That is not a case. The amount of times I'm on jack or a regular D-class and use a normal goldan frying pan and have been able to SINGLE HANDEDLY wipe all of security away, usually a 1v3 or something of the soarts. D-block is honestly the most balanced it's been for a while. The old bunks actually made D-class better because 1. It is easier to camp their spawn, since it was literally in D-block. 2. If they are shooting from spawn, call staff or get a video of it and give it to staff or a command member, this is manageable. AND 3. IT WAS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF WHERE WE WERE TRYING TO ESCAPE. It made literally no sense because all D-class had to was kill gensec once and just hold that position, they could of used the barricades OR just escape. Security would be unable to catch up to D-class and it was impossible to defend once lost. If you call that overpowered I'm sorry but your vision is just clouded and I don't mean to be rude.
To the actual post I +support it as I've seen MANY SCP's, and some CI and D-class camp outside of their bunks to the point it was no use even attempting to leave.