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Everything posted by SAINTY.

  1. +Support Just no, coveredstorm217 as vice commander you still have time to commit to other battalions. Best of luck Bett mate!
  2. In this case then yeah, sawick should be punished. Ex super admins shouldn't be saying stuff like that, I'm all for a joke but that is waaaaay too far. If that was someone new to the server they would receive a ban, therefore the treatment should not differ for another person.
  3. Here is my say on this: Is river bothered? If so he should state the punishment he wishes sawick should receive. If he is not bothered by it then there should just be a verbal warning due to saying stuff like that in OOC could give GL a bad rep. I do feel that until you hear both sides (From river and sawick) you can not take action. I encourage both to comment to explain their sides.
  4. I think this may be a joke, there is no way it isn't
  5. Good luck mate, to answer your poll “do I want you” I’d like to take you out first tbh and then see from there.
  6. best of luck Brodie hope you get it
  7. Best of luck brother, cant wait to hear from you when you are back!
  8. +Support Good app Been in the community for a decent while Good luck!
  9. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Havoc Vice Commander Sainty 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Havoc 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I would like to be the commander of this growth to continue to help the battalion grow as prosper as a whole. I have many ideas I want to implement in this battalion to make it as attractive as possible to everyone who plays the server. For example, I want to make both sub divisions more attractive to havoc troopers, make some edits to the havoc SOP which will make troopers experiences more enjoyable during events, maybe even try and go as far as changing models and rebranding a bit. Its been done before so if the right idea comes up I would try to implement it again. Finally, make class changes to some havoc jobs which are really underpowered. When I first joined havoc, I had lots of fun and the officers at the time made your time fun, but were also serious at times when it was needed, this is the energy I want to bring back to havoc and make people excited to try and progress up the ranks like I was at the time. I want to make sure the battalion is super organised and on top of all documents, roster updates punishments etc, as in the past this was very relaxed. I want to also make sure all officers and vice commanders are promoting people and make sure people are progressing through the ranks rather than never getting promoted and leaving because they think havoc is a dead end. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? I currently have 1,158 hours on the server. Around 700 of those hours have been a Havoc command member. You can see this on my battle metrics: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/979227623?servers[4604844]=1M 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a commander is to essentially bring everything together and manage the battalion as a whole. My job would be to make changes to the battalion if it needs them to make sure my troopers are satisficed, happy and wanting to play. If they are bored or not wanting to play its my responsibility to figure out why that is and construct a plan to change that. I will be on top of my vice commanders, making sure they are watching over all officers and doing their job, I will also make sure I know everything that is going on within my battalion, whether it is someone minging, making us look bad, battalion dissing another battalion, or on the other hand, if they are performing consistently well, being polite to others, being helpful to new players, I will make sure they get the treatment they deserve from demotions, DNP's etc to Promotions, rewards, asking HC for cooldown skips. I will also work closely with our HC each month to make sure the battalion is not getting stale and being progressive. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : Before I went into reserves I had logged around 500 hours as a vice commander, throughout this time I learnt a lot about managing the battalion more and how to create growth within a battalion. As a commander I will be able to oversee that battalion as a whole and make decisions I think will be best for the battalion. With over 1k hours being a havoc trooper I know the best methods to help this battalion grow even further than it already has been recently. The first time I was vice commander I was able to revive the battalion to where we would always have the most troopers on early hours for the server (UK time) and we would consistently have around 4-6 havoc on, which was a big improvement before I got vice which was around 2-3 max per day. I then went into reserves, when around 1 month later I was told the battalion had died once again so I came out of reserves to revive it again. So far with the work of everyone in Havoc we have managed to get activity really good, having the most troopers on at some points at peak times. This shows my full dedication to this battalion and I will not stop being in havoc until the battalion is the most active. 7. How often can you be Online? : I am on daily anywhere from 4-12 hours. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 1, about 4 months ago. Thank you for reading my application. If you could give a reason to your +/- supports that would be great as it only helps me improve! Have a great day! - Sainty.
  10. Huge +Support - Good application. - Very active. - Always professional. - Has the perfect qualities to be a vice commander. - I have known Bub for a while on the server, whenever I encounter him, its always a good experience. He is well respected by his troops and others too. He would make a great vice commander! Best of luck mate!
  11. +Support This is poor staffing honestly.
  12. +SUPPORT Bruh. What are you doing? If the story was NOT CLEAR from the start, then why would you BAN SOMEONE? Honestly, the WHOLE point of being on staff is to not be biased and gather all possible evidence before banning someone. After seeing you say that, Donovan would be fully in the right to make a staff report on you. If you want to continue being a staff member you need to sort out how you are staffing honestly.
  13. - Support - Arguing in your unban appeal... - A threat is a threat, how do we know that you weren't gonna ddos someone, then once you got banned you could just say it was a joke. P.s. Arguing with someone in your unban appeal is not a good look.
  14. COMPLETELY AGREE with this statement. Free up ma boy, miss click. That is not a valid reason to - support someone.
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