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Jack (utility one)

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Everything posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. +support No down side. Also it shouldn't affect Security as medbay should be locked down making it impossible for security to receive healing unless a medic is already in D-block so that shouldn't be an issue.
  2. +support Just because it's a combat branch doesn't mean it can't have RP. That's saying that because utility can't have a combatant class since it's a non-combatant branch. CI is literally trying to add a RnD combatant class so that argument is invalid at this point.
  3. +support If a bar can't be added how about a timer
  4. +Support He does an extremely good job as E11 VCMDR. Also he did the right thing. No matter how you word it did the right thing and reported a staff member for refusing to do his job he signed up for. You can say he "betrayed a friend" But in the end he did what was right, even if it was a friend, and it must of been hard to do. If anything this makes him even better as it shows he's not biased and does what is right, even if friend. It shows that he is not biased and will do the right thing even if it hurts him or a friend. I don't see what he did to be wrong as he did the right thing and I also believe that it is not a valid reason to -support. Also to say he did it for a rank or for his own gain is honestly disgusting. For the app itself it is really good and is well known and does his job right. Sorry if this comes off as rude are trying to start an argument. It's not and is purely stating my opinion, I apologize if you do feel offended or is seen as starting an argument.
  5. +support 1048-A can actually be very powerful if used right. As I've been able to be breached for literally over an hour and killing over 100 people in that span. But most people don't know how to use him so yea they just instantly die. I would love for this to be implemented as I can go on an even greater killing spree
  6. also just to note activity shouldn't be used as an argument because that can fluctuate and change. If you are talking on a based description between CI classes and MTF. CI should have better classes all around to duel with a 3v1. I understand as of late CI has had a huge boost in activity and MTF has been slacking but that is going to change down the line because it's always been that way with every branch.
  7. CI is meant to be stronger then a single MTF branch because it's a 3v1. If it was a stalemate between a single branch, let alone 3. It would it literally impossible to raid.
  8. +support I've never had any bad experiences with dang and have only heard good things about him. Amazing app is an amazing person and command member. He has been here for a while and deserves admin.
  9. +support I've never seen you but thats probably time zone issues and such. Your app looks really good with some noice experience with you.
  10. -support I would like it to possibly be added but it doesn't fit the server as we are semi-serious and this would bring some good amount of realisme to our server. Also so many hours have been spent balancing the weapons in our most recent change and just switching weapons now would be the biggest waste of time I've ever seen. Maybe in the future if the weapons we use rn don't cut it any more then this could be a nice replacement.
  11. ACCEPTED Please speak with HCMD to get your whitelist
  12. + support I honestly thought you could but I guess not. I don't see a real issue with it because it's just a bear with I think 150 HP or something like that (1048-A) with a good swep. I think it could be a SCP that can be allowed out without 75+ players on but will require a player count. Like 45+ or something lower. It can make things a little more interesting earlier in the morning.
  13. +support He shouldn't be getting shot at so I don't see any argument against it. If he does get shot at then he should be able to survive it. Just an extra barrier to prevent failRP with (because 1k hp is honestly very low and can be killed by a single person competent at combat)
  14. +support My mans is ninja tyler fortnite blevins playing gmod.
  15. As long as you learn from your mistakes and attempt to be better than your all right. Was it something good, no, but you manned up and took responsibility for your actions and hopefully trying to be a better person.
  16. -support There is no evidence to support your side and with your history and reputation I don't see any valid reason to take your side of the story unless clear evidence is provided.
  17. -support It would be paid a tad bit to much...also.....YOUR GETTING PAID. I'M GOING TO HAVE A NICE LONG TALK WITH INACCURATE AND PHILL LATER lol
  18. +support I would move medbay closer to D-block as that's what security mainly complain about is how "long" it takes to go to medbay. Also I don't think adding the elevator in medbay would be possible and just keep it where it is as we would need to extend HCZ by a lot to reach there.
  19. That is not a case. The amount of times I'm on jack or a regular D-class and use a normal goldan frying pan and have been able to SINGLE HANDEDLY wipe all of security away, usually a 1v3 or something of the soarts. D-block is honestly the most balanced it's been for a while. The old bunks actually made D-class better because 1. It is easier to camp their spawn, since it was literally in D-block. 2. If they are shooting from spawn, call staff or get a video of it and give it to staff or a command member, this is manageable. AND 3. IT WAS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF WHERE WE WERE TRYING TO ESCAPE. It made literally no sense because all D-class had to was kill gensec once and just hold that position, they could of used the barricades OR just escape. Security would be unable to catch up to D-class and it was impossible to defend once lost. If you call that overpowered I'm sorry but your vision is just clouded and I don't mean to be rude. To the actual post I +support it as I've seen MANY SCP's, and some CI and D-class camp outside of their bunks to the point it was no use even attempting to leave.
  20. +support To the -supporting, all of that is manageable by cmd and hcmd members. I believe they will know when not to call in E11 and when to and not abuse the power they're given. If someone is abusing this then they can be punished and if it is abused very often then it can be removed. I think it should be allowed because it makes sense but I think MTF need to remember that it can be easily taken away if abused or used in the wrong manner.
  21. -support it's up to either 1048 to call staff to bring 1048-A to him after collecting 3 ears or 1048-A calls staff to bring him to 1048. If we are to add a swep well that causes a huge chance to minge and abuse it when we already use to staff to do the teleporting.
  22. +support has done an amazing job so fare as a staff member and as a command member. Is an amazing choice for senior moderator.
  23. -support If this was your only offense then I mean sure everyone makes mistakes. But when you make those same mistakes over and over again on other SCP's that's when it gets absurd and based on your past history exploiting and overall misusing these SCP's is why I don't believe you deserve to be unblacklisted.
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