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Retired DoTF Daedran

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Everything posted by Retired DoTF Daedran

  1. +Support I think the current settings are fine, although a change would be nice. I just don't want people to start complaining, despite it being a server wide change should it be implemented. Not that it would be an issue, but more along the lines of departmental conflicts saying that they're "Too OP" which is a phrase just thrown around across OOC like candy. I think that the weapons that should be buffed are the ones that are reasonable, because I know that a select few as of recent were nerfed due to them being way too broken in regards to combat such as the Combat Shotguns or a few rifles from the AR pack.
  2. Name: Daedran Rank: Sergeant Major Which Server do you play on mostly?: It alternates Why should you retain your current rank?: While I am semi-active, I try to contribute when and where I can. Any Concerns?: None at this time
  3. And then what would be the point of the Diamond+ D class pro?
  4. -Support --> You aren't the commander of the regiment --> The regiment update requesting more jobs was denied due to there being too many as it is --> E11 is a specialized breacher REGIMENT, there is no need for a class. (On top of that you don't need every job) Also something I would like to add, breaching is something that is done in training, not specified by a class.
  5. Noted and adjusted accordingly on the roster, thank you for letting me know.
  6. Noted and adjusted accordingly on the roster, thank you for letting me know
  7. -Support I can say that these models wouldn't really suit our purpose, and make us stand out in more of a silly manner rather than actually looking reasonable. There's also a few more things I would like to mention. --> Model pack is over 7MB (This one being 36) --> Doesn't really match at all for some, if not most MTF Branches --> There was already a few branch updates that took place, this is not needed --> Extreme lack of varying bodygroups, would make division and regiment management impossible
  8. Unless you want to give MTF/Gensec a rightful reason to be in lower D block to shut things down, I don't see this being helpful to D class, or even relevant.
  9. -Support This would be too hard to manage, and those people who have 2 lives right now would be forced to change, regardless of whether or not they willingly choose to.
  10. -support, D class is supposed to be difficult
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