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[GL] Fizz-y Soda

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Everything posted by [GL] Fizz-y Soda

  1. Tip: If you play during an XP surge, just use the timer on your screen.
  2. I think swapping 098 with this is better. 098 is rarely used and is worthy of bronze than silver. That way bronze still have an SCP.
  3. Gonna help you out so this doesn't get delayed. That link is to a gallery, not an image. For Paid for, put your steam id, not "yes".
  4. +Support I haven't heard of you before and it looks like many people haven't either. Holding a rep and being known in the community helps with your application for staff because it helps the community have confidence in you, and your ability to handle issues in a professional and non-bias manner. I'm sure you are probably capable of doing this, but not being known doesn't help. I can understand if you're a very reserved person. I myself didn't talk to many people and kept to myself up until I got command and I needed to speak up more to make sure all enlisted were getting all the help they need. I wish you luck. EDIT: Changed to +Support Leaving original post but just adding on. If the reason why I never see you is because you're on during the mornings, that's a different story. Didn't take that into consideration. If you're active during early hours, it would benefit everyone a lot. Your application looks good. The only thing holding you back was your activity. But since people claim to see you active when everyone else is not, that earns you some points. I think you should be given a chance to prove your skills in the staff department.
  5. The clip shown is worthy of a one week ban, which was fulfilled. The extension to a perma ban due to history of anti-semitism is a little much considering I cannot find any pre-existing warns/bans with a similar offence for this user. Unless Rookie is taking into account undocumented personal encounters, which is possible, it would make sense for him to extend the ban. Personally, I'm sticking with a + for at least reverting the ban back to its original length. Edit: User admitted to not wanting to change. Can't help him there. Changing to -Support
  6. -Support If you don't have an Add-on to provide with this suggestion, it's not going to get accepted. Also, adverts already stand out. They're formatted a different color.
  7. Don't they already do that ? I recall having to roll to turn them back on while on maintenance. Edit: Correction, you only have to roll when recontaining 280. I honestly don't like the lights being off for that long anyway tbh... Ima leave a -Support.
  8. Just to clear things up so no one gets confused, You want to be able to BREAK lights, meaning they have to roll let's say 60+ to FIX the lights. Then having to roll again to turn them on. Sound right?
  9. -Support Honestly, I hate all SCPs going into d block. The only purpose they have is getting in the fucking way.
  10. If you can find an add-on with a whole set of guns that includes the M1, it'll be more likely. Hope there is a Scoped variant. Regardless, even if it's gonna be denied, I'll still leave my +Support
  11. I don't know where this was talked about, but I remember the answer being "We're not adding an add-on for one single gun."
  12. -Support This will cause sits to go through the roof. Just ain't worth it. This is just one of those things we have to live with.
  13. Editing my last post to include this quote was acting funky so I'm gonna add one more post. (Mostly just gave up fighting with it) Yes, I'm aware they target the SCPs, however you're threatening the integrity of the foundation by doing so, which would require MTF to step in and take action. What do they do once they find a GOI inside their secret lab? They attack. You're telling me you're gonna sit there and get shot? There will obviously be combat involved. While you're not targeting the personnel themselves, you'll still cause problems for them by being present. Similarly to when we take SCPs. Like I said before, it's a really great idea and I would personally enjoy playing on this. But we need to take everyone else's roles into consideration when adding something like this.
  14. -Support Let's add more GOIs to raid the foundation so Research and Utility can't RP anymore! Look, it sounds hella cool, don't get me wrong. But RP branches already struggle with breaches, CI, and D class alone... Sarkics don't add that much unless multiple people flag on, but even then CI base is an easier target than Foundation. GOC pretty much teamed up with CI this past event which means it's going to be a lot of people screwing over foundation personnel. Roleplay is actually super fun when people actually get to do it. This is why I purposely don't cause too much havoc when I'm on Maynard because I actually like doings things with research and maintenance to keep my cover before breaching an SCP. But the site is always at a state where they cannot leave bunks. Only the seniors in those branches are allowed to leave at D2, but if lower enlisted can't even RP to get promoted that high, it's very discouraging. CI and GOC can raid one after another, keeping MTF super busy, causing them to not have any people to escort research, or help d-block for riots. (Let's be real, everyone knows D class use breaches and raids to their advantage to riot because they know backup won't arrive in time.) MTF will eventually just get tired of it all and flag off, the same way Gensec flags off when D-class outnumber them and take over LCZ. There will need to be a SHIT TON of MOTD rules implemented to make things fair for all branches, and allow all three GOIs to coexist on the server. It's gonna be very, very hard to execute this branch correctly. It's just not worth it. It's a very interesting event to have on standby. But let's keep it at that.
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