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Some Weeb

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Everything posted by Some Weeb

  1. +support honestly it would be cool if 076-2 could just go on a rampage cause someone RN could tranq him and put it away and 076-2 cant do shat
  2. +support 1.106 literally doesn't fit its description the dangerous and scariest that takes 3-5 minutes to RC 2.Due to how fast 106 can travel vs MTF response teams is just to broken there's no fun A dragon is an obedient, loyal, destructive, and smart super soldier never disrespect it or there is no mercy
  3. yeah 096 swep has been broken for a while idk why though A dragon is obedient loyal destructive and smart never disrespect it or there is no mercy
  4. -support Why did you appeal this is a clear violation of the staff handbook/if you are a staff member of gaming light that also mean's you lied to everyone when applying for staff honestly i really hate to say this but you are very likely to be denied
  5. + support + no reason for ban have not seen you disobey rules
  6. -support Mass racism and saying stuff about the server will not be tolerated by anyone ALSO MASS RACISM AND SERVER DISS this is not a mistake this was an intentional assault of the server and its members this is absolutely inexcusable
  7. Some Weeb


    I was gonna ask why cannot bright have level 3 key card because i think it would be very cool if bright could go and actually have a fun test with 096 049 (Euclid's) . Now i have no problem with bright not being able to test keter's but i ask why cant he have level 3?
  8. + support has good intentions seems to genuinely interested in helping the community grow
  9. +support Max is on frequently i see him on a lot. Whats there to hate Very nice to everyone ETC need i go on
  10. When are we gonna fix that damn door exploit 966's are SO mingy with it also they can push props through the door as well
  11. How's everyone's day i am supposed to be active on forums so i am trying to post daily
  12. I am a looking to become an admin because i saw you guys need staff and its a way i can get involved so i was wondering how i can do that
  13. Hello i am a new member and i saw a frequent ask for staff in chat and though maybe this is how i can get involved in the community so may i ask what the requirements are
  14. I though since i'm new i'd just say hello and introduce myself to everyone i am Gavin you can call me Dragon i am a gamer and originally played on console. However i am a pretty decent PC player and i am glad to be with Gaming.Light i found this server because i am an Scp CB player and i saw this server it was popular, good reviews, and NICE NAME and though hey maybe this is how i will start my new game.
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