1. What is your In game Name:Gubby
2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it):STEAM_0:1:491903989
3. Rank:MA
4. Time on server:9 weeks time got reset
5. Total strikes ever received: In utility 2 both because I transferred from surgeon to field work (I Believe)
6. How many warns do you have on GL: 26 ( I would like to say I havent been warned for 4 months and I am approaching 5 months
7. Who gave you permission to apply: Lantard, TrickTroll , Beanz
8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?:9 or possibly 10
9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ry8Ft6uLEHpJf55BLBo81YSWZlZK3izRWYslPWMKrzc/edit
10. CI is raiding, and you see them breaching a keter SCP. What do you do?:Report it in Foundation comms if they attack me or my maintenance I will defend myself
This is an Edit addressing the warns I know that the amount of warning is daunting but I would like to say it is a curse that walks with me everyday at [GL] believe me when I say I wish I had done better and I have done better at GL which I am happy that I was successful but I still need you'r guy's trust which I understand if I have lost it.