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M8VP ツ

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Everything posted by M8VP ツ

  1. +Support This shield is cool asf and would make gunfights better.
  2. The people that don't know how to recontain him or minges.
  3. CI Recon Force and Charlie - 3 " Last Stance" both have it, To be fair on Charlie -3 I only see about 1-2 of them on each day, they prob could be afking as well, and for Recon Force usually get 1-2 people on each day and we don't usually play at the same times, so to be fair it's about 4 people on each day for those classes which isn't a problem so If I were to be honest +/- support for right now since Ares was already nerfed by Igneous and untill it becomes a major problem I will +Support the nerf for the ares.
  4. +Support, Couldn't have said it any better.
  5. +Support - Worked hard so he deserves it.
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