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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Pills

  1. How will 8286 work if they can't access this?
  2. What are you suggesting? A buff to the more uncommonly played SCPs on the server. SCP-966: Buff SCP-966 HP from 750 to 1500 Replace the weapon_sillyzombieclaw_v2 (Their swep) with the tfa_echo_clawsnew . As the zombie claws are used by SCP-049-2 and they are fairly weak compared to the raptor claws v2 SCP-1048-A Buff SCP-1048-A HP from 250 to 750 SCP-610 -2's HP from 400 to 500 -1's Armor from 350 to 500 SCP-5208-GL 5208 SWEP buff: 500RPM -> 700RPM 50% -> 80% Stability SCP-2191 Speed from 240 to 250 SCP-035 Add a cooldown timer to when you can control someone (Currently have no way of knowing the cooldown) SCP-035 HP from 375 to 500 SCP-035 Armory from 275 to 350 New Rule: SCP-035 may break the lights in order to breach SCP-280. (SCP-035 may not break the lights otherwise) New Rule: SCP-035-2's may only heal other SCP-035-2's and SCP-035. (It has been a relatively uncommon but occurring issue) How would this change better the server? - Encourage more diversity in the different SCPs that people play because they will be able to live longer. More diversity keeps players entertained, and more interesting roleplay as these SCPs will be more often on. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Mass breaches will be harder for MTF to recontain but with the current MTF activity, they will likely be able to recontain it in a reasonable amount of time. (Event Team could also do a reinforcement event to help MTF) Who would this change mostly benefit? - A player who wants to play SCPs, and maybe other branches as they will need to focus on more SCPs. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  3. -Support Too confusing for new players (trying to memorize similar maps) and too much of a hassle for HCMD+/Staff (Perma props, job spawns, 079/Thaddeus cameras, SOPs, etc) Map rotations are a bad idea, as I have listed above.
  4. Takes away the point of mining and adding a pickaxe to your CC? -Support
  5. Damn, my least favorite Ohioan. Before you go, I would just like to take the time to say... Fuck Dayton
  6. -Support So HEAR ME OUT, join event team?
  7. +Support I believe some of the general SCP rules and the Ethereal should also be mentioned in these.
  8. In-game Name: SteamID (Ex: STEAM_0:0:526542188): DiscordID (Ex: Dr. Pills#5405): How would you rank your knowledge of the lore on a scale from 1 to 10? Why should you be in the Chaos Insurgency (75 word minimum)? What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? Can you be active at least once every two weeks? Do you have any current/former ranks (Only in Gaminglight SCP-RP)? Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord (Required): *Please note, you may be removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for longer than two weeks. You will have a week to be promoted past the starter rank before removal.*
  9. Chaos Insurgency Website: https://sites.google.com/view/chaos-insurgency/home?authuser=0 Chaos Insurgency Meeting Excuses: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-b2IX7nCnTR6mcmy242Ndk36XkFG8GdZhBuXZqnFq8pIeSg/viewform MTF Epsilon-11 Base Raiding Guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15YNP2veojt00n53FrLK8ejlDa2l0ntpGYtB6LJGR3ns/edit Chaos Insurgency Punishment Appeal Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRge6iwGMz8_5-mJ3IYmb6PWAyGwavWJ8zoj7zFRhU68nBiw/viewform?usp=sf_link Chaos Insurgency Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V7W9D4d7ONvpmTS5dwgfI2nw9u8jOJtXs1aX32KlBNY/edit#gid=1694311486
  10. join vc we need to finish bungo
  11. +Support People after getting a bad roll: "I was rolling for teslas, this ones for lights"
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