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Everything posted by Toasty

  1. 1. What is your in-game name?: Toasty 2. Steam ID: Steam_0:0:462304249 3. Current Rank in Security: SM 4. Time on the server: 1 Week 5. Current level: 57 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 10 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: N/A 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: Warmercarp and Raptor 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (60+ WORDS): I believe I should be accepted as a juggernaut because I’m a extremely dedicated person in the security branch, I believe that I do a pretty good job holding back D Class riots on my normal jobs, the only thing that stops me is the low health of the normal jobs and if I were to be given the juggernaut job I would be even better at doing it since I will have more health and can survive more waves of D Class. If I were to get juggernaut I will be a unstoppable force against the D Class and keep D Block under control. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a d-class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: M60 Machine Gun because a shotgun has spread and can cross fire other people
  2. Name: Toasty Rank: SM JFTO WD SteamID: Steam_0:0:462304249 Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot Control, Security Sniper, Warden, Security Trainer Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A
  3. Toasty Steam_0:0:462304249 Gold 1 Week MTF E11 PFC, SEC JFTO SM, CI SM East coast, EST 8/10 I watch videos and read into the lore of SCP all the time, I find it really fascinating. I know most SCPs people talk about just not their numbers. 7/10 I’m usually playing this server later in the day after I’m back from the gym. I log in usually 6-7pm and log off at 2-4am. I’m on all day on Wednesday and Sunday I don’t have experience hosting events on public servers but I do when it comes to private events for me and my friends in private servers 0 I enjoy making games fun for people and being apart of the community making new friends. I believe that if I were to be accepted into event team I would be able to make events that the players would enjoy. I get on every day and talk with a lot of different people and I’ll be able to create the events from suggestions that people I play with make. I’ll make events based on SCPs that aren’t in the server yet like SCP 2552 Cthulhu and SCP 3008 Infinite IKEA. If I were to be accepted in event team I will be able to use my creative mind to create events for everyone. I will do my best to communicate with the other event team members to create the best experience for players old and new to the server. I really hope you accept me into event team, I really think this will be a great experience for me. I would make a event where SCP 2662 Cthulhu was destroying everything and everyone has to work together to stop him. I think SCP 3008 infinite IKEA would be cool too, I would make it like how the infinite staircase works that it will keep teleporting you to a certain point so it seems to be infinite, it be cool if a group of mtf went in to explore it and got lost so the scientists have to think of a way to extract the lost people in the IKEA. Perhaps the people that got out became insane and start to make trouble for the foundation. A event not based on SCP I would like to make is sports events like soccer or basketball. Yes I read over the guidelines my favorite SCP is SCP 5031. I like how 5031 started as a ruthless monster killing everything to a monster that enjoys cooking and music all because it didn’t know any better and was taught how to be nice. Edit: I put the correct steam I’d format
  4. Name: Toasty Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:462304249 Branch (if in both, say so): Maintenance Rank(s): Jr Maintenance Activity Level (1-10): 3
  5. Name: Toasty Steam ID: Steam_0:0:462304249 Job applying for (O5 Logistics - MEDIC +/ADEPT + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | O5 Research - Research/CI RND Researcher+): O5 Research If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: N/A How many Warns do you have? 0 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I want to join O5 because I feel it would be a amazing experience for roll playing and I feel it would be the next thing for me to do on the server. I’m a extreme fan of the SCP universe and I think O5 are one of the coolest people in the SCP universe since they have so much power and are so secretive. Why should we accept you: I feel I should be accepted because I will love to experience being a O5, I also want the opportunity to meet new people and make friends. I will enjoy being apart of O5 Research and hope I get accepted.
  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jfGFIZQBJ5rnwLCeeEFFx-E8tKaJc46vNpO3s9cUQf4/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Toasty 76561198884874226 Gold 1 Week MTF E11 PFC, SEC JFTO SM, CI SFC East coast, EST 8/10 I watch videos and read into the lore of SCP all the time, I find it really fascinating. I know most SCPs people talk about just not their numbers. 7/10 I’m usually playing this server later in the day after I’m back from the gym. I log in usually 6-7pm and log off at 2-4am. I’m on all day on Wednesday and Sunday I don’t have experience hosting events on public servers but I do when it comes to private events for me and my friends in private servers 0 I enjoy making games fun for people and being apart of the community making new friends. I believe that if I were to be accepted into event team I would be able to make events that the players would enjoy. I get on every day and talk with a lot of different people and I’ll be able to create the events from suggestions that people I play with make. I’ll make events based on SCPs that aren’t in the server yet like SCP 2552 Cthulhu and SCP 3008 Infinite IKEA. If I were to be accepted in event team I will be able to use my creative mind to create events for everyone. I will do my best to communicate with the other event team members to create the best experience for players old and new to the server. I really hope you accept me into event team, I really think this will be a great experience for me. I would make a event where SCP 2662 Cthulhu was destroying everything and everyone has to work together to stop him. I think SCP 3008 infinite IKEA would be cool too, I would make it like how the infinite staircase works that it will keep teleporting you to a certain point so it seems to be infinite, it be cool if a group of mtf went in to explore it and got lost so the scientists have to think of a way to extract the lost people in the IKEA. Perhaps the people that got out became insane and start to make trouble for the foundation. A event not based on SCP I would like to make is sports events like soccer or basketball. Yes I read over the guidelines my favorite SCP is SCP 5031. I like how 5031 started as a ruthless monster killing everything to a monster that enjoys cooking and music all because it didn’t know any better and was taught how to be nice.
  8. Toasty 76561198884874226 Silver 4 Days MTF E11 PVT, SEC JFTO SFC, CI CPL East coast, EST 8/10 I watch videos and read into the lore of SCP all the time, I find it really fascinating 7/10 I’m usually playing this server later in the day after I’m back from the gym. I log in usually 6-7pm and log off at 2-4am I don’t have experience hosting events on public servers but I do when it comes to private events for me and my friends in private servers 0 I have a couple of reasons to let me on event team. One, I’m active later in the day when most of the ET are afk based on what I’ve seen. Two, I enjoy making games fun for people and being apart of the community making new friends. Three, I make sure everyone is having fun and not just a select few people. If I were to be accepted into event team I would make more events that are for every class so everyone can participate, I like the events that are specific to certain classes like the lucky block event or the ones that involve people to be in the foundation in order to participate but I will focus more on making events that can incorporate everyone including the people that aren’t normally in the foundation like Sarkic and Chaos Insurgence. One of the biggest reasons I want to be on event team is that when I’m in the server people would be excited and know I make fun events. I have a creative mind and I really hope I get accepted so I can create some really fun events for people. IDK if this event has been made or not. A event I would make is one involving SCP 173, I remember reading once that if no one cleans 173’s cage then the goo would make more 173, IDK if it’s 100% cannon but if it is then I’d make a event where they forgot to clean it and more 173s spawn and break out and cause chaos in the facility. I think it’s be cool if MTF had to figure out different ways to capture multiple 173s like using mirrors so they have a view behind them or using a recording camera since 173 can’t move if it’s being recorded and it will be viewed later on. I would also make a event where the foundation became evil like in that one SCP story about the armor (sorry I forgot the name) and the foundation became evil trying to wipe out humanity so the lone survivor found the armor SCP and used it to reverse what the foundation was doing. Yes I read over the guidelines my favorite SCP is SCP the gate guardian. I think it is cool because it’s a guardian that has a sword that can destroy stuff on a molecular level and basically erase them from existence.
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