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[GL] Fizz-y Soda

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Everything posted by [GL] Fizz-y Soda

  1. Fubar does 125. Also hit reg is trash. -Support
  2. Known issue. I think there isn't a fix for it. You're just not suppose to use it. That's what it says when you flag on to any job you're not allowed to use it on. Something along the lines of "You may not use permanently scripted sweps on this job" - Referring to donor items/riot shield
  3. What channel(s) did you post the video? Would help to list that.
  4. -Support It's the same suggestion with the exception that a player count for gensec is showed now. (Not even in the suggestion may I add, but in a screenshot.) What about a count for Nu7? I understand the idea of making sure the site is under control and E-11 want to help get things in order. But you're trying to take Nu7's responsibility. Kind of how the whole thing went down where Nu7 basically repaired every CC instead of maintenance. Now there's a lot more restrictions on repairing CCs. Let's back on topic though. If there's a lack of Nu7 on to perform theses tasks, I feel like better solution is just to join that branch so it becomes more active during these hours. Rather than taking over the responsibility. If it's this early in the morning, SCPs shouldn't be self breaching so there's no reason to need dclass to prevent breaching. You also don't need dclass to recontain, except 106. Even then, you can sacrifice someone since you can't get a dclass. Every other SCP is kill to RC, shoot to tranq, or RP procedure. If for some reason there's enough players to allow self breaching, I find it hard to believe there will only be 2 gensec online. It'll be a blue moon, so there's no reason to even have that restriction if it will rarely ever happen. Overall, this is the same suggestion that has been denied before and I can't support it because not much has changed.
  5. If you switch over to the SVT 40 and back to the 5208 swep, you are forever a big size, but your hitbox is still small.
  6. +Huge Support Yes. This is always something I've wanted to see happen for Research AND maintenance. Being stuck in bunks all the time is extremely annoying and makes it very difficult to do anything. Even on codes where you are allowed to roam, you still have to be cautious as anything can happen at any time. Whether it be an SCP breach or loose D class, there is always danger in the site. Understandably, you should remain in the bunks for your safety, but you are already at risk for working in the site. More importantly, the thing about not being able to go out during certain codes, is the location of the incident. Sometimes the problem can be isolated in HCZ, but all researchers in LCZ still have to remain in bunks. This also prevents maintenance from helping unless they have CS or are the appropriate rank. But if they are stuck in bunks all the time, it's harder for them to reach that rank.
  7. Roster/IG Name: Fizzy Soda Rank : Chief Agent SteamID : STEAM_0:0:54636654 Activity [1-10] : 1 Suggestions / Comments : I miss Neo
  8. Name: Rank: Timezone: FTO (Y/N): Discord#1234: Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: Do you wish to remain apart of Military?:
  9. +Support Been funny console banned before. Know the feel. Also I'm 100% sure Mitchell wouldn't just say it without a very good reason. In this case, explaining the sit
  10. https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/34293-ban-and-job-blacklist-appeal-process-and-formats/ -support
  11. This will need to be heavily looked into. Where it stands now, I'll go with -Support Needs a lot of regulations. Also where is the link to the swep and player models? Are they already on the server?
  12. You would have to get trained again. Unless bloodstream remembers you, it might be easier for you.
  13. Your trainer needs to create a new invite. If you still have issues, it could just be a problem with the alt bot. Did you just recently create your discord account? I heard this is a problem with a lot of new players. Also, you posted in Archives
  14. +support I think this cant be fixed though, but if they find a way, sure.
  15. What the actual fuck? Fr tho, I saw this coming once you went full-time. (See image) Hope you stick around the discord and TS. You got R&D to the best state it's ever been, and you couldn't have left a better branch behind.
  16. I have a hard time supporting this. You've been denied several times to your other staff and ET apps because you weren't trusted with the kind of power these ranks have. However, I do agree that you have matured and I haven't had, or heard of any recent incidents involving you. So that's definitely the right step forward compared to before. I still think it's a little too early for you to try applying again, but I think you should still be given trial mod. That's the whole point of the rank, to test your ability to staff and earn the title of a true moderator. I think you have proven that you can mature and you are doing your best to correct your behavior and choices on the server. You really do try hard. You're committed so I'll give you my support, but it'll be difficult to gain the support of everyone else seeing how soon it's been. Good luck. +Support
  17. If you started seeing this after a server restart , it's hard to tell what the root cause is. I would recommend verifying your game files then rejoining he server.
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