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[GL] Fizz-y Soda

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Everything posted by [GL] Fizz-y Soda

  1. See you around Munter. Donor classes are a thing if you wanna hang with the crew.
  2. https://medal.tv/clips/35836750/9PMJub9GDZMq - Support
  3. People have gotten warned for this before. We've striked people from CI for abusing this. It's definitely a thing and needs to be clarified. +Support
  4. See... You admitted that you will player target tho... That's also against MOTD. Doesn't help your case. But you did diss. Wish Skela wasn't on open comms so we can hear you better but I can hear you ranting about the store knife. The ban should get reduced though if anything. We all get upset in games. But it's still another human controlling that character. -Support
  5. Unfortunately, because the sit was already handled and a punishment was agreed on, this incident is considered resolved. So this report will get denied as handled in game. You're basically trying to say that you don't agree with the punishment that was given. Therefore, you should be making a staff report. Not a player report, because the staff failed to provide the proper punishment for this incident and you believe there was a bias decision made during the sit. I'm going to have to drop a - support for this report because it has already been dealt with. Consider making a staff report if you still feel the same way about the decision made.
  6. I think this is supposed to be under staff reports? Are you reporting DUMPTRUCK or the staff? Because if this was already handled in game, this is gonna get denied instantly.
  7. I hate how slow it is right now, but I think it's like that for balancing purposes. If we can get recharged faster, it's easier to get back into combat faster with full armor. This could cause more combat healing to happen. The way it is right now forces to stay in one area while we fix our armor. Waiting for the kit to recharge takes a long time. If it recharged a little bit faster would be great for all branches. More importantly, improve maintenance activity since a lot more people will rely on them. +Support
  8. +Support For Blood: Honestly, he tried to talk to about what you were doing with the prop thing. You should have taken that opportunity to talk it out with him and let him know how you felt about being called an idiot. For Spring: Also, not having your RP name is a big problem since people don't know who you are. Since you didn't have the name, it's not easy to tell who you are if they don't know your voice too well. As an AMM you should know the importance of having your name set. This situation was not handled well. It could have easily been talked out between the two members involved. For staff to get involved just caused an unnecessary warn to happen. We're all here to have fun. Don't get at each other's throats over a prop. Talk it out.
  9. It's always been an agreement that they cannot call us out since we are not to kill them at all except for E4. Any other non-combatant class is able to though. Just not CS. You should've brought this up to us so we can talk to maintenance command about this so we can come to a middle ground. But MOTD rule would help so +support
  10. Dual berettas have always been really good, i think maybe 10k would be better instead of 8.5k +Support
  11. "rip mag-7" indeed. I do agree that the mining system is not always present and I often see "when is mining coming back" in chat. If mining can't be fixed, just buff supplier. Make the prices insane if you wanna. You don't have to give them crazy weapons, just better options. I don't think any shotgun should be added to supplier, but I do think at most 1 smg should be added. Maybe one more pistol that is either stronger or has a bigger mag. Overall, I +support the idea of buffing supplier some more.
  12. Would clear things up, especially if the timer starts once you are left alone. Rather than the second you are cuffed. +Support
  13. -Support Oh well. Don't send stuff if you "don't know" what it is.
  14. +Support Has been verbally warned in CI several times, and just received a strike within the past hour. Clearly needs discipline.
  15. -Support Requires sits. Annoying. Also extremely unfair. Sleuths just got buffed in branch update. They're totally fine with the current rules on comms. They should continue to work with Maynard for site comms communications. Teamwork makes the dream work.
  16. As M8 said, this is a limited job. We also will actively remove people who abuse it. 10min NLR on it is ridiculous. Even 5 minutes. If there is someone abusing maynard, talk to CI HCMD.. -Support
  17. -Support Sounds cool, looks really neat. I don't think they'd like to spend money for something so minor though. Just flip a prop and bet on it. Also chat spam maybe? Idk if it only tells the people in the flip or the whole server. If it told the whole server that would get annoying.
  18. -Support Entered D block as 096.
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