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Everything posted by Bor

  1. I have interacted with this man, Pleasures all around.
  2. He got banned for 4 hours +Support for extended.
  3. Fear your a Senior Mod you should now better +Support
  4. +/- I would maybe a shortened or dated Staff Res 6 Months+ But clear violation of handbook, It physically says you cannot be a Moderator on a different server.
  5. Your In-game: Boris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:199064775 The admin's name in-game: Chiken, Jack Liam, Gl0w Locke, Becket, Rhenic, ProdCode. What warning(s) did you receive: Failrp/Fearp/Blocking the highway, Minge/NITRP, Ignoring admins, COPBAIT, ATT RDM/ FAILRP, Fearp, Invholstering during Rp Evidence of the warn(s) (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1733683175 Why do you think this warn was false: N/A Any extra information: All warns are over 1 year old. Prodcode Warn + Rhenic are not over 1 year but are 3 month+ Would this equal 3 month = 2 warns + 4 warns over 2 years old ?
  6. +Support This seems amzing (Costs money) so thats bad
  7. +Support War Gamer, I love your enthuasium, You just got yourself caught, Hhahahahahha, That honestly made me laugh.
  8. ah so I like the fact that you said very mean things, But I hate to say it man, But you literally spammed the N word (As seen above) -Support
  9. Sorry dude, I have no idea what this is, The proof is not sufficent its a screenshot of a CROPPED discord message. -Support I don't think any staff member would say leave me alone while on the staff job?
  10. In-Game Name: Boris Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:199064775 Rank: EMT Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 3-5 Days. Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Camping/Scouts.
  11. Tortys great. Little more effort into the application never hurts. you should work on becoming more skilled with applications, If your finding it difficult either Private Message me or another person that you can rely on and they can help with writing applications.
  12. I don't think this should really affect his application in any way or form, The reason he said this was because he was demoted for inactivity (Due to being offline for 2 days due to school.) He talked to Rang about it was wondering if he could be set to weekends and I will try to bump up my activity, He didn't have a strike before hand and wasn't informed of his demotion (I had similar encounters with gensec, And like the rest of demoted command, Never once informed of my demotion, Neither were the rest of command, I found out because I looked at my discord rank, He probably shouldn't of said Wanna Apply for Jack shit, People get carried away when they get angry, I disagree with the way that this was put into the application with context, Context matters. He also was DouRS before and came back as a CPT, I don't want this to effect my relationships with SMT, This is my opinion, If you disagree please reply why.
  13. I have a full video of this Myan was there and I had a full edited and everything for steve but then realized it had a Big Like Poster Tag, (Forgot the name lol) On the front so the video is kinda bad, But I have the video if you want me to post in here with the video I will, I have names and the hole base on VIdeo.
  14. Erm yeah.... -support Maybe not a strike? Just like a talking too not a strike. Other Than that +Support
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