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Everything posted by Crease

  1. big +support - CERT is one of the 4 tac units on the server but has worse weapons, fewer classes and shit armor. - CERT has shit armor. CERT Trooper (150 armor), CERT medic (175 armor), CERT breacher (175 armor), CERT rifleman (185 armor) which is significantly less than all other tac units armor - CERT is harder to get in. Requires LCPL in PD to apply. Then you have to pass Trooper training, get promoted to SNR Trooper, apply again for CERT and ultimately pass CERT training.
  2. +Support - Extremely active - Respected Admin - Longtime community member (knows the rules) - Embedded in various departments - Role model for all government
  3. +SUPPORT Active on PD Natural Leader Professional Excellent role model for lower ranks Decent application. Maybe add a little more?
  4. +Support - Active - Solid application - Previous leadership experience - Nice guy. Anyone who has talked to him will know.
  5. +support Seems like a misunderstanding. Warn should be reconsidered.
  6. @Unkn0wn_F1R3 I average 4-5 hours on the server per day (based on my steam playtime in the past 2 weeks.) I also do a lot of ride-a-longs with pd members on state. If accepted, I will continue helping PD both as a member of state and on the PD command job.
  7. +support -Nice guy - Has been SM for a long ass time. - Extremely active on PD - Responsible player and ready for command.
  8. Wow very nice player and super active. Would make a great trial mod. Is very professional and nice on SRT
  9. Rank You are Applying For: LT In-Game Name: Crease SteamID: STEAM_0:1:456500954 Current Rank: SM How long have you been in your current rank?: 9 weeks. Approximately 500 hours on the server in total. What timezone are you in?: PST How many Warns do you have?: 2 warns Do you have a Working mic? Yes Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): Thanks for the 16 votes so far ? I've been on this server for 500 hours and am embedded in the community. I've achieved the rank of PD SM, EMS CPT, FBI SAIC, State 2LT, CERT TL, DOC CPL and SS PO. Within these departments, I HAVE RECIEVED 0 STRIKES AND ONLY 2 WARNS FROM STAFF ON THE SERVER. Additionally, throughout my activity on the server, I have become extremely familiar with nearly every rule, police protocol, have trained numerous cadets and am extremely familiar with all server commands. My extensive experience, in combination with my activity every day and TS activity everyday, has allowed me to become familiar with numerous PD command members and understand the necessary protocol for acting as a PD command member. I am also a serious role-player. I follow the rules and never deviate from them. Since I am high ranked in so many departments, I am extremely accustomed to server rules and general department guidelines. I’ve learned how to form a stacking team from CERT and participated in bank raids, general store robberies and hostage negations. From FBI, I’ve learned how to be stealthy, not cause attention to myself and refrain from low priority government situation.s In State and PD, I’ve trained numerous cadets and troopers, gone over the PD guide too many times to count, taught !vcmod, server rules and done hecka ride-a-longs. My leadership has prevailed in State, after reaching the role of 2LT. Lastly, in EMS, I am an expert at determining the status of situations—whether they’re code 4 or not. And, most importantly, how to drive quickly and efficiently. From all of these departments I’ve become proficient in 10 codes and other overlapping procedures. I hope that you consider my application for LT and allow me to demonstrate my leadership qualities as a command member of PD. As always, feel free to ask me any questions or post them below. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes, of course
  10. +Support - Extremely active - Excellent staff member when dealing with sits/discipling players. - Nice guy who knows how to RP. - Is a role model in state and on the server in general. Overall, he would be a good candidate for a promotion to admin.
  11. Name: Crease Rank: SNR LT What do you want to achieve in EMS?: Chief Any Suggestions for EMS?: Better recruitment
  12. Crease

    FBI Roll Call

    Name: Crease Rank And Call Sign : SSA KGB13 Date: 4-29-19 How active are you? (be honest please): active
  13. Are the Compton Family Minges? Sometimes. However, this ends now! I will be implementing a report system for any Compton players that break server rules or are minges. Send a report in our discord (with evidence) and that player will be warned, then blacklisted from the family. If you're GL staff, no evidence is required. Just a name. --Compton CoCommander Crease Discord Link: https://discord.gg/3mRBZbe
  14. Name: Crease Rank: PVT How active are you in CERT? (Semi-Active/Active/Inactive): Active What do you want to see change within the department?: More maturity in TS, or at least less soundboards. What do you think command can improve on?: Filling in non-command about the purpose of things. Is there anything you think command should know about yourself?: I'm left handed. Signature: Crease
  15. No you need a series of numbers and letters. That's your unique TS ID
  16. I dont know why everyone is super large font -supporting this when their is hardly any info to go off. Post your unique TS user id and an SMT member will hopefully find out who banned you and the reason.
  17. Crease

    Ban Appeal

    OMG Sorry but -support
  18. Crease

    Ban Appeal

    Get a screenshot of all your warns and post them here. Might be able to better form an opinion with that info.
  19. +support Nice guy Knows the rules and follows them Extremely active Knowledgable about staffing and in-game activities
  20. +support I've seen him on and active He is good, knowledgeable player Former command Knows the rules
  21. Okay. Then I was mistaken because I looked through video quickly. +/- support Hard to make decision without very much proof. However, I do think it is staff responsibility to get evidence (either screenshot, video, etc.) for every disciplinary action. As the saying goes "innocent until proven guilty." From my experience Calamity is a top tier staff member and player, but I would seriously recommend getting proof (like logs screenshot) every time you warn someone in case they appeal in future (like Ruinz did in this case.) Edit: After consideration, changing to +/-
  22. Brah. Video shows you shooting someone saying "rdm" and then you jump off roof. Doesn't really show anything else. And screenshot is just picture of your warn.
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