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[GL] Fizz-y Soda

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Everything posted by [GL] Fizz-y Soda

  1. +support Will effect them if they wanna apply for things. Shouldn't be on history.
  2. uh.. Did you accidentally press submit?? -Support
  3. Tbh, the vector is too strong of an SMG to be on a job. Only CCs have that gun as of now. If it starts getting added to job, I can assure you people will start complaining. Remember D block? Also M82 on coldsilver does seem a bit much. Let's your sniper classes feel special. Lastly, double check to see if the fallout model is used on a CI CC. I think it is, but might wanna double check. models/player/fallout_3/t51b.mdl
  4. Maybe this can get cleared up? There seems to be confusion with the term "guarding" and "camping". Also with "Gate". If they are to be guarding the gate, they should be stationed AT the gate. Not all the way down the hall with guns aimed.
  5. But you can't use this argument to compare with. The fact that we need to use our whole Arsenal to protect a hostage/SCP just so we can RP didn't occur to you? R&D can't do regular on-sites if military can't get past EZ with enough people to keep them safe. If we're called out before we even get to HCZ then the test will most likely fail. RP occurs constantly inside the site, while RP for CI relies HEAVILY on raid success rate. You guys are complaining how there needs to be more RP reasons behind all these decisions, but have y'all even considered how this will affect R&D??? It's not JUST about military...
  6. I also feel like it's a waste of resources having people stationed to guard Gate A instead of helping in RP scenarios like escorting into HCZ, preventing a breach, or recontaining an SCP.
  7. I feel like this is missing a lot of context. I feel like you wouldn't have gotten banned just because you didn't fill out a form.
  8. Probably better to ask in general comms in the discord
  9. We use this now. https://sites.google.com/view/chaos-insurgency/general-ci/loa
  10. +Support for whatever y'all decide. Obviously will try to bypass another ban anyway.
  11. +support Really does make sense but I don't think they will be able to do it so easily.
  12. Suggestions would take way too long. Keep it here.
  13. https://gyazo.com/6fe3713262cbcae96502a0bd129c3236 Can we please have a perma prop sign stating this is a spawn? We just had someone spawn kill an E4.
  14. -Support Several warnings given and failed to comply.
  15. +Support Very active R&D command member. Great mindset to achieve greatness, and would undoubtedly be a good addition to staff.
  16. +Support Would be very nice to have something like this that everyone can access so there is standardization of rules.
  17. -Support Been 7 hours and hasn't been fixed. Guess it must not mean much to you since you haven't even bothered to check it that amount of time?
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