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Everything posted by Crease

  1. +support Nice and responsible person. Knowledgeable with server rules. Would be a great asset to the Staff team.
  2. +support Fair and friendly person to all players. Active on staff. Solid application . Knowledgeable with the rules. Wolf/Tip has been on the server for a long time, he's taken many of my sits and I've worked alongside him in State Troopers. He would make a fantastic addition to the admin and I can't imagine anyone better for the job.
  3. +support He only has 2 warns and is TTT admin. He's also Trooper High Command Reserves.
  4. Hey guys, Thank you FBI command, HRT command and the entire FBI department for being such an awesome and welcoming department. I really loved my time on HRT. However, as Trooper Colonel I have a lot on my plate and want to focus on that. Thank you Mar for training me --you did a great job. @Jimmy James As always, you can do whatever you want and I appreciate the hospitality. @Phil You a wonderful command command member. @frog milk I'll still be seeing you a lot but thanks your help mate. Also @Solomonnew is a cool guy.
  5. Sad to see you leave Frog -- Trooper Colonel Crease 1K-3
  6. Andrew, Thank you for all the work you put in to State Police and SPRT (formerly CERT.) You have made this family proud. Wish you the best with your future endeavors! --Trooper Colonel Crease 1K03
  7. Max those are very kind words. I can tell they came directly from your heart and soul. Have fun as PD HC!
  8. You still might be able to edit the post and remove your report.
  9. +support This is as clear-cut as it gets.
  10. Accepted Troopers 6/26 Accepted - Ryan/thebigr - Torty - LT Ryzen (1 strike policy) - Dana White (1 strike policy) - PVPSavage (1 strike policy) Pending - LCPL Bars -- I sent you a discord message man. Denied: - Noahno (11 warns)
  11. Echo, I appreciate everything you did for state. You are always welcome back as a reserves HC member.
  12. Sad day for DOC. Congrats on becoming the first person in DOC reserves though!
  13. 1. Suggestion: Modify Tow Truck Driver rules 2. Who is this change for?: Tow Truck Driver class 3. Why should the rule be changed?: Their are 2 conflicting rules (quoted below.) The first says you can use violence to retrieve your vehicle if the Tow Truck driver is using violence to defend the vehicle. However, the 2nd rule says "you [Tow Truck Driver] are a neutral class and not allowed to carry any weapons." 4. What you want to see? : A rule change. Either allow the Tow Truck driver to use weapons and defend their towed cars. Or declare them neutral and require players to pay the $5,000 fine. Perhaps add a rule that requires Tow Trucks to return the vehicle when paid?
  14. I'm going to make another forums post (or edit this one) with a google sign up form, tournament rules, details and a tournament bracket. The tournament will most likely be held in 1-2 weeks and last 1-3 days, depending on how many people enter.
  15. Hey everyone, I am planning the 1st Annual GamingLight chess tournament. Date/Time: TBD Tournament Type: Single Elimination Entry-fee: $1,000 Rules: International Chess Federation tournament rules apply. Any games can be claimed drawn after 50 moves if there are no pawn moves or no captures. Any game can be claimed drawn if the exact same position is repeated thrice. No outside assistance allowed. Any draw will be settled with a follow-up game, if time allows. Prize Pool: 1st place: $15,000,000 2nd place: $5,000,000 3rd/4th place: $2,500,000 Comment below if you want to be entered in the tournament! If you want to contribute to the prize pool, please let me know. -- Tournament Director Crease Update 6/8: Thanks Solomon ($1,000,000) and Alton ($10,000,000) for contributing to prize pool--the prize money has been updated. Thank you to everyone that commented below and expressed interest in the tournament. Also, expect a followup post this week with a concrete tournament date and google sign-up form. The tournament will begin approximately 1 week after the sign-up form is released. More details, including a tournament bracket, will be released soon!
  16. +support - Long time member of the community with leadership positions in multiple departments. - A friend of many GL PRP players and role model to the community. - Serious roleplayer with low warn count - Good application Good luck Ryan!
  17. +support - Active in the community - Familiar with policeRP rules as I see him on government and criminal jobs, often. - Solid application. Low warn count. -Ponik is a class act and ready for a staff oppurtunity
  18. We still have 2 stripper spots open, cmon people apply.
  19. Uninvited ^^ AND you're uninvited from my Bar Mitzvah.
  20. +support - Nice, respected member of the community. - Is familiar with server rules and server protocol for government and criminals. - Deserves an opportunity on staff.
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