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Everything posted by Bor

  1. AMAZING PERSON DESERVES THIS 100 Percent! Hope you get this position!
  2. Honestly not sure where your getting the inactivity, He's usually on, He's active.
  3. You've done so much for Research. May your efforts never destroyed. You tried and tried to make research the best it could, Dominio effect destroys. Enjoy College. -Boris. Would love to see you sometimes.
  4. Bor

    Staff Report

    -Support You also said F you to me when I called a lockdown and killed you, And proceeded to be rude. After joining gensec you micspammed. Also as 096 You broke over 5+ Rules.
  5. Bor

    Iceman Staff Report

    Doesn't matter what the population is Spawning moving props that can Kill/RDM People is unacceptable.
  6. Warnings were a long time ago, Koda Is a great Member of Gensec and Fully deserves this.
  7. Couldn't of said it better.
  8. Bor

    4Sk1n Ban Request

    Your In-game: Boris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:199064775 The player's name in-game: 4Sk1n The player's steam name (If you know it): STEAM_0:1:160375123 What did the player do: Mass Racism (Got a 10,000 Second Minge) Today, Mass Disrespect called Security Gay, (Later called Security F*gs (Didn't get that part on Video) Evidence (REQUIRED): Around 25 Seconds he Calls Security Gay, Later He did it more and Called us F*gs (Personally hate this word) What do you believe should happen to the player: A ban,. Any extra information:
  9. In-Game name: Boris Section of Interest (see below): Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Conduct and Basic Rules (NLR, PTS, Golden Rules etc...) Section 3: Branches // GENSEC // D-Class (What they are and the Ranks/Specializations of GENSEC) Section 4: Zones (More detail for zones pertaining to your Branch) Section 5: DEFCONs Section 6: Faces and Formations  Time Available During Weekends: Everytime EXCEPT LATE NIGHT SATS, SOMETIMES I WILL BE ON. Are you skilled in any video editing software? (not required): Yoink, Nope.
  10. Bor

    Nexieys Ban Appeal

    Hes a great Member Of SCP - RP Staff.
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