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  1. 1. training Sessions are ooc and I said for a second option to figgs ew cameras cuse they were fun. 2. Ain't the foundation a highly secured place so they got cameras everywhere? 3. its a level 100 job ad it got 15 minutes in between breaching some. pretty sure they can re-contain 079 in between.
  2. Post name: 079 change What are you suggesting? - I say we change 079 cause current 079 is A i d s, I see more people playing 2191 then that mf. Lemme start off by changing his SWEP, there are very few cameras and for some reason Colt didn't fix the new cameras for 079 when I made a report about it 3 months ago so I would just say give 079 a no-clip SWEP to make things 50 times easier, if not please for the love of god start working on the cameras. 079 should be able to breach every scp with a 15 minute cooldown to breaching OR just let him breach 076-2 or 682 with a cooldown of 5 minutes for the 2 cause of lore and what not. Letting 079 mess with the D-block door and the lights to make it more worth level 100. How would this change better the server? - 079 would actually be fun Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Not really just makes him harder to contain but its level 100 most A d m i n s don't have that level Who would this change mostly benefit? - 079 Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N a h
  3. What are you suggesting? - 682 shouldn't have any knockback, he is a giant mass murdering lizard who is speedy and I'm pretty sure that one tiny bullet can't slow it down (this will not apply for the micro). For 076-2 I am not entirely sure but what I would say is knockback on heavy weapons such as snipers etc. And either decreased knockback or no knockback on normal guns such as Ak's or pistols. How would this change better the server? - more fun for lizard and sword man, makes more sense Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - eh it will make him a bit harder to contain but not that big of an issue Who would this change mostly benefit? - people with Silver or gold+ Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  4. 035: most 035 breaches end up with them being shot down with barely doing anything to the foundation. 049: that's not what I meant, if 035's first door is open they 049 can access the double doors in which he can press the button in the middle of the door so he can get him out. No 049 breaking 035's door. 066: he is a Euclid and 90% of 066's have nothing to do a t a l l since rarely anyone says eric. He can't even enter d-block. 076-2: I might agree on you for this one but Able costs 40$ and 682, 035, 098 cost fewer and Able isn't even the top 5 priorities, I would give him a speed buff due to how easily he can be outrun by Nu7 TRT's or CI deadshots. Able deserves something from killing 7101, since 7101 can teleport, regenerate and Able can't do anthing. 096: I never remember making that suggestion. 194: the speed is just so his hit reg can be better and a lil more playable. 966: 966 its-self is unfun its just a 049-2 with slightly more health and a cloak swep. If you win the roll just shoot it 2191-1: if your going to go "It never said anything about it in the wiki" pretty sure 2191 can do other things other then drinking blood, and I'm pretty sure 2191 is a vampire due to the major similarities they share. 8286: No you can't use thermals as 8286. Other then that I respect your thoughts
  5. its no fun for 2191 its-self either, and the fact that its platinum and is very weak it should have a decent feature added to it
  6. D4 are robots............................ I only stated this for 2191 the vampire.................... my suggestion was that D4 can't see 2191 cloaked or not at all since he is a vampire........................ bro read the suggestion I said since vampires can't be seen by reflections, video recording and photos ANY robot wouldn't be able to see 2191 even if he is uncloaked.
  7. 049 can go look if 035's first door is open, if it is 049 can go inside, since 035's cell is similar to 610's 049 will press the button on the middle of the door way which opens 035's containment and they are both free. 049 can ONLY breach 035
  8. doesn't matter if they call him out or not, you can't shoot something you can't see as a robot. They however can shoot randomly everywhere if MTF called it out to them
  9. that's the point 2191 is platinum, if he can't attack robots then robots can't attack him
  10. Post name: SCP buff/nerf suggestions What are you suggesting? - I have some nerfs and buffs for each scp listed below: SCP-035: during his feeding process 035 can make an attempt to make the person maintaining him wear the mask in which they will have a roll off, unless they wear hazmat suits. If 035 wins then the person maintaining him will wear the mask by going into his cc. If the person maintaining him wins then 035 gets maintained successfully. SCP-049: Should be able to breach 035 if he has an opportunity to do so SCP 066: instead of saying "Eric" in-front of 066 to trigger him 066 will ask if you are Eric in which the 2 will have a roll off, if 066 wins then the persons ears get blasted and if the person wins 066 leaves them alone for 10 minutes, this will have a cooldown of 3 minutes. I suggested this since most people who play 066 have nothing to do. SCP 076-2: decrease his limb, head, and torso damage and increase his speed just a tiny bit. If he kills 7101-GL he will enter a 10 minute killing spree armed or not. SCP-079: fix his "new" cameras and let him control the lights SCP-096: if someone looks at him for 1 second 096 will enrage unless the person died SCP-194: decrease speed but not too much and give it more health SCP-208: needs a cooldown timer in which he can revive people and shouldn't revive a person if they were killed by an scp at least twice SCP-912: decrease the baton range that shit might as well be a ranged baton SCP-939: flashbangs or smoke grenades shouldn't count break line of sight since they are blind anyway SCP-966: when 966 breaches he will advert an RP that he is releasing the sleepy wave whatever its called then stalk someone for 1 minute, after that the scp has done that and the stalked person is completely alone he wouldn't be allowed to run as he is tired, then 966 will roll above 50 to kill him without being called out, the person when getting attacked by 966 cannot shoot them or call them out. And increase 966's damage SCP-2191-1: The D4 robots wouldn't be able to see it since vampires cant be seen by video recording or reflections. SCP-8286-GL: can use thermals if it owns a identity that has thermals How would this change better the server? - The scps would be more unique for some people but this is just my opinion Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - People might not like it, it might be "Broken" but again these are my thoughts Who would this change mostly benefit? - SCPs Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  11. Post name: Thermals Rework (not a swep) What are you suggesting? - if someone calls thermals the scp uncloaks in front of everybody making it significantly harder for CI infiltrators, MTF pathfinders, 966, etc. I would say that if someone calls thermals yes the scp will uncloak but in RP only the person who called the thermals can see the cloaked person, everyone else who hasn't called thermals will not see the cloaked individual in RP. If they do see him or react to the cloaked person without thermals then it would be metagame. How would this change better the server? - It would be way easier for cloaked people and it would make much more sense Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain - not much that I can think of Who would this change mostly benefit? - everyone who can cloak Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  12. Post name: change server SB population from 70 to 60-65 What are you suggesting? - scps should be able to SB to 60-65 players 70 is a L i t t l e too much people How would this change better the server? - scps w o u l d b e l e s s b o r e d Are there any disadvantages to adding this? - mtf lazy Who would this change mostly benefit? - scps Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -N/A
  13. What bug is occurring? 079's new cameras are missin I had to go to somewhere 16 hours ago but before I did Colt said there are new cameras I test to see there were n e w g o o d cameras I come back and they missing I thought a server restart would fix it but it didn't Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? 079 Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? Continuous Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action:
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