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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Toasty

  1. - Support A branch BL for manipulation of others isn't a good thing to have on a record, unfortunately I have to - support this since I don't believe someone who manipulates others for personal gain is worthy of SMod.
  2. + Support Great guy has been staff before will do great as TMod
  3. o7 You were an amazing CMD member and such a nice guy, it's sad to see you go. Wish you the best of luck!
  4. It's true all journeys have to come to an end, it's sad that it ended so soon. Wish you the best of luck! o7
  5. Toasty

    Ban Appeal

    - Support When playing music, it's all on you if the song has slurs in it since it was your decision to play the song in the first place knowing it has those slurs.
  6. +/- Support + Support on the target must advert since in lore 096 just knows where the person is. it would be cool if a client side swep could be made that after like 2-3 seconds it makes the person who saw 096 face glow red for 096 and perhaps able to see them through walls. - Support on the 1 second, it's been suggested before but never works since it's such a short amount of time and leads to a lot of RDM cases.
  7. The reason I gave him a verbal warning was during the sit he was genuinely sorry about doing it and after being told how to fix it he listened, I also stated in the sit that if it were to happen again then it will be a formal warning, I also told Deuce to tell the other E4 that it’s exploiting and they will receive a warning if they do it since Harrison said that they do it all the time, when I asked for evidence of this happening multiple times I received no evidence. I also checked Deuce’s warns and he has no warns for exploiting so this if hopefully a one time thing. My conclusion to the situation was if this was a one time thing and never happens again then he will be let off with a verbal warning since he was genuinely sorry during it and also complied when told how to fix it I also said that if he is found to be doing it in the future he will be receiving a formal warning.
  8. + Support New staff that moderate the Trails!?!?
  9. + Support Grenades are really bad, a normal class can tank 2-3 grenades easily. grenades should make big boom
  10. + Support I have known Soul for a good time, and he has always done amazing work, he will be amazing as support.
  11. Thanks for your time you have put into Nu7 man, wish you the best of luck.
  12. - Support Clear evidence of disconnection by user.
  13. - Support Like Nydekore said, it's up to each branch's FTO heads and HCMD to make incentives/rewards for training.
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