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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. +/- support -support to RCU HP D4 slots New job Enlisted HP +Support all other reasons side note; when SMT go to accept/Deny this I think people would prefer to have it accepted or denied in parts like Accepted: LVl 4 keycard HP for this and that Denied: New job etc Just my thought tho
  2. +support it’s been a while deserves another chance
  3. Just so you know who to look for my name was Hades on imperialRP and Apollo Now in CI/E11
  4. Steam Name: Apollo Ingame Name: MTF E11 LCPL/ CI SGT/JA Apollo SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 Date You Were Restricted: around 5/16/21 Staff Restriction Length: Perma Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: Rookieblue  Reason for Staff Restriction: Abuse of Phys gun off duty ( Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better):  I believe that my staff restriction should be removed for a few reasons. The first and most vital reason is that the staff removal did not come from a staff matter, it would have been an Event Team matter given that the 3rd strike was for using ET powers to spawn in the Micro HID. spawning it in was just a dumb move on my part and I regret doing it. I just wanted to do it for shits and giggles to say "Oh look I have a micro" I did not use the Micro at all, I slayed myself almost instantly after giving it to myself. I had no intent to harm anyone on the server with it in anyway. This was acknowledged by SMT that I did slay myself and I did not use it. In my eyes spawning that in has no corellation to my competence as a staff member. During my time as staff within gaminglight, I was never bad and was always looking to be helpful in some way. I had been staff within gaminglight for about 4 months and had been with the community as a whole for 13 months. The second reason I beleive I should be un-staff restricted is that I have taken the time needed to reflect on my actions and learn from them. Its been about a month or so since the restriction was implimented. I put in my resignation because I felt like shit for what I did and didnt want to be seen as the person who got staff restricted. I was an SM in E11 working towards Command before I was restricted. I resigned from RP just so I could take a step back, focus on mental health and my actions before coming back. The 3rd reason Is that I still love and want to staff for this community. I didnt gain any toxic feelings towards gaminglight or the players within it, It is still one of the best communities out there and I would love to continue staffing for it. Staff was something that I had loved doing and had made me many friends along the way.. I can understand If people think I am making this too soon and that I need to wait and I am fine with that. If people want me to wait and to prove myself more I will. Thank you for reading this and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night -Buck
  5. +support A buff to SCP job classes could boost the purchase rate and play rate of the SCP
  6. I agree with everything colt and chief say above however I just want to add a little: There should have to be at least 6 classes with A LvL 4 keycard online so we (MTF) can actually get into generator. ( or move the clearance lvl down to 3) Also allowing the BIO engineer to start it given that they are part of RND. At the start the designated personnel who is starting the generator shut down process must advert [ACT] begins generator shut down. If that person dies in the process the shut down fails and a cool down of 1 hour begins (similar to mech raid) I would personally like it to be connected with the mech timer so you can’t have a generator shut down and then a warehouse raid start right after. Overall +support
  7. Name: Apollo Rank RCT FTO: no Discord: Apollo#6783 Timezone CST Suggestions N/A Do you wanna stay apart of military? yes
  8. By dad, You were amazing and I love you to death. Keep in touch
  9. Best resignation ever. 10/10 Good luck Kevin. You were a good commander
  10. Bro y’all are acting like E11 is replacing GENSEC. This is literally just so E11 can actually recontain and feed SCPs It’s not like they are planning to use it as an excuse to just kill D class as they please. Plus it’s not like Nu7 aren’t the exact same. in CI branch update they evened it out so alpha is on par with E11 enlisted. And on top of all of this they can only enter on orange (or yellow with command perms) They will have better things to do then sit and shoot D class. Plus as soon as the code changes their out. there is no harm in adding this. +support
  11. Well this may come as a shock to some but others not so much. I have had the thought of leaving Gmod for a long time now. I’m at the point where I feel this is the right move. I am gonna be moving onto Highschool and focusing on athletics and education. I have poured my heart and soul into this community and have been here for over a year now. Given the recent situation I have been in this only feels right to do. I’m not gonna go on forever as to exactly why I’m leaving so now for the only reason people read these. The mentions. Nenea: You are a great commander and person. I hope you go far within the server and achieve high ranks Frog- I’m sure you will get commander some day. You are a great friend and can always make me laugh. Southpaw: I worked with you in Nu7 and Now in E11. You were always dedicated to what you do and pushed for the best. I hope you can make it to HCMD Dano: Inactive minge, Keep rangers alive while I’m gone. Loki: Went from a Minge to an even bigger minge that got Delta command. Always a pleasure being an idiot with you. Evil: Your a great person to vibe with and I wish you the best Luxxy: Boar loves you Rang: Still gonna play league of legends with you and one day ima be even better than you. Rektify: You give some damn good life advice and are always fun to talk and play with To the staff team: Y’all are amazing people and I hope you guys can help make the server better than it already is. To the rest of E11. Y’all were like a family to me when I felt that I didn’t have one. It was a great time playing with everyone of you. This is Buck, signing off. goodbye Vietnam o7
  12. Steam Name:  [GL]Bacon/Buck SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 Ingame Name: Buck Ban Length: 1 week Admin that Banned you: RookieBlue Reason for Ban: Abuse of ET Powers after Verbal warning Dispute: Well, essentially I fucked up. It was off hours (11:30 PM EST ) at the time and I wanted to take some staff sits and have some good fun whilst doing so. I got on my administration job to take some sits and I knew I would be on the Job for a While. I modeled Myself as a cardboard box warrior that we are all familliar with and Love. I would take sits modeled as this and do them as I normally would. Once the sit ended I would go back to CI base/spawn and have some fun with them. I would run around the base while they chased me trying to kill me or cuff me or even throw me in a box. At one point I stepped aside and was going to ask Someone if I could be trained for FTO Given my rank within CI was that of someone who would be eligible for FTO. People started to crowd around me and they all gathered. They were all still talking smack and having fun saying stuff like "I bet I could beat the box in a 1 v 1!" or "Cuff the box hurry!" . So with everyone having fun I spawned myself in the proton canon. I understand that is a huge no no. I slayed myself nearly 3 seconds later. I gave it to myself "for the memes" I had no intention of using it to hurt anyone in any way. It was all in good fun and not meant to be malicious in any way. After about five or so minutes I went AFK and said goodnight to everyone in ooc. However Someone did not see it that way I did. I was reported to JMT/SMT and within a few minutes of me going AFK I get a discord call from a friend. This is when I was informed of the situation at hand. SMT spoke with me regarding the situation and the consequences following it. I can understand that what I did was wrong and I can fully accept that. During my talk with SMT they told me that I could appeal both my warn ban and staff removal. I dedicated a lot of my time to being staff on this server and loved every second of it. I am asking for another shot at being in the server and the staff team. Thank you for reading and I hope I will get to see everyone soon
  13. +support good app. No warns Event seems interesting. Active Good luck spring!
  14. +support good app. Event could work. Active. Staff. Fit for ET. Good luck!
  15. -support advertised in E11 TS Answers for all questions are rather bad I don’t think you understand what it means to be staff. Not fit for staff IMO
  16. Your ban says ALT account But according to JMT you were unbanned By hotshot and the system re banned you. Hopefully this can change soon. so +support given the circumstances
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Uyh5covGrc9xkgnMW3rQw5Wgd0aIuyL0QdobEMCg8Vk/edit
  18. +support. It is impossible to get anyone through. CI spray the door and kill pathfinders while their cloaked and say “oh we weren’t trying to kill you” It is impossible to get anyone in please add this
  19. I agree with rektify here, cuffs are very annoying to break out of and should be nerfed. I also believe that a shorter cooldown on the cuff usage could be nice
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