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Everything posted by Toasty

  1. + Support I have seen Cloaker do amazing work as a CMD member, and I think he will do well as RnD CMD.
  2. - Support Unfortunately, due to the low amount of people in the sub-branch you are leading and all the stuff I have read that other people are saying, I am unable to + support your application. If you are unable to effectively run a sub-branch, then you shouldn't be tasked with running a whole branch, especially when the branch in question needs strong HCMD leading it. While I have seen your dedication to RnD, I recommend fixing up EOI and making it a stronger and active sub-branch first before you attempt to become HCMD.
  3. o7 Wish you the best of luck Fiery
  4. + Support From all the interactions we have had, Atlas has shown extreme interest and dedication to RnD. I believe Atlas will be able to help out RnD massively and will succeed as being RnD HCMD.
  5. + Support Pure is already a CMD member of RnD and has experience within the branch while also an amazing SCMD member of Nu7 and has worked hard and proven to me that he deserves that rank, I believe Pure will be able to do amazing work as a Senior Archivist or Executive Archivist, Pure is 200% a solid pick for either of those positions.
  6. - Support My experiences with you have been half and half, I have seen you be respectful and nice to people but also have seen you be a minge to people. The reason I'm - supporting this is because of your global resignation you made a couple months ago; in that resignation it was very unprofessional and also seemed more of a way for you insult players. That is not something I think a CMD member should be saying.
  7. + Support Looks Great, I really like seeing cross branch jobs!
  8. - Support It's a nice idea but it will cause lag, if there was a possible way to add it without adding lag then it would be fine.
  9. Note: A majority of the models are not on the steam workshop, I decided since they aren't on the workshop then I will put screenshots of them incase y'all are curious on what they look like. ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Commander Add Models: Models/CODMW2/CODMW2HE.mdl models/bloocobalt/science/jarmy_09.mdl Remove Models: models/player/fwhykay/cod_black_ops/jason_hudson_npc.mdl models/arachnit/HDTF/characters/soldier/soldier_player.mdl New Weapons: tfa_deagle, tfa_usas Remove Weapons: tfa_m29satan, tfa_vikhr Extra Info/Notes: Needs ability to Whitelist for HTF Alpha-04: Mark I Needs ability to Whitelist for HTF Alpha-04: Mark II Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Officer Updating Models: models/kuge/hecurealistic/hecu_masked_pm_OFC.mdl New Weapons: tfa_remington870 Remove Weapons: tfa_csgo_xm1014 Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark I > HTF Alpha-04: Mark I Job Description: HTF Alpha-04 is a unique task force known as a Hunter Task Force that specializes in hunting down and retrieving various SCPs that are difficult to locate and acquire. If necessary, HTF Alpha-04 is authorized to terminate SCPs that are too great of a risk to retrieve and contain. Mark: I units make up the majority of HTF Alpha-04, only few are handpicked to join the ranks. HTF Alpha-04 originally worked directly under [REDACTED] but have now been reassigned to work directly under MTF Nu-7 HCMD and only report to them. Due to their high involvement in handling various SCPs HTF Alpha-04 has a clearance level of 4. Keep Models: models/player/suno/hunk/hunk.mdl Remove Models: models/halo2/spartan.mdl models/pechenko_121/doomslayer.mdl New Weapons: tfa_m16a4_acog, tfa_mossberg590, tfa_barret_m82 Remove Weapons: aw_bal27, tfa_csgo_xm1014, tfa_csgo_awp Extra Info/Notes: ** [This is an HSU Name, Lore, & Rank Overhaul. They still play the same in game] ** Needs Access to the Following Comms: /site /ff /mtf /nu7 /cmd /sf ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit: Mark II > HTF Alpha-04: Mark II Job Description: HTF Alpha-04: Mark II are elite members that have gone through various different missions, some having a mortality chance of [DATA EXPUNGED], one of their more notable missions was preventing a ZK-class Reality Failure event through means of [REDACTED]. Mark II units are deployed if the use of Mark I units are unable to subdue the situation. HTF Alpha-04: Mark II Units are handpicked from the best of the best of Mark I units. They are Level 4 Clearance in the Facility. Add Models: models/player/suno/thor/thor.mdl Remove Models: models/halo2/spartan.mdl models/valk/H5/unsc/SPI/Spi.mdl New Weapons: tfa_l85, tfa_mossberg590 Remove Weapons: tfa_vikhr, tfa_csgo_nova Extra Info/Notes: ** [This is an HSU Name, Lore, & Rank Overhaul. They still play the same in game] ** Needs Access to the Following Comms: /site /ff /mtf /nu7 /cmd /sf Needs ability to Whitelist for HTF Alpha-04: Mark I tfa_ins2_codol_free Increase Clip Size from 6 > 10 If possible, please add some sort of zoom when ADS Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): HTF A4 Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1611410690 ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Rifle Guardian (65+) Add Models: Models/CODMW2/T_CODM.mdl Remove Models: models/Keegan.mdl New Weapons: deployable_shield Remove Weapons: weapon_policeshield Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): We are using the third shield from the same shield pack for Securities Branch Update. Shield Addon: https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/ballistic-shields Shield Steam Content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1819166858 Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Covert Agent Add Models: Models/CODMW2/CODMW2M.mdl Remove Models: models/blacklist/merc1.mdl Extra Info/Notes: Remove the Sound on the Blink Swep Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Behemoth Add Models: Models/CODMW2/CODMW2HEXE.mdl Remove Models: models/player/cellassault3player.mdl HP: 150 > 175 New weapons: tfa_m3, tfa_glock Remove weapons: tfa_browningauto5, tfa_csgo_deagle Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Tactical Response Team Add Models: Models/CODMW2/CODMW2H.mdl Remove Models: models/auditor/re2/chr_hunk_pmrig.mdl Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job: MTF Nu-7 Field Expert Updating Models: models/kuge/hecurealistic/hecu_masked_pm_FieldExpert.mdl Add Models: Models/CODMW2/CODMW2.mdl New weapons: tfa_remington870 Remove weapons: tfa_csgo_xm1014 Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Trainer Updating Models: models/kuge/hecurealistic/hecu_masked_pm_enlisted.mdl Extra Info/Notes: Needs ability to Whitelist for MTF Nu-7 Operative Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Senior Operative Updating Models: models/kuge/hecurealistic/hecu_masked_pm_enlisted.mdl New Weapons: tfa_f2000 Remove Weapons: tfa_csgo_sg556 Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Operative Updating Models: models/kuge/hecurealistic/hecu_masked_pm_enlisted.mdl Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Enforcer (Gold+) Add models: models/kuge/hecurealistic/hecu_masked_pm_enlisted.mdl Remove models: models/bloocobalt/resident_evil/re6_agent.mdl Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Goliath (Platinum+) Add models: Models/CODMW2/T_CODMW2H.mdl Remove models: models/player/cellassault2player.mdl Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: MTF Nu-7 Quartermaster (Level 100+) Add models: Models/CODMW2/T_CODMW2.mdl Remove models: models/player/cellassault1player.mdl Model Screen Shot: ======================================= Job Update ======================================= Job Name: SCP 7101-GL (Level 65+) Keep Models: models/ridge/warframe/ValkyrPrime.mdl This branch update has been brought to you buy Nu-7 HCMD and the input of Security, E11, & CI HCMD. IDK why it keeps putting that copy screenshot at the bottom. Other than that, we hope y'all enjoy!
  10. + Support Looks Great, hope y'all have fun!
  11. - Support CI Gamma have explained how Maynard works so this would kind of be a redundant rule since he isn't allowed to just go breaching in the first place unless he is AOS/KOS or trying to cause a distraction and even then, they said the distraction cannot interfere with CI operations. Maynard also gives MTF something to do while CI aren't as active and there isn't much going on.
  12. + Support > Good command member and has experience having to solve problems, would do amazing as staff > Has been around a while and knows the rules > Lucario
  13. + Support Always cool to have more RP scenarios for people to experience
  14. - Support No, there is so many ways to get their names that redacting them won't do anything. Also, everyone has been unredacted and there is no way to un-unredacted everything.
  15. + Support Has good experience due to being a Senior Mod before. Good Luck!
  16. Ill + Support this as long as you agree to follow all the rules if you appeal gets accepted, you say you have changed after a year so if you do return then prove to us that you have changed for the better and have learned from your mistakes. Failure to follow rules will most likely result in harsher punishments.
  17. + Support Now that the punishment request has been updated to a more reasonable punishment
  18. + Support Every other weapon has received a nurf so why shouldn't the golf club. I have one myself and from experience I know it's unfair to be able to 2-3 shot people with a golf club. It's also unfair to new players when they just join the server and try and play but get obliterated by the golf club. I understand why this gets negative feedback since the golf club is like the main weapon for D-Class and people also hate seeing their donator weapon nurfed but this will be for the betterment of the server combat wise.
  19. Payday had it first, wouldn't be fair if they had to remove it just because another CC added it after them so the new CC should remove it. Also, that model is associated with D-Class, so it just causes confusion having it on a MTF CC.
  20. Diplomat Message Please keep this thread to either a + or - Support followed by your reasoning for your stance. Continuation of unneeded comments will lead to the post being locked and left up to SMT to decide.
  21. - Support You have been banned before for Racism. Also, coincidently you press the puss to talk at the same time as the word came up and instead of apologizing you decided to make some excuses and laughed it off based off the witnesses of the event. Since this is your second offence it should be a permanent ban.
  22. + Support Kinda reminds me of the seekers from Skyrim
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