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Everything posted by Chineseman

  1. Remain neutral i havent seen you that much on the server probably because of the timezone but probably could be better if you join any combatant branch the application is good .
  2. +support EZ pick active on maintenance Very good application Fit for the Program Bravo 13
  3. +SUPPORT Was part of the ET Funny events great ET member
  4. +support Good application calm when i play with him and speak with him fit for staff
  5. -support New on the community, short and rush application and recomend you to take 1 or 2 months to applied so a lot of people will know you and probably support you on your next application
  6. soul i really though you were on ET LMAO +SUPPORT for my guy dont forget the poll
  7. @Chief_ admin should be able to unblacklist the basic SCP i should say but IDK all scp below LVL50
  8. 2 guys make a sit to ask if they can get perma ban and i ask for what reason they start doing Mass ERP so they can get perma ban. https://tools.gaminglight.com/profile/76561199364516670 https://tools.gaminglight.com/profile/76561198120947994 notes goat ban and warn them but it was a good laugh after they were ban XD
  9. +Support NGLthat guy defintly should be ban for placing a sign like that
  10. Remain neutral i havent seem case of some one getting slay by accident
  11. I will remind every one this is only some ideas from what the server could really use and good addons that i found on the Gmod store
  12. Post name: “General Suggestion Just giving ideas for improve the server a lil bit What are you suggesting? - More test for the comunity like for researchers maintenance,ETC, Police Armory locker, supply crate, hacking tool swep, vending machine, lootable corpse, Pizza maker, Executioner - The True Hitman Experiences and the gambler How would this change better the server? - more test or challenge to improve the RP side set up a mission for maintenance personel to grab 400pounds of trash, medic total heal given to gensec 3000, and ofcourse every challenge have to get money, Police Armory locker set up for Foundation personnel for grabing emergency gear, GOI or D class have to to lockpick to access to the armory and steal the stuff, possible result of the armory locker D class may do more riot and chaos, for the supply crate could be use for D class who wanna go into the storage who they have to defend the place by hacking the supply crate once they hack it they will be having access to armor, medkits, weapons and keycard, Instead of using the old and normal hack devise who just press click on the card reader you will be hacking the thing i could really see the new hacking tool ongiving more challenge to people to hack or easily open the door and MTF could really use it to steal CI funds or CI could use it to steal foundation funds giving more RP to CI and E11 just raid the site steal SCP and probably raid CI after, and who knows d class might use it to steal foundation funds or hack doors to escape, I belive we could really use a vending machine but yeah to buy stuff that some class dont have access for example like selling a medkit for double price on the vending machine and if you buy it on the armory guy you will get it cheaper, always thinking on the idea like if you die on site as gensec you could leave the loot that you RP job have this might be like only support to d class but hope theres a way to destroy the loot box or put like a 1 min timer and the box will atomically disappeared, since we have like a button for pizza day i think we could really use the upper d block bar area to make a pizza shop there but ofcouse will have to set up a chef job on site with the purpose of making pizza only, the hitman experience could be use for CI since sometimes i think and ci could really use like another thing to improve there RP like killing some people give them reward so yeah, for the people who they say they have a lot of money they could really use a gamble to either win or loss money. This is only ideas to improve the server Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - i dont think so Who would this change mostly benefit? - Most of the people they could really do more quest like follow them Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/mac-s-quest-system https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/missions-challenge-your-players https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/police-armory-locker https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/darkrp-armory-robbery-system https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/supply-crate-robbery https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/hacking-tool-swep https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/lootable-corpses-pubg-like-crates https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/weapon-drops https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/zero-s-pizzamaker-food-script https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/executioner-the-true-hitman-experience https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/gamble-npc
  13. i was the admin but i have never saw that rule and from my POV he put the C4 there with the RP reason of protecting gate a and b, i even spoke to weiss about that and i dont recall what it was his response since it was like early 12 am or it was 1am for me on costa rica
  14. @Gaenryi belive the player will be ban in any moment. @ZoeyPlaysGamesAs a staff question did u request a ban and BL request channel because i belive there will be a channel for that and if case PRP doesnt have that said channel recomend to the PRP head of staff or head admin to make one so every SM, A or SRA can check that channel to help every moderator and TMOD.
  15. +support Its been 4 months and kieran have shown to be change since he is the current AETL and CI COL deaserver to be remove from DNT
  16. +support Barth i thought you are already a admin and not a senior mod Very friendly Very active in game and forums
  17. +support Bro i thought you are a senior mod already WTF???
  18. Remain neutral because of the clip with out audio
  19. that is true OMFG i havent realize it XD
  20. remain neutral i cant say +or- because i dont have the full story of it
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