Long time member of the community.
High RP rank.
Appears to be a knowledgeable individual.
Very new to staff.
Enuz, I feel that you're definitely a competent individual that would probably do pretty well as support, but you are very new to staff and pretty untested in that regard. My biggest concern is that you'd potentially burn yourself out between RP, staff, and support in such an early stage and I'd hate to see that happen as you have some good potential.
I cannot -support this, as the issue is not necessarily with the applicant themselves, but a concern of potential burn out down the road with taking on such a large load so soon. However, I am having a hard time getting behind a +support for that reason. Therefore, I feel the best thing that I can do is to share my perspective here and to remain neutral. Enuz, I do wish you the best of luck and if you do get accepted, just make sure you are careful and don't burn yourself out.