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Everything posted by Ein

  1. Ein

    i am gone

    DENIED Unfortunately, this resignation for Delta-5 has been denied. This can be due to a skill issue, skill issue(s), or generally having a skill issue at this time. Do not re-resign.
  2. Accessing File: Interview of [DATA EXPUNGED] Transcript: Discovery of SCP-354-A Welcome, Researcher An SCP-354 Project Inspired by Project: Icebreaker & Dr. Ternith Plague Project: Odysseus Hub
  3. Accessing File: Project: Odysseus Hub Welcome, Researcher An SCP-354 Project Inspired by Project: Icebreaker & Dr. Ternith Plague A project in which files will be released across an extended period. Stay tuned.
  4. Update Promoted to Research Professor (RRA HCMD)
  5. Gaminglight seems to be far too lenient when its comes to punishing its players. Warnings should be exactly that, a warning, an "If you do it again, you'll get punished further." Yet we see people walking around who not only have 30+ or 40+ warns, but brag about it in chat like it's a medal. If somebody consistently and willingly breaks the rules, they shouldn't be apart of the community. If somebody gets warned, and then does another rule-breaking action, it shouldn't be a "oh well you've only been warned 15 times so it'll just be another warning." So what do I propose? 5 Warns - 3 Day Ban 10 Warns - 2 Week Ban 15 Warns - Permanent Ban (with appeal) 20 Warns - Permanent Unappealable Community Blacklist It makes 0 sense that somebody can receive 8 RDM warns in a row and people would see it and be like "Well I'm gonna let you off with a warning, don't do it again." At the very least, somebody should get a permanent ban after getting banned 3 times. Somebody having 10 bans on their record is absolutely ridiculous.
  6. What are you suggesting? 1. All SCP SWEPs get HUD elements added to them which basically tell you the controls for that SCP. I.E. if you were to equip 049's SWEP, it displays text just below the center of your screen which would say something like "LMB to Infect | RMB to Cure", or for 079 "LMB to Hack Doors | R to Navigate Cameras". 2. When directly looking at an SCP, their health is displayed with a large bar at the top of your screen (I.E. If you're looking at 939 and he hasn't taken any damage, it displays "5000 HP" at the top of your screen with a bar that gradually decreases as you shoot at him (I.E. if you brought him down to 3000 HP, the bar would be at about 60%). How would this change better the server? 1. Would make playing SCPs a lot more "new-player" friendly and lessens the confusion of "how do I..." 2. Would basically make "682 HP" or "939 HP" adverts unnecessary, making the whole deal of "I can't advert I'm in combat!!" just not exist anymore. Would also be good for ethereal users. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. Development time??? Who would this change mostly benefit? SCPs Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion N/A
  7. -Support While I do support the idea of making it less time-consuming to breach, this also comes with a variety of issues. Particularly in the fact that any SCP can breach at basically any time. On Civilnetworks, it has a "Breach Queue" which allows for instant breaching at the cost of incredibly long "down-periods" (thats the only way I can describe it), and people commonly complain about having to wait 2+ hours to breach or have a chance at breaching (But SCPs are also recontained differently and are A LOT more powerful individually). If this system were to be implemented as stated, you could have SCPs "coordinating" a breach inside of teamspeak, where multiple players could get in teamspeak and then insta-breach at the same time, causing an incredibly large and arguably "annoying" breach. Repeat this a few times and people are going to lose their minds. SCPs need a different way of being maintained that doesn't require D-Class in my opinion. I can understand why SCP's like 049 would want a d-class, but I feel like the foundation would rather take alternative means (In this case, you could have Maintenance trying to "hack" into SCP-079 through an interface to stop him from breaching.)
  8. +Support With the D-Block airlock suggestion in-progress, this is a much-needed buff to give d-class just a little bit more of an edge. Should make playing D-Class more fun. Especially considering the fact that this is a level 100 job with only 2 slots.
  9. SCiPNET Mail Service From: Advisory Agent Everett 'Kentucky' Wagner <[email protected]> To: You 5:09 PM (4 minutes ago) Subject: 035-Z-██ Greetings, Researcher. I've been requested to communicate the results of your test log to you by ████████████. The file is attached below. Also, get yourself in order. You'll be having an extensive talk with IAA if you pull something as dangerous as this again without express approval of the OVERSEER COUNCIL and ETHICS COMMITTEE. Advisory Agent Kentucky Internal Affairs Agency Secure. Contain. Protect. 035-Z-██_Grading.pdf Grammar / Spelling / Punctuation: 25/25 No issues that I saw with this. Formatting: 25/25 As I've said in your previous test logs, there are no issues with the formatting. It's really a great format, my only advice is that you consider trying something a little bit different, but this format still works just fine. Quality/Originality: 50/50 Another high quality and detailed test log, I think you get the gist of everything I've said in the past regarding your logs and I really have no tips for you to improve. Keep up the good work. Total Score: 100/100 Keep up the good work, Zitterman.
  10. Update Promoted to Advisory Agent (CMD) & Senior Raptor Operative
  11. Name: Everett Wagner Rank: 1LT Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:440507902 Discord ID (Example: wXc GameHunter#2435): ein#0001 Current Sub-Branches your in: Internal Affairs Agency (Lead Investigator) | Raptors (Raptor Operative) Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 75+ words): I believe that, despite being a new member of Delta-5 Command, I'm already putting in some fairly alright work. I've been working hard to progress through the sub-branches and also help out wherever I can (The most recent example of this is some recent documents I've proposed to certain sub-branch HCMD) despite being in D5 for only about 3 days now. I believe that my dedication to Delta-5's objectives, such as Checkpoint RP and enforcement of the Code of Ethics are factors to consider when looking at this question. I love Checkpoint RP and it's one of the major reasons I transferred, and I think certain D5 HCMD can attest to that as I've been setting up checkpoints even before I was on D5 and when I was in Security. I've been making a strong effort to improve my reputation on the server and heal old wounds, and I believe that is why I should retain my rank. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A
  12. Update Promoted to Assistant Professor in Research (RRA CMD)
  13. Update Promoted to Raptor Operative & Lead Investigator
  14. Strong +Support 1.5 TTK was amazing, and it means that any shot you hit is significantly more impactful. I feel this will heavily encourage the use of cover, proper tactics, and overall increase the immersion found in Gunfights.
  15. Update Transferred to Delta-5 as a 1LT
  16. Strong +Support Looks beyond qualified for the position. I have never personally interacted with him but it looks like he's got a solid reputation, alongside SF and CMD experience.
  17. This test log has been assigned for grading! Please wait 1-3 days to receive a grade.
  18. Thanks for clearing this up. I'll give you benefit of the doubt with this one and I also have had issues in the past with having a naturally "douche" tone. The concerns of "being above the rules" originate with the reasons listed in the blacklist, don't take it personally. I'll be changing this to a +Support
  19. Format: 25/25 Love the SCiPNET Terminal and the incorporation of a GOC Threat Entity Database Entry. It looks, to say the least, "fire". Grammar, spelling, and punctuation: 25/25 There were no issues with grammar, spelling, or punctuation in this log. Idea: 25/25 The only words I can use to describe this are placed in the Quality and Originality section. Quality and originality: 25/25 Holy. Fucking. Shit. This log deserves to be in the Wanderer's Library if SCP-166 was an SCP contained on-site. The incredible amount of effort and quality in this log is simply indescribable. I strongly encourage other researchers to look at this log for reference and advice. Total score: 100/100 Outstanding work, Dr. Zitterman. The Foundation cannot express its gratitude.
  20. Format: 25/25 Once again, another stellar format with that neat SCiPNET Terminal. No issues whatsoever. I especially enjoyed the images. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation: 25/25 There were no issues with grammar, spelling, or punctuation in this log. Idea: 25/25 Once again, another interesting idea that would probably be done by the Foundation IRL. Quality and originality: 25/25 As I've said time and time again, your writing skills are impeccable. Your completely custom SCP-999-B Addendum, along with the quality of the images drawn that make it feel that much more realistic. You have an outstanding eye for detail. Total score: 100/100 Another stellar test log that goes above and beyond the expectations of Research Logs. The Foundation thanks you for your service.
  21. This test log has been assigned for grading! Please wait 1-3 days to receive a grade.
  22. This test log has been assigned for grading! Please wait 1-3 days to receive a grade!
  23. +Support You look like you’ve got all the necessary experience to help this branch thrive, I’d love to see you as an officer in A-1. Best of luck!
  24. +Support Has good server reputation, seems to have good leadership skills and also takes initiative to communicate when concerns are brought up. Definitely A-1 Officer material Best of luck!
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