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Everything posted by Mark001

  1. +support - Active - Professional - Good leader and figure - Nice application - Good reputation - Has been CPT for a while and is ready for MAJ Goodluck.
  2. +support -active -professional -good leader and has good relationships with most members -good judgment overall I think you are ready for LT, good luck!
  3. (i made the sit) Also I want to apologize, I feel I spread some confusion amongst the staff and caused a unnecessary drama. I think Piemp is a very nice member and so is Azrael. So I ask that all parties be excused.
  4. This and tricycle one? Seems a little unbalanced.
  5. What is your in-game name?: Mark What is your steam name?: [GL] Mark001 the first What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:128867149 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Yes, I was a moderator & gamemaster on the imperial RP server. I left on a good note and had a great experience. What date did you start playing on the community? Late 2019 I think. What date did you make your forums account? February 16, 2020. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Gold. How many warns do you have on the server? 19. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No. Have you read the staff guidelines? Yes. Timezone: CST Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? Now I have been a part of this community for an extremely long time, I have had many RP ranks and have served as staff and gamemaster for imperial RP. I feel comfortable saying that through all of this time I have spent in this community, I have gained the complete trust of many numbers of players and staff. I maintain a calm demeanor and respectful tone to anyone I'm talking to, even if I feel they are in the wrong or are being disrespectful towards me or other GL members. I have maintained complete loyalty to GL and have never done anything malicious against the community, I believe I'm mature enough for staff but not overly serious to where it's annoying. I do my complete best to keep a neutral judgment for all members in GL, whether I know them as friends or do not like them. I'm always very patient with people and willing to help them on the server with RP situations or staff situations or anything at all. So with the loyalty, I've upheld for years to Gaming light and the experience I have being staff in this community, with the relationships I've built with the people in the community, with a clear, mature, neutral thought process I completely believe I can uphold the standards once again of the gaming light staff and community. As you can see I have a lot of warns, I was pretty bad in this community, very mingy, very unprofessional, but one of the best things I got from the people of this community is growth. I have learned a great deal from everyone in this community, and over the years of experience on this community and the time I've invested. I think I should become staff again <3. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Assuming I'm in a secure and private location, I would first gag and freeze them, and once that is done I would explain why they are receiving a warn and what its for I would give them a formal warning for mass RDM & staff diss, I would then call a higher-up staff member (admin+) to ban, and I would gather the evidence I need from logs, clips, etc, and send it to them. Once that staff member has reviewed the conduct of the gagged member I would communicate and outline to them why they are being banned and warned and where they can appeal it (the gaming light forums). then when they are banned, if someone made a sit, I would apologize for the inconvenience in their RP and return them, I would keep the evidence for an extended amount of time in case of appeal or a request for the evidence and go back to RP.
  6. Now originally I was gonna +support, however I'm going to change it to +/- + Friendly chill I've seen you train before and I think you're good - The reason I'm changing is because of activity, i do not think your activity is high enough for a low command position. Otherwise I have no issues.
  7. +support Professional Friendly Active Never had a bad experience with Ganta and always gotten help when needed goodluck ganta
  8. Hello! i will be resigning from imperial RP as i dont have time for the server anymore SO! i have resigned from everything and i plan on coming back this summer, if i dont or cant ill be even more sad. ill now do what everyone does when resigning and name everyone i give a shit about. Bon- you are very nice person and great Palpy, and you got a heavy supply of bitches unlike astro. Astro- speaking of the devil, in all seriousness you have helped me tons of times and seen me through Crewman to Commodore, if this man doesn't have fleet admiral when i get back i will raise hell. DT- i know alot of DT that are very good, but yalls callsigns is hard to remember but ill list off some i know. i love DT and shock and thats why i was a SO, your in good hands so i believe you will do great things. SO5 and SO9- you both have a supply shortage of bitches. KA5- almost had to set up a gofundme for a mic, but your a great person and hope to see you in a more fancy position down the road. Mann- i had to deal with you for way to long.... but really you where a great DT commander and you got plenty of bitches. Crunch- i didnt get to kill you enough but nahh, good luck with commander. Rule 15- love you Matrix- great Admiral and great person, and has shown great dedication and love for naval. Boomer- another great admiral and is very helpful Frog- he has a model that people can see... finally. Odin- you are a perfect fit for moff and i hope to see you go further! Nex- great shock VCMDR and great naval CPT, i wish you could be commodore. Darby- you abuse me way to much, also get bitches. Brine- Apply for commodore or else. Raptor- you will get Tenn, and you deserve it. Yorn- i see great potential in you, and you know your shit. good luck! Elias- you have been a great help to me and a great naval, you are now the only low command sorry about that. but if you dont get Vice admiral next naval meeting i will be murdering astro because he let you not get it. Mando- sorry i left you but your a great person and great head GM, dont let anyone make you think otherwise. (voice of a god) AX5- your a big mess but a great person! Burrito- Best seeker, i completely disagree with the demotion and im still malding about it. Rux- great person and deserves JMT all the way. all SO's- love all of you Naval- Bad branch, glad i never joined. Bop- nimo better Nimo- your better than bop but your still cringe Name- almost forgot to mention you! congrats on grand IQ and thanks for the help you have given me. if i didnt mention you its because i forgot and its 12:00 PM or your DT and your callsigns are crazy hard to remember goodbye everyone ;(
  9. +support -Active -good GO -has seniority -naval supervisor (can be trusted) -professional As im about to resign i wanted to give my full support on this, good luck to your future endeavors raptor.
  10. +/- Support -Good Naval -Active -Knows lore better than he knows his mother -Professional -Just a good person in general -The app is on the small side but is basically made up with his naval skills -He knows how a turbolaser works so I'm pretty sure he can fire a turbolaser -No mention of regimental engineers (i wanna remind people that your overseeing regimental engineers so please mention it in your GO apps as Go's can promote anyone who is a regimental engineer to SGT in any battalion there in)
  11. Mark001


    can someone plz give all fnaf lore?
  12. not only that, the server UI is in need for a change, so this can go with that.
  13. +support -Active -Responsible -Decent app >Only problem is this app doesn't say anything about regimental engineers. -Seems to want to help Naval and GO -Good Luck
  14. Mark001


    hello, i eat crayons.
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