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Everything posted by Bor

  1. +Support. Lots of grammar errors (Trial Moderator,) Under 25 Post Minimum. I've seen you a lot,. Seem nice. Over 150 words. 16 is technically correct, but we've had a few changes, They removed the minge system and replaced it with jail, If a Jail is over 1000 seconds we ban (So Admin+ Usually) Sometimes senior mods. I suggest you go over your app and fix your grammar errors. (Also edit your Q 16 with the guidelines above) Good Luck!
  2. This is very unfortunate I heard about your schedule, Was hoping it wouldn't come to this, Hope to see you around.
  3. +Support Evidence is clear.
  4. Hmmm, 400 A lot, But I want too see the MOST
  5. Don't Clonewars already get their staff rank transfer d already?
  6. +Support Like the best Commander to ever rule
  7. +Support Krafty has been able to prove himself time and time again That he can lead and maintain it.
  8. Commander Application. Questions 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Boris 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Star-fighter Corps. 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? The reason I would like to be (Vice Commander) Of the branch is because of the experience and experience I can bring too the table, (People close too me might now this) But, I use to be on a CloneWarsRP, Server, I got too low command on MANY branches, 501st (Jedi Knight), Was Vice Commander of the Repair Squadron (Forgot the Official Name), I feel as I can bring the experiences I've had an bring them to Imperial RP, where I can take full range of what I can do, and place it into this server. I also want to become one of the Vice Marshals to improve my situational adaption rate, I'd like to experience something new and fresh, I played on that Clone Wars server for 1 and a half years, I gained many things from that server, I hope I can use that knowledge to help myself I on this server. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 0 (Beta) Have been with SCP-RP Since, around 4-6 Months ago, Been with the community (Not 2018), Since 2017. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? - Lead -Takes Initiative -Confidence - Amazing Decision/Quick Thinking. -Ideas/Creativity too take their branch too the next level. - Friendly (Too a extent) - Strict (Too a Extent) 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :I believe I should be trusted with this position because of, Leadership capabilities, I've been able to lead, Support and adapt into low command roles, And High Command roles (Not Gaminglight) I'm currently Low Command in the E11 branch on SCP-RP (2LT) The way I take situations is always with a open mind, I look for all perspectives, seeing what will, and will not work, If I find an idea that will work perfectly, I use it and take initiative with it, If I find something that could or would go wrong, I see why or how it would be wrong, once I find that in correction I would see if there is anything that could fix, help, or repair it, If not discard it, If I can then "ATTEMPT" to use it without failure. I hope If I get accepted into this position I can be trusted and can pursue this with open arms, And lead as the Vice Marshal as long as Possible. That's all for me, -Boris SIGNING Out. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be on every day for the maximum of Six Hours a day, And a Minimum of 2. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : https://imgur.com/a/DCwl3ll Old Warns From PRP. Thank you very much for taking the time too read my application, Please leave a + Or - Support, And leave a Comment as too why! Thank You Again. Use the Above Format for your Application, and post it in the commander applications section DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR APPLICATION IF YOU ARE CAUGHT YOU WILL BE DENIED! Edited August 30 by Invaliff
  9. +Support Bog, Is like one off my Favorite people too just chill with, He's calm, Takes the time to go through everything before he does it, E11 Command (MAJ) Amazing Guy. Should Get this For Sures!
  10. -Support , But USE A ARMOUR SHREDDING DEVICE, THIS THING Shreds through health just sucks against Armour
  11. +Support, I've had experiences with this Individual usually, EXTREMELY Mingey, Clearly shows you rolling higher.
  12. @Rangiatea I'm a Risky boi, Whoops he already replied SORRYYY
  13. I'm preety sure your not allowed to apply too your own app, (Unless this only applys to staff.
  14. 15 Years our DOC, Was born, HE'S 15 TODAY, LETS ALL WISH HIM A HAPPY BIRTDHAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Video Of After Party!
  15. 15 Years our DOC, Was born, HE'S 15 TODAY, LETS ALL WISH HIM A HAPPY BIRTDHAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Video Of After Party!
  16. +Support, One of the best Command Members, Completely deserves Maj+, Does everything with upmost professionalism. One of the most active. Daily Meetings. Takes Initiative. +Support, One of the best Command Members, Completely deserves Maj+, Does everything with upmost professionalism. One of the most active. Daily Meetings. Takes Initiative.
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