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[GL] Fizz-y Soda

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Everything posted by [GL] Fizz-y Soda

  1. This is a perfect example of why rule #10 exists. They only possible way I can think of this issue being fixed, which has already been denied btw, is putting an invisible perma prop in that gap so you aren't able to sit on the ledge. Simply don't do it.
  2. This is the cost. I think it was moved to R bunks to prevent this, but apparently it causes different issues. Either way, as long it it gets people to stop complaining about bunk doors, I'm game. +Support
  3. I think the door noises are too much. But i like the actual lift noise ;-; It gives me nostalgia.
  4. Chuck E. Cheese wall for 1000 tickets my guy.
  5. Free my mans Jeff! Actually, in all seriousness, -Support Jeff, I haven't seen you on in a long time so it's hard to tell if you've learned how to play on SCPs correctly. I know you would always get warns for doing thing you're not suppose to do on SCPs so it's hard for me to support this. I think you should wait some more time and allow the community to see that you understand the rules More before you get unblacklisted from this job. I hope to see you around again soon.
  6. +Support Ignis was a good person to be apart of CI. Never did anything that broke SOP and always followed orders without complaining. He definitely is willing to RP and follow rules, but his speech patterns got the best of him. I can relate to his slip up as I say things that may be seemed as offensive around my close friends IRL. He probably felt comfortable with his server friends that he forgot who he was playing with (That's just my theory). I'm pretty good at controlling what I say because of my work environment, however its not easy to adapt to. Ignis definitely deserves a second chance to try and prove he didn't say what he said just to piss people off, but because it was a legitimate accident. I'm sure he will be extra careful on what he says while on the server if he is given his shot at redemption. For the people that are gonna come in and post "he said a racist remark and should not be tolerated!" because i know some will, you need to understand that the speech you develop growing up with school friends, or friends in your neighborhood, sticks with you. Especially if you grew up in low income areas like I did, where gang violence is hard to get away from. You pick up on how language is spoken to fit in. Then it sticks. Yes, these slurs should not be said at all, but they are in everyday life. We can't change that unfortunately.. Everytime I spoke with Ignis on the server, there wasn't a single second where he gave off a hostile vibe. He was always very friendly and chill to play with. I genuinely think he deserves a second chance to play on SCPRP.
  7. Check to see if your harddrive is full.
  8. Different app already accepted.
  9. Denied. You may reapply in 48 hours. You are still eligible to get trained if you escape as D-class.
  10. Oh really? I've seen a get denied. Maybe it was the price lol anyway +support
  11. All Gmodstore suggestions are pretty much instantly denied.
  12. -Support I honestly don't see why a whole branch needs to be added just to add a specific responsibility that can easily be assigned to an existing job on the server. It doesn't take bringing A1 back to enforce those redacted terms from being said. It's you guys. Enforce it. Have HSU and O5 interrogate people that say it instead of just giving them amnestics and watching off. Y'all want more roleplay involved? Then actually role play. As for PKs, it cool but is annoying. Against it coming back.
  13. -Support Hard to enforce based off what you said in your post. Having a 939 swep with so many rules won't go well.
  14. -Support It's pretty good a gun as of now. Plenty of other guns for mid-range combat.
  15. For those that aren't aware, the Central U.S. has been experiencing a severe winter storm. Normally this isn't a big deal, but this time it's colder than usual. As a result, many power outages have occurred through out several states. Majority of them in Texas, leaving 5 million (and counting) HOMES without power. Most houses in Texas aren't equipped with fireplaces or any sort of winterized equipment, because of how uncommon in is home-court like this. This is leading to issues like pipes busting because of the cold, and transformers going out. Because of the power outages, many people, including myself, are dealing with freezing temps INSIDE our homes. I've noticed that some of you have also been effected and have been taking LOAs. I hope you and your families are safe and can keep warm to the best of your abilities. Don't drive unless absolutely necessary. Conserve any power you do have. DON'T SLEEP IN YOUR CAR! I've been seeing reports of people doing that, and it doesn't turn out well. I'll also ask for people to be gentle on punishments of those effected as some may not even be able to post an LOA. video0-3.mp4
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