there's more than just that. I intend to utilize all of the Foundation's resources in A-1's operations. As I mentioned in the previous question, instead of gunning down people for saying Redacted terms, I could get Security Peacekeepers to flag up to arrest the subject for an interrogation, and utilizing the full expanse of the foundation's resources. I feel that some features, responsibilities, and equipment would "undermine" the duties of some branches, and I intend to ensure that all branches play a part in A-1's operations so that A-1 doesn't feel like an isolated group of people, but as "all-encompassing", in a similar manner to having Guardians, Logistics, and Analysts.
  9. I think you misunderstood a few things, and maybe thats because I wrote the suggestion at 1 AM and should’ve been more clear. We cant send GENSEC on patrols because D-Block is too difficult to permanently secure. Killing 1-2 D-Class is easy, but remember that D-Class have no NLR, CC’s have 1 minute, and most jobs spawn with guns. No matter how many barricades you add, D-Block is so large that its easy for D-Class to snipe you from a corner before you can react. What this essentially means is that GENSEC is always on their toes and never gets a grace period between riots. Patrols are impossible because whole yes, securing D-Block is easy, but removing even 1 person from D-Block will typically compromise the security of D-Block. We do have MTF in the intersection who could move in, but them they could make the argument of “If GENSEC has the numbers to leave D-Block, why are we needed?” Additionally, there shouldn’t BE anyone in intersection. Intersection should be a place to pass through and not where 8 different combatants and medics sit. We also use protocols a ton, Partial Lockdown is used pretty much hourly to be entirely honest with you. But even if we didn’t, we shouldn’t have to call partial every 30 minutes, it is far too easy for D-Class to riot in D-Block and overtake it, but it is also far too easy for MTF to hold intersection and ruin any chance of a D-Class escape. Im typing this on my phone while at work so once again, I might’ve not phrased things as well as I should have, I’ll probably get to making a more proper response if I don’t forget.
  10. This isn't the point of the suggestion. The point of the suggestion is to get something added that will allow Security to do their jobs. By effectively putting a "cooldown" on rioting, or extremely limiting it (via the airlock), not only does it make riot events more fun (and it justifies giving d-class bigger and better guns), but it allows GENSEC that grace period to do its job (Patrolling, Stationing people, etc) and get people out of D-Block. The overall point of the suggestion is "Get GENSEC out of D-Block", and this is currently the only way of doing so without enforcing a hard riot "cooldown" which would be difficult to enforce and annoying for D-Class.
  11. I agree with the issue of SF's sitting at the exit of D-Block (or literally any combatant group just sitting in D-Block intersection). I've constantly been pushing to get Wardens and GENSEC out of the Intersection and on patrols more often because I hate seeing people sitting in intersection. I recognize how unfun it is for both D-Class and MTF. It falls in line with the issue of the entire server being centered around LCZ. SCPs are always trying to get to LCZ, CI raids are always going for LCZ, etc etc. As biased as D-Block is towards Security, we still don't have the ability to do our jobs.
  12. GENSEC has 345 members but none of them are ever online. GENSEC doesn't do activity requirements / activity purges (Which is why we have a bulk of SM's but you never see them online). Some of our people haven't been promoted since August last year (over 150 days without a promotion) because they're never online.
  13. What are you suggesting? First of all, before I go on with this suggestion, I ask that you read the ENTIRETY of this suggestion because this is of course, going to be controversial and every d-class main is going to immediately -support this with "gensec coping fr....." So why do we need an Airlock? Because GENSEC as a branch is dying Yeah, I said it. Security right now is probably in one of the worst states in terms of activity that we've been in since I joined the server last year. Almost nobody is on, PT's and Off-meetings are few and far-between, and most of all, GENSEC can never leave D-Block. GENSEC is pretty much stuck in d-block 100% of the time. There has not been a SINGLE security patrol in the last 4 months, and that is not an exaggeration by any means. Nobody has been stationed, no NCO's have taken enlisted to HCZ, everybody sits in D-Block. Sitting in D-Block is incredibly boring, literally everybody agrees on this. We hear people constantly talk about "GENSEC is boring to play it's just sitting in D-Block all day", and you're not wrong, it wasn't always like this. Back on Site-50, GENSEC left D-Block all the time and patrols were incredibly common. I personally as an NCO stationed people all the time at the Medical Bay and whatnot, yet when the map changed, we seemed to lose all of our patrols. So why did we lose all of our patrols? Because GENSEC is now always in combat. There is no grace period where GENSEC can just relax and go on a patrol without worrying "is a D-Class about to snipe me from the back corner of D-Block?" or "If I leave D-Block is it going to go completely to shit?" Everybody has to be on their toes constantly because slipping up for even a second will result in the poor GENSEC OFC who joined the server 45 minutes ago getting insta-killed and have to wait for 2 minutes to leave bunks. Back on Site-50, there was little room for a D-Class to hide behind a corner and cuck you because there were only 2 viable spots (outside of LDB) which could be easily countered by placing a sniper in the tower, and it was a fun gameplay loop for GENSEC and D-Class where one would snipe from the bar, and because it was much more difficult to sneak-up on GENSEC, which gave security the opportunity to go on patrols throughout LCZ and even HCZ sometimes. Back on Site-50, MTF didn't sit outside of D-Block nearly as much as they do now because they didn't need to, GENSEC could handle it for the most part and they only really came down if it was obvious we were having trouble. Nowadays, we have an issue with people sitting in the D-Block intersection which is also annoying for D-Class because it's an incredibly long corridor where they can get immediately sniped and have little counter-play. Escaping D-Block is simultaneously easier and more difficult. Security also has the unfortunate issue of having to go through D-Block in order to leave their spawn. The only exits to Security bunks are through D-Block, either near the medical area inside of D-Block or through the catwalk, meaning that GENSEC has no ability to really "push in" to D-Block because D-Class can always see them coming and there's no ability to really coordinate a push into D-Block without forcing GENSEC to group up outside of D-Block (where they will inevitably be caught up in combat and probably die) Essentially what this means is that SECURITY CANT DO THEIR JOBS. We want to go on patrols, and we want to station people. I and many others talk about it all the time in both Command and amongst the Enlisted, but it simply isn't possible because removing even 1 person from D-Block now compromises the security of the entirety of D-Block, and gives D-Class the perfect opportunity to snipe the poor guy sitting on the barricade and charging with mobsters, cc's, and whatever the hell else. If D-Block can be secure more often without the constant threat of a mass d-class escape, then MTF can also focus on handling SCPs and CI as opposed to being forced to sit in D-Block intersection because Security will inevitably die. So how do we fix this? We force D-Class to go through an airlock of some sort. Of course, there should be some way to get past this, such as hacking the airlock open and being able to keep it open for an extended period of time, but this gives GENSEC the opportunity to do its job and go on patrols without the issue of compromising the Security of D-Block. This also makes it easier on new players. 1 problem that causes new players to leave is they'll join the server during a partial lockdown, not understand what it means, get killed a bunch of times, and leave because "this is boring/unfun", and this happens among an extensive amount of people from what I've seen (at-least the ones who even know how to type in chat). How would this change better the server? 1. It allows Security to do their jobs. Instead of having to sit in D-Block all day, it gives us the opportunity to actually patrol the site and make sure things are secure. After all, this is the Security Department. It's in the naem. 2. It allows MTF to focus on containing SCPs and not have to sit outside of d-block. MTF can patrol HCZ and spend more time setting up checkpoints and managing the security of HCZ/EZ as compared to having 4-5 MTF sitting outside of D-Block incase GENSEC falls apart (because it typically does) 3. It allows Researchers to grab D-Class without fearing "Am I going to get immediately gunned down when I try to grab a d-class?" 4. It allows D-Class who actually want to ROLEPLAY and aren't exactly interested in the "SCP-TDM" that we have set up to actually go through a testing line without the worry of "Oh boy, a D-Class CC is going to snipe right behind me and I'm probably going to get crossfired and die." Most importantly, it will inevitably BRING MORE ROLEPLAY to this "SCP-RP" server Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. D-Class Mains, and D-Class in general will probably be unhappy with the increased difficulty in rioting. This would also take a FUCK TON OF A TIME for SMT. However, I think this change is worthy enough to bring up because failure to address this problem will likely bring the complete death of Security as a branch. Who would this change mostly benefit? Security, MTF, Research Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion This is a 1 AM suggestion, so I may have not been as clear or used the correct wording in some places. I'd appreciate feedback where possible so perhaps I could make some edits to this.
  14. What are you suggesting? Instead of having multiple different variations of the same gun (I.E. how we have 2 MP5's, and 2 UMP's), just have one version of the gun (and replace these guns with some better add-ons). How would this change better the server? It removes some unnecessary add-ons, we don't need 2 different UMP's and MP5's because it just kinda doesn't make sense. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. My only concern is server performance, however I think this would actually be a fair trade-off, a better looking and sounding gun to replace 2 versions of the same gun would either improve server performance or not effect it at all (especially with the recent optimizations) Who would this change mostly benefit? Combatant Branches?? Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion Replace the 2 MP5's with this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2720150203 or https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2324064500 Replace the HK-416 with this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2731505876 Some other suggestions for guns Replace Beretta with: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1304932254
  15. - Support > change happens > “guys this shit SUCKS go back to the old method” > suggestion is made to revert the change > nobody cares about the change a week later this happened with d block and the HUD aswell.
  16. from: Research Assistant Manager Simon Wolffe <[email protected]> to: Junior Researcher Weeb <[email protected]> Subject: Test Log Grade Good afternoon, Junior Researcher. We greatly apologize for the delay in the grade of your test log, your grade is attached below Now Viewing: RESGRADE-KIRBEE-079-1.pdf Formatting: 25/25 I love the format, there's a good amount of color in the log and it provides a balanced contrast with the black background. My only recommendation would be to use a table to put an outline around the audio log, but I won't be taking points off Grammar and punctuation: 25/25 No issues with grammar or punctuation. Idea: 25/25 I actually love this idea, plugging a virus into 079 to test its effects is an idea I probably wouldn't have thought of, and it works incredibly well. Great work on this part. Quality & Originality: 25/25 I actually love this test, the reaction from 079 is great to see, and I think that the language used by 079 is fairly realistic / consistent with other audio / interview logs of 079 on the wiki. This is also an entirely original test from what I know. Total: 100/100 Great work, I'm excited to see more of you. Kind regards, Simon Wolffe
  17. from: Research Assistant Manager Simon Wolffe <[email protected]> to: Experienced Researcher Kirbee <[email protected]> Subject: Test Log Grade Good afternoon, Experienced Researcher. I apologize for the delay in the grading of your test log, I have been unfortunately caught up with my experiments. Your test log grade is attached below Now Viewing: RESGRADE-KIRBEE-5208-1.pdf Formatting: 15/25 I think there's a lot of room to improve with the formatting, you're definitely trying but I'd recommend taking some ideas from some of the tests in the Wanderer's Library, or just from high-scoring logs. Grammar and punctuation: 20/25 Some minor grammatical / punctuation mistakes from what I see. Idea: 25/25 No problems with the test idea, I think this is a real test that the Foundation would perform if it existed in the real world. Quality & Originality: 20/25 This is an original log, however as mentioned in terms of formatting, this log is kind of lacking. I would recommend the following: 1. Taking inspiration from other logs formats (particularly high-scoring ones, you're free to look through the ones I've submitted for some ideas!) 2. Making the text a bit smaller, I think big text leaves little room for pictures which could be great in a log! 3. Adding pictures! Not every test log needs to have them, but I think it's a great way to spice up the log, however you get these pictures isn't really my concern. 4. Using page breaks to separate large chunks of text. The "Test Details" section overflows into the 2nd page which makes it look a bit ugly, using page breaks can really help with this. Total: 80/100 Good work, we're excited to see more of you. Kind regards, Simon Wolffe
  18. from: Research Assistant Manager Simon Wolffe <[email protected]> to: Junior Researcher Gerald Vox <[email protected]> Subject: Test Log Grade Format: 20/25 The format is definitely unique from other test logs, I think it could definitely go somewhere if it had a little bit of tweaking. I think the use of outlines on your images, and generally better "dividing" the information will make this a stellar test format (You can always refer to other test logs for reference) Grammar & Punctuation: 25/25 I found no issues with grammar in this log. Test Idea: 25/25 Definitely a neat idea, I think this is something the foundation would actually try had it existed in real life. It's a very good question and I can't really tell you much about any improvements. Quality & Originality: 25/25 It's an original test log, what can I say. Additionally, the language & word choice used in the log is pretty nice. Overall Score: 95/100 Certainly a good log, my only concern is the formatting because it just looks weird. I'd recommend making use of page breaks, adding outlines to your images, and once again feel free to take ideas from other test logs. I think you've got a bright future ahead of you, Researcher. Kind regards, Simon Wolffe
  19. -Support (FOR NOW) Don't get me wrong, I am an avid supporter of vehicles on the server, but I would like to see a major surface redesign that would effectively incorporate it before something like this gets implemented. I also just generally dislike the vehicle itself, I would personally prefer a Humvee. There's a lot of opportunity that comes with adding vehicles, imagine ambushes where CI ambushes an MTF convoy with RPG's and a firefight ensues, that shit would be RAD as fuck.
  20. from: crius.aic <[email protected]> to: Junior Researcher Gerald Vox <[email protected]> Subject: AUTOMATIC NOTICE - LOG ASSIGNED FOR GRADING Your test log, "SCP-173 Test Log | Gerald Vox" has been assigned for grading. Please wait 1-3 days to receive a grade.
  21. SCP Foundation Test Log Archives SCP-087 Expedition & Analysis Accessing File...
  22. Currently, all of the icons for the various sections of the SCP-RP part of the forums are incredibly low quality. The Foundation test log section doesn't even have a transparent background I believe. I believe an update for all of the sections icons (I.E. MTF section could have the MTF Icons, Foundation Test Log section could have a research logo or some sort of vial or whatever else). Just a minor quality of life update because ImperialRP and PoliceRP already have modern and nice icons.
  23. My honest reaction to this information
  24. What are you suggesting? The implementation of a proper "hard-coded" promotion system. The idea is simple: You have a menu, and a command member can access this menu. Upon issuing a promotion (whether it be through pasting a steam id or some other method), the person automatically gains access to the relevant jobs (I.E. a new Security SGT automatically unlocks Security NCO when promoted instead of having to be whitelisted). This system would also automatically change their name while on specific jobs to a specific format (I.E. upon being promoted, their name automatically changes to "Security SGT John Doe" or "MTF E-11 SM John Doe", etc). This name would change depending on what job they flagged onto and what rank they were in said job (I.E. "Security CPL John Doe" is also a CI PFC, he flags up to C.I. Alpha Operative and it automatically changes his name to "C.I. PFC John Doe". This name and job would obviously be editable because everybody likes their name and stuff different. This would also ideally work for sub-branches as well (I.E. an E-11 CPT flags up to D4 and their name and rank automatically change) How would this change better the server? It makes promotions easier for all Branch CMD, instead of having to copy and paste a SteamID into a bunch of different jobs, they just promote them through the system and everything is automatic and smooth. Additionally, it is significantly more convenient for branch members, because instead of having to deal with the issue of forgetting to change your name, your name is automatically changed Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. Would likely be coding intensive and might take extensive time for SMT to set up simply due to the number of jobs and ranks on the server. Additionally, implementing this alongside the HUD could also be a bit difficult. May also require coding from the ground-up. Who would this change mostly benefit? All branch members (Command, NCO's, Enlisted, etc) Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion Several example add-ons of things that this system could sort of look like are attached below (if I had to pick, the MRS advanced rank system is probably the best) https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/rankup-advanced-rank-system https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/v1-3-3-job-ranks-system-customizable
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