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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by SAINTY.

  1. RIP man, I like you rice, but unfortunately the evidence is all there... +Support
  2. +Support ST needs this, will hugely increase activity, retention of troopers in ST and will make ST a more respected part of the server.
  3. Huge +Support Honestly, the current scout models are awful, the orange checkered is just not it. This will make scouts into a separate thing like shore which will be perfect for the scouts as the roster sizes are basically identical. Will make scouts more appealing Models look so nice This needs accepting due to it not only increasing activity among scout troopers, but will attract way more people into ST!
  4. Verbal warns exist!! Please use them more. +Support
  5. Huge +Support This will give ST more of a purpose when we have a thrawn, will boost activity New models are better than older ones Will help maintain players instead of them joining other battalions.
  6. +Support. - Extra shield will help players out considering we are frontlines forces and taking the majority of the damage, weapon changes for officer and other classes also make sense. - All points discussed in the post explains it perfectly. ST is needing this update!
  7. Huge +Support. - When I first joined ST, I noticed scouts were underpowered compared to shore, this will be balanced out with these changes to their primary weapon. - Post said it perfectly.
  8. After reading Sawicks response I'm -Supporting this.
  9. If the commander is +Supporting, then I shall too. Best of luck mate! Hope you get it.
  10. Tbh I've seen you in DT for a LONG time - Fit for the role Best of luck.
  11. +Support. Only thing I would say if for the app to be a little longer, but its still good! Best of luck!
  12. + Support - By far the more suitable candidate. Best of luck!
  13. - Support. - Didn't you just get removed from naval for causing issues? - Not fit for army command. - Rude - Lacks key skills to become a vice commander - Other candidate is way more suited. Best of luck.
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