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[GL] Spoon

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Everything posted by [GL] Spoon

  1. IF you have any evidence to support your claim that would help.. otherwise it pretty much comes down to an Admin's word over yours. So if you have evidence recorded that could really help clear things up. And it what scenario would you even say "Yeagoor". As of right now, I'm gonna -support cuz i don't 100% believe it. And racism is not something taken lightly.
  2. [GL] Spoon

    Spoon's LOA

    In-game Name: Spoon SteamID: STEAM_0:0:516348201 Rank: SRT PVT Length of LOA (Provide Dates): 11/23/2020-11/30/2020 Reason (If private then put N/A): Family Emergency/Out of town
  3. Damn man seems like just yesterday you, me, ronin and Rein were all riding around. Hope we cross paths again down the line.
  4. -Support - I personally have never seen you on when I patrol - I haven't personally see you get on to take OFC's/ or train cadets. -Haven't seen you at PD meetings either. -The part where you explain why you want to join Command seems really rushed, and in my personal opinion does not express a valid reason to be in Command. There's always a time and place for everything. Spend some time to really work on being more active on PD and your rank. Then come back and apply with those things in mind. "Work Hard, Be kind, and amazing things will happen." -Conan O' Brien
  5. Totally Unexpected, Rein I hope we cross paths someday whether it be on GMOD or elsewhere. Stay tight fam.
  6. +/- Support -There's no reason to continue arguing in the Forum. You both presented your sides lets leave it to SMT to decide whether punishment is or is not to be administered. -If Valentino was online during this time, he could have taken the sit. Personally a Family Member and a Friend taking a sit would be worse than just a friend taking the sit. Nevertheless, you always want to get someone who is unaffiliated. Although this can be troubling since the majority of Team are in a Family one way or another. -If what is being said is True, then Duncan you should have put him in for 8 not 10. And in most cases when there is an error in the arrest amount the arrestee usually is released. I can see how this can be seen as a friend helping a friend but I mean if the right sentence was put this forum wouldn't even be made. Nothing personal.
  7. +Support -Clearly this guy has no regard for the rules of the server. -RDM is obvious
  8. +Support -Clearly this guy has no regard for the rules of the server. -RDM is obvious
  9. +Support -RDM is clear -LTAP needs proof from the staff who was there. -Clearly says the N word during the sit in chat.
  10. Damn... If you would have asked me 5 months ago when I joined delta squad if I would even consider writing this, I would have told you no. Even now as I write this I feel as if my hand is forcing a story that shouldn't be written. In the time I've been in the department, I personally believe I can say I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly. For some Command we may or may have not gotten off on the wrong foot, but in the end it doesn't seem like it matters anyways since here I am writing this. After much time thinking over and over again and telling myself I can make a change, I've finally conceded to letting go. I've said this so many times in the Delta Squad discord, expressing about how I feel we can become a better Department. In the end, I don't think my message was ever understood. It pains me to even be writing this now sadly. Although this is a less blissful message, there were people in Delta Squad who really made my time there one to remember. Calamity: Although I doubt you'll read this, I was never able to thank you officially for letting me in Delta Squad. Rein & Shindoom: Great Officers, truly doing their absolute best to make the most of the Department. Straightforward, funny, easy-going. There are hundreds of words to describe this awesome duo. I know for a fact you both have a brighter path within this department. Ronin: My partner in crime. Always there to patrol with me when I was online. Showed me the ropes, and in most ways made me a better DS member by the day. You always made hopping on the Job worthwhile. Honestly you're probably the one person to make me stay as long as I did. With all this being said, I just want the Department to know that it is capable of opening this lock. The lock that holds them from reaching the fullest potential. All you have to do is use a key, lmao. With that being said I fully respect and admire all of those who have worked effortlessly for this department and I hope to still see you guys rolling forward with or without me; I just gotta find where I'm needed and wanted. Lastly, I wouldn't be spoon if I didn't end it with some sort of quote. “When you care deeply about someone or something, repairs are worth your investment of time, energy, effort, heart, and resources. Whether it is to repair a broken trust or a damaged relationship, take the initiative to make it right and make it better.”- Susan C. Young
  11. +Support -Adams, Max and Solomon gave him permission (Nuff said)
  12. Plus 98% of the time, you ask for all Units to leave the building and they "leave". Closing the door should be allowed as it was in the old bank.
  13. Send the OFC"s with the P250's asap they won't stand a chance
  14. +Support -Active -Dedicated -Mature -Knows how to interact with Enlisted PD, and other Government Officials -A role model Needless to say I believe Valentino deserves this for he is truly one dedicated player to the future of PD.
  15. Name : Spoon Rank: SA Activity: 5 Any additional info: No
  16. What you want to see? - Hobo's should be allowed to play music in their cars on the condition that they A) Play it at a respectful volume B) turn it off when they get pulled over for example and C) All inhabitants of the vehicle approve of the hobo playing the music. Why should we add it? - Adds more fun to being on the server as well as being on the hobo job. What are the advantages of having this? - Allows friend groups to have fun while driving around Rockford, I've already seen multiple people do this. Some of which are admins, this would also lower the amount of people getting warned for Mic-Spam and this would make the rule consistent. Who is it mainly for? - Hobos' Links to any content - N/A
  17. +Support -MUCH ANTICIPATED -Great work -Looking forward to episode 2
  18. +Support -Major Yes Support -Great Guy -Great PD -Active -Mature Do I really have to say anything else? Chip Dail is absolutely great and deserves this. Good luck
  19. +Support -Active -Well known -Knows the MOTD -Great Application
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