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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. +support its Very annoying to take an elevator trying to escape 106 and have him TP through the door say Hi and proceed to take you
  2. Instead of allowing CI jobs to walk in with ease. The spawn protection door will yell at you saying “you are not allowed in here” even though your on a CI job. It’s very buggy and very annoying
  3. I understand that this is a frequently denied suggestion but I think this is a valid reason for change What are you suggesting? - A slight change to the 2 life rule allowing only 2 COMBATANT life’s and a 3rd NON combatant life. How would this change better the server? - Right now some branches like Research, Medical, Maintenance and Semi RnD ( they do pretty well the majority of the time) seem to struggle with consistent numbers online at a given time. My suggestion is to allow a 3rd life for a Designated NON COMBATANT branch. This could increase the amount of RP that is done on the server and make it less of a PVP dedicated server. Right now we have 3 MTF branches, GENSEC/Wardens and CI making this a heavy combat server. Most people will go towards the combat branches and use a life in those. Where as Non combatant branches seem to be overlooked and disregarded. With this change people will be more likely to have a 3rd life in these branches without having to leave another branch for it. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None that I can think of Who would this change mostly benefit? - Non combatant activity on the server
  4. Most likely would require a 966 SWEP rework or a whole new SWEP. Also infil/PF getting caught in crossfire would be very annoying
  5. -support Any other job that works within a “Branch” has to follow the SOP regardless of whether or not the person on said job is within that branch: IE Nu7 quartermaster: CI Heavy Both are required to follow the SOP for that branch even though virtually anyone can flag on that job. If a SOP rule is broken that is a broken rule. if an MOTD rule was broken then it should be a staff matter not a 912 matter
  6. Name: Buck Rank: PVT SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 Discord ID (Ex. Deez #5564): Buck#6783 Are you a FTO?: No Timezone: CST Would you like to remain in Military?: Yes
  7. I feel that if this were to be accepted then the addition of a thermals SWEP could be added so you could still see cloaked people without all the adverts
  8. -support Less efforts put into this app then my ex in our whole relationship
  9. -support Do I even need to explain why?
  10. Don’t rlly know you but good app and good luck! +support
  11. +support Regardless of context or if it was meant as a joke it’s still a threat if I were to say that someone was a N word as a “joke” I would still get warned and banned for racism. Plus as shin said people have been perma banned for less and above that there was clear player diss towards 912 plus thin has made some questionable comments in the past Just because a person is a certain way does not excuse their actions. So using his personality as an excuse is horrible. your basically saying “yea he made a death threat but I doubt he would really kill someone” DDOS “Threat”- Blacklist saying “KYS” not even a direct threat - perma ban but apparently it’s ok for thin to say it because it’s “who he is”
  12. Steam Name: [GL] Buck Ingame Name: Buck SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 Date You Were Restricted: 5/19/21 Staff Restriction Length: Permanent Staff Member that Staff Restricted you: RookieBlue  Reason for Staff Restriction: Abuse of ET Powers after verbal warning Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): Im gonna start this off by acknowledging the given, I fucked up big time. I spawned in a Micro HID on my staff job, using ET powers. However,  I believe that my staff restriction should be removed because I have changed since then. I understand now that what I did very clearly violated the ET and staff guidelines and was a huge no no and I should not have done what I did. It has been over 5 months since I was staff restricted and I have learned from my actions and have taken the time to focus on how to be a better person and member of the server. I worked my way up to SM In CI before having to resign due to school. I feel that I have made a better name for myself within the community and others can say that im not the same person as before. I would like a second chance at being staff and possibly ET. I have been with this community for over a year and a half now, being staff and ET was one of my favorite memories and I hope I can join the staff/ET team again. Thank you for reading.
  13. +support Didn’t use the info for an RP advantage
  14. Your name: Buck Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): Buck#6783 Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 902712734175612929 Which discord server were you banned on? main GL discord What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? posting a discord link Why do you deserve to be unbanned? I posted the SCP-RP server link trying to help someone and was autobanned
  15. Massive +support While things were getting out of hand with HP, a CI alpha operative should not have 175 / 175 and be able to solo 2 Nu7. It also has rewarded people who bought the golf club heavily making it feel pay to win. I can understand lowering the HP/AP but decreasing damage by 40% is kinda shit. It renders many guns useless and makes this a melee only fight. another factor that nobody is mentioning is SCP. If 682 was hard enough to get to tranq before think about now. We can barely kill a d class. So how do we kill a giant fucking lizard with 7.5K HP. This also includes scp(s) 098, 2191, 035, 610, 1048, 1265, 966, 5208, 194, 939 and so many others even if the HP stays the same, please just fix the gun damage
  16. I believe that a 20-25 minute raid timer would be sufficient as it allows CI to raid and does not overwhelm MTF. It also is a good balance between long enough that MTF can deal with any Chaos inside the site and short enough that people will still be able to enjoy playing the classes. They will also be able to have utilization’s done on themselves so a somewhat lengthy raid timer shouldn’t matter.
  17. What are you suggesting? - Add three new level jobs of Serpents hand. How would this change better the server? It would provide a new class for the users that is not exclusively donator limited yet similar to what sarkic is currently. The new classes would have the ability to raid the foundation and utilize SCP's on themselves Hence the SH in lore are dedicated to embracing the use of SCP and having them widely accepted. All classes would be combatants and eligible to raid once every 15 minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: Serpents Hand Operative. (LVL 65+) Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/corvo.mdl Job Description: A special operative dedicated to embracing the use and existence of paranormal items, and in particular seems to embrace humanoid and sentient SCPs. Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_honeybadger tfa_m92beretta gmod_camera weapon_cuff_elastic weapon_hdevice Job Salary: 150 Job HP: 125 Job Armor: 150 ------------------------------------------------- Name of Job: Serpents Hand Elite Operative. (LVL 75+) Job Model (Model Paths): models/player/lordvipes/rerc_vector/vector_cvp.mdl Job Description: A special operative dedicated to embracing the use and existence of paranormal items, and in particular seems to embrace humanoid and sentient SCPs. Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_val tfa_glock gmod_camera weapon_cuff_elastic weapon_hdevice weapon_m9 Job Salary: 200 Job HP: 150 Job Armor: 175 ---------------------------------------- Name of Job: Serpents Hand Overseer. (LVL 100+) Job Model (Model Paths): models/InquisitorG.mdl Job Description: A special operative dedicated to embracing the use and existence of paranormal items, and in particular seems to embrace humanoid and sentient SCPs. Job Weapons (Ex. tfa_csgo_mac10): tfa_g3a3 tfa_vector tfa_glock gmod_camera weapon_cuff_elastic weapon_hdevice_pro weapon_m9 ci_teleport Job Salary: 300 Job HP: 175 Job Armor: 200
  18. Its Buck

    Bucks Nu7 app

    In Game Name: Buck Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:1:570251076 Discord Name (Bread#0001): Buck #6783 If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): FailRP x2 faking rolls as SCP-096 11/7/20 Abuse of ET and staff powers after verbal warnings. (Not going into detail on this post) 5/19/21 When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): October of 2020 Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): I want to join Nu7 because I like MTF, i was a SM in E11 for a while and enjoyed being such, however I resigned and now want to play MTF again but this time from the brother branch. I have some very good friends inside of Nu7 and enjoy playing with them. Nu7 will also allow me to stay in site more then E11 did sadly. I also want to join Nu7 for the new opportunities, Nu7 have some jobs that E11 don’t have and I want to give that a try. I feel that I will enjoy playing Nu7 it was also the very first MTF branch when I first joined the server. I hope to join and have a good time again. If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. 1LT Medical imperial | DT SGT imperial | CI SM (twice) E11 SM | Nu7 SSGT Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yes Did anyone recommend you to join Nu-7? (If nobody did, exclude this from your application.): J0LT
  19. Bro this scared the shit out of me. I thought you were gonna leave the server. You did a lot for CI and we’re probably one of if not the hardest working people I have met on this server. You worked your ass off to get where you were and I know you will carry that passion over to Nu7 full time. Now go get COL for me
  20. I don’t really know you but pillercat sums it . Great app
  21. +support to binds regarding anything referencing anything ERP related (UwU, Kitten, E girl shit) -support to simple binds [PA] The Scary people with guns are here! [CI/GOI] [ACT] swallows little red pill [cyanide roll off] [PA] Scary people with guns are here and made me shit myself! [CI/GOI] Or just something simple that is short yet can be funny. As for branch command I would say make it up to them to allow use of stuff regarding Furries and stuff along those lines
  22. +\- +support server diss -support advertisement he isn’t telling people to go play on his server or saying the server name/ IP so I wouldn’t rlly consider it advertising
  23. Welcome to the retirement gang big man, You we’re a great LT-CMDR and we’re always a fun guy to talk to. Enjoy the air force and thank you for your service o7
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