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[GL] Spoon

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Everything posted by [GL] Spoon

  1. Dawg lmao music A1 but was that considered NLR at 4:00-4:15 The Same crip he just murdered tried to smoke his ass lmao. How you lose twice
  2. Idk man this wouldn't have happened to me I'm just built different
  3. What is your in-game name?: Spoon What is your steam name?: [GL] Spoon What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:517744336 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) July 18-20 ( Can't pinpoint an exact date) What date did you make your forums account? July 20th Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 2 Warns https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198992962130/screenshots/ Have you donated? Yes! What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No. Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on them? Yes I've read the Guidelines. Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): In response to the question of why I believe that I should receive the “Trial Moderator” rank I must first explain what I believe needs to be shown from a person of this rank. Starting from the top, I do believe that activity is one of the key components to joining the staff team in which I believe I have this component down to the bone. I’ve joined sometime in late July and have done nothing on Gmod except play on this server, as of right now I would say I put anywhere between 3-4 days in a week worth of playtime which can be very good if I am a Moderator as I can be online for longer amounts of time. Secondly, I believe a moderator should have a proper knowledge of the MOTD to do his/her job effectively. After my two warns I decided to really look into the MOTD and study what was actually allowed and disallowed, which allows me to complete that component. And lastly, I believe that a moderator should be friendly, well-mannered, and kind. At the end of the day rules will be enforced, but this is also a game. Hence why we should execute where we should execute and be kind. In conclusion I believe I should receive this rank because I am convinced I demonstrate these qualities. Not only that, I want to make sure the Gaming-light Police RP server is a fun, and respected game that isn’t ruined by minges and people who don’t care about our community. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I would bring those involved to the admin sit including those RDM'ed and the person who was the RDM'er. If the RDM'er is cursing and being rude, I would warn them that I am about to Gag them( mutes voice) and mute them (stops in game text) if they continue. In the event that it does continue, I will do what I stated before and Jail them so they cannot run away from the admin sit. I will evaluate the evidence given. If the evidence proves "MASS RDM" they will receive a Formal warning + 5 day ban(according to Staff Guideline Standard). If the evidence does not prove MASS RDM and the accused is innocent I would give them a verbal warning for being disruptive during the sit. rp_rockford_gaminglight_v40244.tga
  4. Say sike right now Pls </3, in Spain without the S
  5. Mine personally, is the Skyline just because the drifting is on point but I wanna see what your favorite car is.
  6. +support I wouldn't say boost it to the point it's earrape but if you could hear it that would be really good.
  7. As of right now, College Textbooks taking the number 1 spot of my bank account.
  8. [GL] Spoon


    Hello y'all, my name is Spoon, I play alot on PoliceRP it's almost concerning lmao. You'll see me either on Delta Squad, Gun Dealer or Thief, and Police. So if I'm ever in game and you want to have a chat don't be afraid, I'm a super chill dude and if you ever wanna base or run together, I'm 100% done.
  9. Lmfao, too accurate. Funniest part is that then you'll go outside and start saying, "Hey why are you in my base you got a warrant" smh. Two seconds later you dead.
  10. Wish you the best but that comments green af
  11. I think Delta Squad is doing perfect I just believe we can be doing a little more to recruit some more members.
  12. Thanks man I'll get to fixing it up and reposting, thanks for the help.
  13. Not sure how you managed to pull this off, very cool vid nonetheless, gotta love when outside people interfere with the bank robbery it literally increases your chance of success because the negotiator and team have to attempt to get him out and it takes more time, cool for Crim, sucks for Gov.
  14. This will definitely be good for some of the new players, nice job.
  15. As a Diamond member myself, I feel like there is not enough vehicles in the class that would equal that in which paid for diamond. I know it may be difficult to add other vehicles but if we can maybe add 1-3 more vehicles to add more diversity to the class that would be amazing. Of course I cannot recommend a vehicle myself because I'm unsure of what vehicles are already in the game.
  16. There was a miscommunication between the Admin and myself. Such as not seeing the drop down banner, that stated to stop speaking about certain subjects. Personally I don't believe I can be held against something that immediately got flooded out of the system by incoming chat. Nevertheless, still putting up a legitimate appeal.
  17. All honesty didn't see the message if I did I would have most definetly on my mama not said anything. Honestly just miscommunication.
  18. Steam Name: Spoon Ingame Name: Reznov Borov SteamID: STEAM_0:0:516348201 Ban Length: 1 week Admin that Banned you: Voxis Reason for Ban: Protesting chat Dispute: Hello my name is spoon or formally Reznov Borov in game. I recently joined the server and haven't done anything wrong. I've followed the rules for the most part and since I am new to GMod I'm still learning here and there. We were pulled over by an admin for saying things such as "Fuck 12" as an RP not as a race/political present day tease or what not. I only said it once and was told that we were allowed to say stuff around that as long as it didn't relate to current day events. I didn't do anything wrong, when the server reset I was just normally chatting like everyone always does when the chat resets. In this time I said, Fuck 12 Goodnight baby! and I proceeded to leave my game on as I went to go to bed. I wake up to play again and I see I am banned for a small reason for such a long duration. I hope you can have some sympathy for a man who is new to this and will learn from his mistakes. I don't mean wrong and I'm not a troll I'm just trying to enjoy the PoliceRP as best I can. I did not mean wrong with what I said it was just for RP purposes and it won't happen again. Before you go and downvote the support please understand, that the sign was instantly flooded out by multiple chats which the admin understood as well, and I was also mixed up with some other dude who was making way more derogatory statements in chat, I honestly, non-biasedly, believe I am innocent simply on the concensus that me and the admin in question agreed there was faults on both sides.
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