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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Will

  1. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: Red Hunt The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:549541320 What did the player do: 20 warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199059348368 What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 week ban Any extra information: N/a
  2. +Support Would be nice to try this out, though it would take a lot of time to set up and learn how to use/ deploy amongst the server. Interested to see how it would handle though!
  3. Forum diplomat message Please keep posts on this thread to + or - Supports, conduct that partakes in actions such as arguing can lead to forum warnings being issued.
  4. +Support Meets requirement for ban
  5. -Support Already dealt with in-game
  6. +Support Evidence does show Mass RDM
  7. +Support - Active - Well-known in the community - Good application Your last question could use some work, but nothing a little bit of training and experience on duty can't fix I'm sure.
  8. -Support It's already hard enough trying to get PD to be in TS and in-game at the same time, so I don't think it would make much of an impact on PD performance and would just add another channel not likely to be used. I suggest you guys move down to the training room when it's not being used or simply going to a different channel/ patrol room (we have 5 of them!)
  9. +Support Should be considered for a ban reduction
  10. +Support You're a good guy Boh, and a good staff member from what I've seen; just make sure your activity is consistent!
  11. -Support Improve your activity in-game and on the forums and I'll probably change this to a +Support.
  12. +Support Meets requirement for ban https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199104563399
  13. +Support Admin believes the warn should be removed
  14. +Support Meets requirement for ban https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198054445514
  15. +Support - Well made application - Active on all platforms (In-game, TS, Discord, Forums, etc.) - Well known staff member - Pretty cool guy
  16. What you want to see? - Allow Senior Admin+ to use the !spectate command. Why should we add it? - Currently the !spectate command is restricted to Superadmin+ which has affected the staff team's overall performance, making it harder for us to watch or spectate people (without flying right next to them) and enforce some rules. Since Senior Admin is basically the trial version of Superadmin, I don't really see why it should be restricted to management only if lower ranking staff members could better utilize the tool and use it more frequently. Maybe in the future (if this is approved) it could be moved down to lower ranks such as Admin, but I feel its best to take baby steps while trying to reintroduce this. What are the advantages of having this? - Greatly increases the effectiveness of the staff team and allows us to watch players without hovering next to them while noclipped (which may become problematic in close quarters. Who is it mainly for? - Senior Admin and above Links to any content - N/A
  17. Damn, trying to use me as an example here, huh?
  18. -Support Doesn't seem too much of a problem to me, no need to have someone remove and rewarn that person..
  19. -Support Format? We can't do that much unless you give us the requested info!
  20. +Support Try to double check your work before warning!
  21. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: boxofrocks The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:56593163 What did the player do: advertisement Evidence (REQUIRED): attached What do you believe should happen to the player: perma ban Any extra information: n/a 12-22-20 logs.txt
  22. It's too often we see ban appeals that are warning threshold related (10, 20, 30, and 40 warn ban appeals) up on the forums. Since these bans are not appealable, I think a note should be added to the posts explaining these bans are not appealable and optional time frame for each threshold ban (basically a copy/ paste from staff handbook). Here's an example: You must fill out this form in order to be considered for a unban. Steam Name: Ingame Name: SteamID: Ban Length: Admin that Banned you: Reason for Ban: Dispute: Notice: Warn related bans are NOT appealable! 10 Warns - 1 day ban issued, By Senior Admin+ 20 Warns - 1 week ban issued, By Super Admin+ 30 Warns - 1 month ban issued, By Head Admin+ 40+ Warns - Permanent ban issued, By Head of Staff+
  23. I'm cool with the idea, but unless you have an idea as to how we might implement it, I can't really support it seeing as there are other services you could use. -Support
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