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About 1stSavagerY

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  1. o7 best HCMD i could have ever served under
  2. was a person who played on the server
  3. ong add more cassie sound clips and also update the old ones because they are actually ass, would work really well with this kind of update +support
  4. +support 966 is about as annoying as a mosquito and as easy to deal with. it’s so incredibly underpowered and could definitely use a hard buff
  5. +support always love more opportunities for RP
  6. +support seems like an easy enough QOL update if anything. if it helps ppl identify others and if ppl prefer the old theme to the new, then why not
  7. +support HUGE QOL update. If it can be done, it would be amazing to see it in game.
  8. it would take little to no development because the main part of the whole sequence is just the server executing a /kill all command as well as playing the sound clip when activated, which is easy enough as we already have nukes and the color change soundbites. the main suggestion i wanted to make was the malfunction for the reactor or warhead as it gives ci a way to make the facility go boom and adds another interesting point they have to contest other than the standard mech warehouse or funny special ray gun, and would ensure that MTF would either have to have someone stationed there or patrols frequent the location to make sure a big CI raid doesn’t come blow up the facility. (big brain idea: ci raid heads there so they get called out by the nuke, then head to LCZ or an SCP CC using said callout as a distraction to pull MTF away from their target) i also like the decontam period at the end because it gives admin time to reset things and maint to fix doors while everyone is on NLR, that way it wont be such a hassle for everyone to reset things after said nuke goes off edit: another reason for this suggestion is so that possibly we can get more nukes cause let’s face it it’s pretty fun trying to fight your way to survival like MTF and CI sometimes do with the evac helicopters
  9. +support he has like no cameras now and feels extremely restricted to play on in terms of what you can do.
  10. +/- support, i feel like we should wait for the new map to release before implementing this as depending on how the new map functions and plays, this may or may not be necessary.
  11. +support would allow for more to be done while playing on 079 and adds more purpose for doing so. Could be a great addition to the server in terms of RP
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