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[GL] Spoon

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Everything posted by [GL] Spoon

  1. +Support -Active -Knows the rules - Previous staff -Would be a great addition to the team.
  2. +Support -tried of mingey families getting away with very clear and evident rule breaks.
  3. The family's in game name: SL Family The family's steam ID (required): N/A What did the player do: SL has amassed an impressive member count that rivals every family or even department on the server. However, upon further investigation, many of the players they are recruiting are new (some with mere hours on the server) who don’t know the rules. This would generally be a positive thing, allowing new players to grow in a family. However, SL has been using this large player count to constantly do mass crime with no breaks, constantly RDM gov, and overall harass government. All of my government experiences with their family have been met with hostility, toxicity and dissing from their many mingey, newer players. I think SMT needs to step in and handle SL. SL needs WAY higher recruiting standards, to enforce an SOP and to handle reports to their command. When me and many others have gone to SL Command to report issues with their family and the members in the family we can never get a straight answer. I have gone to SL Command straight forward and polite and we have never gotten an answer that doesn't sound like they are going to take care of it or even try so it looks like to me and many others that they just cant handle the Family. I have seen on many different occasions the SL family breaking countless rules like No Colliding into a base while gov is raiding, Meta Gaming, RDM, NLR, ect. I think I could make a book for how many different times SL has broken rules and if you take these scenarios to SL Command they do not do anything or they are the ones doing it. Overall any time I've come to talk to SL command about their family and the things that are happening they just prove more and more that they are incapable of controlling their members. What do you believe should happen to the family: SMT in the past has stepped in when Families have gone over an acceptable line, I believe SL has well crossed over that line. I believe SMT needs to step in and handle their family or explain to the SL Command Team that they are expected to maintain control of their family and its actions. Notes: I wanted to make a public thread where people can share their opinions on the situation instead of PMing a JMT+ and everything being private. I think that many Members on Gaming light share the same opinion as me and I would like for them to voice that here. If anyone has any question for me then my DMs are open to all.
  4. Your in game name: Spoon The player's in game name: SL Drakeo The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:636644417 What did the player do: Spawned in multiple CC cars that were not included in his CC. Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/fqPsuKEzBBdc8/vp0J3YYhh?invite=cr-MSxvWFAsMTA0MjExMzMs What do you believe should happen to the player: Either a Warn or a removal of CC. This is a blatant rule break that we all agree to when purchasing CC's on the server. As well as Vehicles. Any extra information: None.
  5. 'nuff said. You know who you are.
  6. +Support -Don't know why this doesn't have more responses. -Active -Dedicated -Has been a PD LT for 11 Weeks. -Has the experience. -Ready for CPT
  7. [GL] Spoon

    pikus 48 hours

    Damn, surely you'll be missed lots.
  8. In-Game Name: Spoon SteamID: STEAM_0:0:516348201 Current Rank: Lieutenant How long have you been in your current rank?: 5-6 Weeks What timezone are you in?: Eastern How many Warns do you have?: 3 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): The reason I believe I should be a Captain is that I believe I have been an ideal model command member. I demonstrate the many qualities I believe a leader should have which to me are the following, being active(on/off the job), being able to communicate with your peers with no power struggles coming around, being a role model. I believe that I exhibit all these qualities while still being true to my character. I am someone who everyone and anyone can come to reach out to for help with no fear of backlash. I patrol often with the lower enlisted, ensuring they get the proper training. I ensure that the enlisted have fun on the job so that when they do get on to patrol they have a good time while maintaining a level of professionalism. I do my fair share of training cadets and ensuring that others enact the same responsibility. I am also for the most part someone that Command can rely on to get tasks done that need to be done. I would consider myself to be a reliant Command member available at most hours of the day and I can be there for anyone that needs me to be there for them.Now the only complaint that I would have against myself is that I may not make every meeting but that's because of outside commitments sadly. But meetings only take up what I would consider 2% of Command's entire job. Therefore, if you'd be glad to have me as your Captain, I'd be glad enough to serve. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  9. [GL] Spoon

    SRT Rolecall

    I, Sergeant Spoon of the Special Response Team, have read and acknowledged this post.
  10. Your in game name: Spoon The player's in game name: Mr Cool The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:126201025 What did the player do: Has 49 Warns. Evidence (required): What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban Any extra information: No
  11. +Support -He's active -He's ready -He's super cool -Hard worker
  12. +Support -Active -Dedicated -Good Command Member -Ready for CPT
  13. In-Game Name: Spoon SteamID: STEAM_0:0:516348201 Current Rank: Lieutenant How long have you been in your current rank?: 34 days to be exact or around 4 weeks What timezone are you in?: Eastern How many Warns do you have?: 3 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): The reason I believe I should be a Captain is that I believe I have been an ideal model command member. I demonstrate the many qualities I believe a leader should have which to me are the following, being active(on/off the job), being able to communicate with your peers with no power struggles coming around, being a role model. I believe that I exhibit all these qualities while still being true to my character. I am someone who everyone and anyone can come to reach out to for help with no fear of backlash. I patrol often with the lower enlisted, ensuring they get the proper training. I ensure that the enlisted have fun on the job so that when they do get on to patrol they have a good time while maintaining a level of professionalism. I do my fair share of training cadets and ensuring that others enact the same responsibility. I am also for the most part someone that Command can rely on to get tasks done that need to be done. Now the only complaint that I would have against myself is that I may not make every meeting but that's because of outside commitments sadly. But meetings only take up what I would consider 2% of Command's entire job. Therefore, if you'd be glad to have me as your Captain, I'd be glad enough to serve. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  14. Sucks to see you go. Thanks for all the help you gave in getting USMS back on its feet. You are welcome back at any time.
  15. "Once you have deliberated and determined that a course of action is wise, never discredit your judgement. Stand squarely behind your decision. Chances are there may indeed be people who misunderstand your intentions and who may even condemn you. But if, according to your best judgement, you are acting rightly, you have nothing to fear. Take a Stand. Don't be cravenly noncommittal." Epictetus, The Art of Living
  16. "All things are in a process of change. You yourself are subject to constant alteration and gradual decay. So too is the whole universe." Marcus Aurelius, Meditations " Other people's views and troubles can be contagious. Don't sabotage yourself by unwillingly adopting negative, unproductive attitudes through your associations with others." Epictetus, The Art of Living
  17. "Remove the Judgement, and you have removed the thought ' I am hurt' : remove the thought 'I am hurt', and the hurt itself is removed." Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.
  18. Just posting this on the forums for anyone who feels they need someone to talk to. My discord is Spoon#0087 if you ever need to talk to someone just shoot me a dm I tend to respond pretty fast. We can talk about anything GL related or not.
  19. Sad to see a good ass OG member go, thanks for your hard work Ronin, I'll never forget the times you and I used to patrol around in the Raptor
  20. Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant In-Game Name: Spoon SteamID: STEAM_0:0:516348201 Current Rank: Sergeant Major How long have you been in your current rank?: Don't have the exact time but it has definitely been longer than 3 months. What time zone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 3 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): The reason that I believe I should be allowed to be a Lieutenant within the Police Department is for many reasons. For one, I used to be a Captain in the PD a while back and was what I would consider a role model for the position. Due to that previous experience, I believe I can help the Police Department flourish and get its mojo back. I would say that I have an above-average reputation within the community so this would allow lower-ranking members to feel comfortable coming to me for help and questions that may arise while on the job. My activity on the server is steadily increasing to almost being on every day at all points in the day. I am at least a Supervisor+ in almost all departments that I am in which helps in the fact that I would be able to support any member in need and respond accordingly to anything that may or may not arise while on duty. I've done my best to always be there for OFCs and even Cadets when I get around to training them. I am somebody that can be sought for help on and off the job, in or out of the game. Overall I believe I can be a good asset to this department primarily due to how helpful I am to anyone and everyone that may come along even despite their reputation. Personally, I try to see the good in people even when everyone else only sees bad, and I believe due to this feature of mine allows for a more non-biased perspective on other players which in the long term can really help them mature on the server. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  21. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORMAT BY THE END DATE OR BE REMOVED! Name: Rank: Activity 1-10 (be honest): (please respond to this roll call by commenting on this post)
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