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[GL] Spoon

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Everything posted by [GL] Spoon

  1. +Support - Has a clear vision for the future of PD - Active -Great Ideas -Interactive with the Enlisted
  2. I can't make any videos but this is the shit I see when I patrol lmao Gaminglight is unmatched.
  3. Dude I have this game y'all should let me be the 4th.
  4. But when I ask for some donations he will say he's broke
  5. Just a heads up that you're going to be paying extra for it not being under 4MB and also it is not realistic for the server so that's also an additional charge.
  6. I'm like 89% sure there was like a shit ton of crime going on during this lmao.
  7. Hmm maybe I should find a more specific term, for it then. Or a more specific situation
  8. In order, to understand what Crim-baiting is we must generate a generalized definition of what Cop-Baiting is. To me Cop-Baiting is the act of attempting or successfully drawing the complete attention of a government official to pursue or draw them out in order to gain a thrill from being chased or shot at, essentially this happens most in high minge and even low minge hours as it usually occurs out of boredom. Now that we know what Cop-Baiting is, to me I believe that there is Criminal-Baiting happening alot. There's a difference between an FBI Agent going undercover to draw out a shady criminal. But that's not what I'm referring to. What I am referring to is the act of Government officials purposefully following criminals around or attempting to bait them into doing something illegal, such as shooting at them, getting them to rage and ram them. I'm willing to debate it further in the comments but let me know if you believe Crim-Baiting is possible.
  9. Just finished attending an Event hosted by Zerg, SupremeChow and Eternity and man what a rush. Just wanted to make this post to say great job on the event and keep bringing more like it. The intensity literally had me sitting on the edge of my chair. -Good Laughs -Good screams -Great Memories being made Thank you boys lol
  10. +Support -This guy clearly has no care in the world to learn and respect the motd. -Evidence is clear -Wasn't Stationary and was intentionally driving into players to annoy them with the "music"
  11. +Support -Evidence Clear -Although the video doesn't show it I was there to witness this. Shortly after the take.
  12. +Support -Encouraging MRDM by supplying weapons for all -Creating a Warzone out of Spawn - "Kill Ice" 'nuff said here (Encouraging RDM of a specific player)
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