Let's add more GOIs to raid the foundation so Research and Utility can't RP anymore!
Look, it sounds hella cool, don't get me wrong. But RP branches already struggle with breaches, CI, and D class alone... Sarkics don't add that much unless multiple people flag on, but even then CI base is an easier target than Foundation. GOC pretty much teamed up with CI this past event which means it's going to be a lot of people screwing over foundation personnel. Roleplay is actually super fun when people actually get to do it. This is why I purposely don't cause too much havoc when I'm on Maynard because I actually like doings things with research and maintenance to keep my cover before breaching an SCP. But the site is always at a state where they cannot leave bunks. Only the seniors in those branches are allowed to leave at D2, but if lower enlisted can't even RP to get promoted that high, it's very discouraging. CI and GOC can raid one after another, keeping MTF super busy, causing them to not have any people to escort research, or help d-block for riots. (Let's be real, everyone knows D class use breaches and raids to their advantage to riot because they know backup won't arrive in time.) MTF will eventually just get tired of it all and flag off, the same way Gensec flags off when D-class outnumber them and take over LCZ. There will need to be a SHIT TON of MOTD rules implemented to make things fair for all branches, and allow all three GOIs to coexist on the server. It's gonna be very, very hard to execute this branch correctly. It's just not worth it. It's a very interesting event to have on standby. But let's keep it at that.