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Everything posted by SAINTY.

  1. Ngl they aren't even OP, first they are delayed a second before they are thrown, second they are bouncy af (unlikely that it will hit in a chase), third if a shock gets hit by it, kinda sounds like a skill issue
  2. Oh no he’s migrating to imperial!!!
  3. What is your In Game Name? Sanity / Lord II Sanity What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:0:417674367 How Long Have You Been In Purge & IQ? 3 weeks and 1 day at the point of making this post. Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words] I would like to become an officer in purge / IQ to help improve the battalion as a whole. I would like to help increase activity in both, as this has fallen off a little bit from what it used to be. I also want to become an officer in IQ to help mentor and teach newer recruits in the server. One thing I could teach newer recruits would be effective methods on duelling - I still see plenty of apprentices just spamming double hilts, with training I can teach them the most effective way to kill jedis whilst staying alive. This will help keep apprentices and lower ranks active because they will not constantly be dying and getting annoyed. Another reason I would want to become an officer would be to ensure the lower ranking members have someone to go to if they need help etc. Making them feel that they have a active officer core who is on to make sure they are constantly having things to do and being promoted. How could you assist Inquisitorius Command with this rank? [75+ Words] I could assist command with this rank as I know what makes a good officer. I will be making sure all Enlisted consistently have something to do, as guarding PCP for hours can get very boring. This will ensure that troopers will consistently come back on daily as they are having more fun in sims. Another thing would be making sure that NCO's are hosting tryouts. We need to make sure that the NCO's are on top of tryouts, hosting them regularly and letting purge command know if any NCO's are performing well and are deserving of a promotion. I will also make sure I continue to host tryouts and sims regularly too. How many strikes do you have? 0 What Qualifications could you bring too the Inquisitorius Officer Team? I could bring a lot of experience to the IQ officer team. I have been a Havoc vice commander twice now, I have been looking over the battalion for around 3ish months. I know what to expect of an officer and what makes a good officer. I have great leadership skills which can lead large groups of people. Have you had an previous experience has an Officer? Yes, I have been an officer in havoc, the assault team leader of havoc twice, Vice commander of havoc twice, 1LT HVYAL in 501st too. Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period? (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes.
  4. +Support Honestly thought they already had these. All reasons stated above in the post already say everything.
  5. Just switch to darth zefer, you would be higher than snr commander
  6. Okay, this is my take on this: I have just listened to this song to see what its like (Do not btw, its ass). This song is basically a troll song so I understand why he got banned. +Support
  7. -Support App needs to be way better, even though this is an nco app, this is still not good enough. In future put more effort in.
  8. + Support - App isn't too bad now - Will fill up the GO spots Good luck.
  9. Hello mate, the majority of the server are all Americans so unfortunately it will not be super active at these hours, you have the mighty British up at that time though.
  10. + Support Was a honest mistake Do not think you deserve any form of punishment, just maybe double check next time
  11. +Support That's a good ass app. Good luck!
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