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Everything posted by LuckyGoose

  1. + Support Mature Knows the rules Has been staff here for a while Great staff member Has been a good friend ( AKA Friendly ) Good Application
  2. +support Your app is great! The only issue i have is i would like to see you on duty more as Admin. But other than that you have been a great staff member. When you are on duty you are quick to jump in and help anyone with out any hesitation which is great plus you always get both sides of the situation before coming to a conclusion.
  3. + Support As the rule has been updated for when you are cuffing someone they cant pull a gun out when you have your cuffs out. This should be added to that rule for tasers.
  4. He did break rules and if we get his Steam ID we will handle the issue. But you also where disrespecting him by calling him ("lil shit" , "lil Kid") which isn't to bad compared to a lot of other player disrespect ive seen over the years but still player diss.
  5. +/- Support + Long time member + Good guy when on - Not to active - App is kind of weak Good Luck!
  6. Sorry man rules are rules. But thanks for the respect.
  7. +support Reasons and with overwhelming amount of evidence.
  8. - Support For starters this is a FBI issue and High Command has taken action. Regarding this post there is no reason to ban Derick maybe for a JMT+ to talk to him and suggest you guys stay away from each other. Also please don't bring this drama to the forums call a staff member ingame as they would have said stay away from each other.
  9. + Support You can not run away when they put there gun away while they are cuffing you. https://gyazo.com/621a76114294c3b92b87c9a4109d8064
  10. Honestly I have played with you and you have demonstrated to me that you have matured. The application could use a bit more effort but I'm going to +support good luck on your application.
  11. I haven't seen you or talked to you much but good luck?
  12. "I used to staff for gaminglight on the SCP-RP branch until an incident happened" You said this in you app and we need to know is this a IRL issue or is this a issue that happened on SCP? Before I can + or - Support I need to know.
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