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Everything posted by Pills

  1. yes if you check the ban appeals section you can clearly see that it is all the same guy (or maybe friends in real life) minging on the forums. Coincidently they are all perm banned and are giving rep to each other on almost every post.
  2. Medkits suck -This post was made by candy cane gang
  3. Pills

    Need CC Help?

    Hello! If you send me the name of the CC (and preferably a reason why you want it [ex: CC owner, looking to join CC, etc]) I will send you a document back! This document includes: -Players/SteamIDs on CC -Weapons/Sweps on CC -CC info (Branch/HP/AP/etc) -Missing additions (No cuffs/No pro hacking device/etc) I will try my best to get all this info to you! Some documents may not have some info due to it being missing. Contact me if you find it! Example Doc: D-9177 'The Pill' (My CC)
  4. Pills

    One word

    @DumpTruckcan you vouch for this? ^^
  5. You called my cyanide pills o7 Dustin
  6. +/-Support Fill out your SteamID section. They asked you to leave (I Believe) and your reasoning was "I was observing" I don't know why he picked you up in the 2nd clip though
  7. you have chosen a fate worse than death
  8. -You Infected 035 with 009 as 343 on purpose (I think you had multiple attempts)
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