So you use the equivalent of you telling a Moderator that they cant roleplay anymore, yet it says explicitly that as long as ratio is filled you don't have to get on staff, thats what we signed up for to a Manager not taking 10-15 more seconds to add a reason to the already copyed and pasted denial reason, something as simple as "it causes more lag" "wont benefit the server", so we actually know why and someone doesnt make another post similar to it. While I do not mean to be disrespectful in saying this, if you cant do that im sure that there are super admins or other higher staff members that would do anything to have the opportunity to do what you do, and more. I thank you for your contribution to the server, but this should be accepted and I believe that a hair more of effort would not be such a problem.
What I believe I am saying is the objective fact in the situation and I should be punished.