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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. All of the goated command are resigning
  2. If E11 get scouts back I expect a return
  3. Bruh wtf, all my favorite minges are resigning. Really leaving me here all alone. SMH o7
  4. +support we have CC roll calls we should do the same with TS channels
  5. What are you suggesting? - Buff the riot shield movement a little How would this change better the server? - The riot shield is really slow right now which is not really RP accurate given that your movement speed goes down a lot. (I’m not sure of the exact movement speed atm) It’s now a rare sight to see so I believe that increasing its movement speed a little would give it more use and make it a more popular item, and given that it’s a donation item it could also help encourage people to donate for it. Im not saying to make it regular movement speed like before but rather up the speed a little maybe by like 50-75 Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - The Meta may start to change but not much Who would this change mostly benefit? - People who have the riot shield or are considering buying it Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N:A
  6. Its Buck

    ban appeal

    -support You have some VERY Serious warns even if they were from a while ago all of them very much warrant a perma ban
  7. -support you were here for a while and had a decent rank in CI, you should know the rules. Also in the rules section of discord it says no advertisements so that’s on you man
  8. +support Should not have been warned ACM should have gotten a warn for RDM especially because he did it out of spite
  9. +support only 1 warn on any GL sever and first ban Just make sure you remove the bind unless staff can show photo of B logs showing that it wasn’t a bind then I’m sticking with +support
  10. So as of right now you go under report center in all areas to appeal a warn but it just seems more like something that would fall under the ban appeal section. So I think we should move it there
  11. I have noticed this too. I can’t always put the Medkit away or see the ammount of stuff I have in each slot
  12. Its Buck

    ban appeal

    -support You have 8 warns all for very serious reasons
  13. What are you suggesting? - Make elevator deaths ooc How would this change better the server? - less people complaining about dying to elevator. The elevator can ruin a lot of CI raids and MTF trying to get in the elevator then get crushed. It’s very annoying when it happens Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone using the elevators. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  14. +support everything Only thing I have to add is that if people have issues with the suit models then maybe the old O5 staff models would work but that’s just a thought also E11 gonna start looking like a R6 team XD
  15. Your in game name: CI SGM Buck Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 The player's in game name: MTF E11 Commander Nenea BI4U The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:118556297 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 8/2/21 3:10 EST What did the player do: Body blocked door closed / Broke FearRP Evidence (required): Important part starts at 2:00 What do you believe should happen to the player: Formal warn for FailRP x2 (Breaking FearRP and body blocking door from opening) Any extra information: Nenea has 2 previous warns for FailRP both revolving around FearRP issues
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kib6jLcdgDQa4kegWWr20keuZP2KCkpJeLyEdA-tdxQ/edit?usp=sharing
  17. +Support MAGMA!!! we staffed together on imperial and he was an AMAZING staff member and always super nice to everyone
  18. -support for a few reasons And second You shouldn’t be taking staff sits as ET, there is a large difference between staff and ET Those are both lies, after checking roster you are not in either of those, hell your not even on the research roster I don’t even wanna know
  19. -Support No The raid system is perfectly fine and this would be way to annoying for CI, it would also decrease activity for them
  20. This is a very shocking yet very needed staff report. I had seen the REDACTED job added and did not think much of it however now knowing how OP it was and the lack of communication that was given towards it. I had never really seen this as at one point I was in his inner circle and I know that Rang would never intentionally be bias when it came towards promotions within staff Regarding luxxy and her promotion to senior admin I believe that is irrelevant given that HoS rookieBlue handles staff promotions The CC on the other hand does raise a few questions given that the creator of the CC was deleted as to not point back to rangs which if Luxxy says that she paid for half her name is not set for the owners as it was deleted. Given what others have said above with him not fufilling his role I sadly have to acknowledge and agree. As one of rangs friends it pains me to +support this however it is needed. Whilst he may not be showing what he does for the server in the open I believe he does his job outside of the server and we have to wait for SMT to acknowledge this
  21. Basically just add a other support TS channel since sometimes people have questions that don’t fall under one general category of issue
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