Your In-Game Name: Willy
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:76250625
Staff member's In-Game Name: COL Alton (Admin)
What did they do? Abusing Staff Rank/Phys Gun by smashing a car, Abused on PD job, Killed while Cloaked twice and Disrespected others.
Evidence (REQUIRED): So I've been contemplating this report but I was finally encouraged to do it. Here below is a full detailed explanation of what happened.
SM Lonewolf came to me in Teamspeak about an Abusive Staff Member in PRP. He sent me two videos that I was in favor of him staff abusing/PD Abusing/Disrespecting.
The First video shows him smashing cars, picking up people in front of many many PD members. As you can see in the beginning of the video he proceeds to smash the Police Car to the ground many many times that causes the map to shake. Next he decides to pick people up which is heavily against the rules for an Admin to do. After that he decides to pick up other cars while being on the COL PD job. I understand you cannot see the name template but he was the only one during the night (Seb can confirm this) and in the 2nd video it'll confirm he was playing during that time due to the two videos being a long 2 hour video of these clips being cut out for this report.
The Second Video Shows Alton Disrespecting towards LoneWolf once again. In the video Lone Wolf believes it's RDM but it was a justifiable shooting due to him shooting in the air, (Even when he's Rping in a hunter). Then a VERY VERY faint brief sentence comes out. I couldn't hear it about for the first 2 or 3 times. Alton in the 2nd video says "F*cking D*ck Head". Here is how to hear those 3 words. You need to start at 26-27 seconds and keep rewinding it when it reaches 29 seconds. Turn your volume all the way up, Press your headphones towards your ear, and you'll be easily able to hear those words towards Lone Wolf. This video proves that Alton was playing that night at that hour.
The Third and Final video is Alton of Abusing on the Administrator Job. He proceeds to go to the Taco Bell where almost a dozen people are RP'ing and starts to Right Click Stun Sticking which damages them 10 each time with a hit. He proceeds to kill the same guy twice in front of everybody. He kills him once, then brings him again and kills him again. The Evidence is crystal clear on this, no explanation needed here.
Now these Videos are no way to represent the GL PRP Staff Team, these events that happened here carry on for the entire staff team. We all look bad when this happens and this has no place. Please put your opinion down in chat with a +Support, +/- Support , -Support. Thank you and have a nice day.
hl2_2019-05-06_16-40-14-228.mp4What do you think is an acceptable punishment? - Re-training, Strikes, Demotions