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Everything posted by Crease

  1. +support Great guy. Fast typer. Quick fingers. Hope you get staff fam!
  2. You took the sit of your own family member. Only thing you said was he is getting removed from Payday. Was not okay with this outcome---he broke server rules not family rules. Dissatisfied with punishment.
  3. Your in game name: Crease Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:456500954 The player's in game name: Pox Payday The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:81365049 What did the player do: Broke Fearp (0:04-0:21) CERT SGT @Zim had weapon out on safety from beginning. Att.RDM (0:21-0:40) Shot CERT SPC @soulness for giving ticket. Failbase+Propblock (1:25-1:49) Invisible prop blocking his base. Broke NLR (1:13-2:22) Returned to base and FDA. Evidence (required): What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban. Has pending report and 3 warns in past 24h
  4. In-Game Name: Crease Steam Name: [GL] Jerry SteamID: STEAM_0:1:456500954 Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? TTT Trial Mod. Yet to be trained How often are you on TeamSpeak? Every day. Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? Firstly, I am extremely active in TS and on the server. I play nearly every day. After being embedded in the community for over a year, I am accustomed to TS protocol and in-game protocol. I am a dedicated member of the community who continues to follow rules. I have minimal warns on the server--only 3-- and have never broken any serious rules either in TS or in the game. Because of this, I would be an appropriate representative for the GL community on TS. Additionally, My main motivation to become TS support is to assist those in need that are new to the server. For example, I enjoy training potential cadets for PD on the policerp server (the server I main.) Since my in-game mic does not work, I am required to train on TS--something everyone is required to do. Therefore, I am in constant need of TS tags for potentially new PD cadets otherwise they would not be able to join the appropriate TS channel. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? My activity, professional attitude and comprehensive understanding of TS and server rules would assist the GL community and in particular, TS. I try to this of my self as behaving in a professional manner and I would continue to do that for the players of teamspeak. I take this responsibility VERY seriously and am willing to do whatever it takes to help those in need. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would begin by introducing myself. From there, I would listen to the players potential problem, explain the steps I am going to take to resolve the problem and continuously update said player until the problem is resolved. If unable to resolve the issue, I would reach out to other players online and stay with the person in need until the issue is resolved. Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes, I have.
  5. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:456500954 Current Rank: SM How long have you been in your current rank?: Approximately 8-9 months. What timezone are you in?: PST How many Warns do you have?: 4 warns Do you have a Working mic? Yes Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): First App Second App I've been on this server and in the community for nearly 1000 hours and am embedded in the community. I've achieved the rank of PD SM, EMS SNRLT, SWAT PVT (resigned) FBI SAIC (resigned), State MJR, State Head FTO, CERT TL, SPMD Master Patrolman, DOC SGT, SS PO (resigned). Within these departments, I HAVE RECIEVED 1 STRIKES (in state from a long time ago), very low server warn count and continuously abide by the PD protocol. Additionally, throughout my activity on the server, I have become extremely familiar with nearly every rule, police protocol, have trained numerous cadets both on PD and in state and am extremely familiar with all server commands. My extensive experience, in combination with my activity every day and TS activity everyday, has allowed me to become familiar with numerous PD command members and understand the necessary protocol for acting as a PD command member. I am also a serious role-player. I follow the rules and never deviate from them. Knowledge from various departments: Since I am high ranked in so many departments, I am extremely accustomed to server rules and general department guidelines. I’ve learned how to form a stacking team from CERT and participated in bank raids, general store robberies and hostage negations. From FBI, I’ve learned how to be stealthy, not cause attention to myself and refrain from low priority government situation.s In State and PD, I’ve trained numerous cadets and troopers, gone over the PD guide too many times to count, taught !vcmod, server rules and done hecka ride-a-longs. Lastly, in EMS, I am an expert at determining the status of situations—whether they’re code 4 or not. And, most importantly, how to drive quickly and efficiently. From all of these departments I’ve become proficient in 10 codes and other overlapping procedures. I want to become a PD LT so I can promote the appropriate OFC's to their role as a PD SNR. I believe, with my extensive PD knowledge and experience, I have the judgement call to do so. A lot of PD command members know that I frequently contact them for potential PD promotions. I hope that you can consider my application for LT and allow me to take on a command role in PD. I want to help the department grow and improve the current department. Feel free to post any comments below, including constructive criticism. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes, of course UPDATE: Let me reiterate some things. I agree--my activity on PD NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED and I will be more active. However, during my time on state/CERT I continuously train new OFC's/SNR's and vouch for their promotion to PD command members. I'm sure a lot of PD command members know I contact them on TS/discord for promo recommendation. I think I would be fit for PD LT so I can determine, by the best of my judgement, who I think deserves an opportunity at OFC and SNR instead of contacting an already busy PD command member.
  6. Crease

    My time has come

    You will be missed amigo
  7. BIG +SUPPORT He has what it takes to become a valuable staff member for GamingLight. I fully support this application.
  8. @Yobo I agree. This wouldn't work considering the "semi-serious" RP aspect of the server among the other things you mentioned. To make it work, in my opinion, would require a gmod CAD addon implemented into the server.
  9. I agree. We can all be nicer. There is a human being on the other side of every screen--with aspirations, goals, dreams and hope.
  10. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:456500954 Current Rank: SM How long have you been in your current rank?: Approximately 7-8 months. What timezone are you in?: PST How many Warns do you have?: 4 warns Do you have a Working mic? Yes Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): First LT app I've been on this server and in the community for nearly 1000 hours and am embedded in the community. I've achieved the rank of PD SM, EMS LT, SWAT PVT (resigned) FBI SAIC (resigned), State LT, State Head FTO, CERT TL, SPMD Master Patrolman, DOC OFC, SS PO (resigned). Within these departments, I HAVE RECIEVED 1 STRIKES (in state from a long time ago), very low server warn count and continuously abide by the PD protocol. Additionally, throughout my activity on the server, I have become extremely familiar with nearly every rule, police protocol, have trained numerous cadets both on PD and in state and am extremely familiar with all server commands. My extensive experience, in combination with my activity every day and TS activity everyday, has allowed me to become familiar with numerous PD command members and understand the necessary protocol for acting as a PD command member. I am also a serious role-player. I follow the rules and never deviate from them. Knowledge from various departments: Since I am high ranked in so many departments, I am extremely accustomed to server rules and general department guidelines. I’ve learned how to form a stacking team from CERT and participated in bank raids, general store robberies and hostage negations. From FBI, I’ve learned how to be stealthy, not cause attention to myself and refrain from low priority government situation.s In State and PD, I’ve trained numerous cadets and troopers, gone over the PD guide too many times to count, taught !vcmod, server rules and done hecka ride-a-longs. Lastly, in EMS, I am an expert at determining the status of situations—whether they’re code 4 or not. And, most importantly, how to drive quickly and efficiently. From all of these departments I’ve become proficient in 10 codes and other overlapping procedures. Reason to become a LT: I want to become a PD LT so I can promote the appropriate OFC's to their role as a PD SNR. I believe, with my extensive PD knowledge and experience, I have the judgement call to do so. A lot of PD command members know that I frequently contact them for potential PD promotions. Consideration: I hope that you can consider my application for LT and allow me to take on a command role in PD. I want to help the department grow and improve the current department. Feel free to post any comments below, including constructive criticism. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes, of course UPDATE: Let me reiterate some things. I agree--my activity on PD NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED and I will be more active. However, during my time on state/CERT I continuously train new OFC's/SNR's and vouch for their promotion to PD command members. I'm sure a lot of PD command members know I contact them on TS/discord for promo recommendation. I think I would be fit for PD LT so I can determine, by the best of my judgement, who I think deserves an opportunity at OFC and SNR instead of contacting an already busy PD command member.
  11. Your In-Game Name: Crease Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:456500954 Staff member's In-Game Name: ViperKimg What did they do?: Used their physgun to prevent me from shooting their friend. Evidence (REQUIRED): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiVteQ0mhHE What do you think is an acceptable punishment?: Demoted and/or removed from staff.
  12. WOW BIG +SUPPORT - Would be a great staff member. - Low warn count - Nice guy and knows the rules
  13. Name: Crease Rank: CPT What you think could be improved in EMS: More activity from various ems ranks
  14. The Brah +Support - Nice guy. - Knows the rules. - Been on the server for a while. - He talks funny.
  15. +Support - Active member of the community, both on TS and in-game. - Knows the rules. Has zero warns and no strikes in any department. Trustworthy person. - Nice guy, anyone who has talked to him will know what I mean. GOOD LUCK Evil!
  16. MAJOR SUPPORT++++++++ -Always there for his fellow officers -Not afraid to admit to mistakes/ask for help -VERY friendly -Very Mature -Always Online -Been SM almost all summer, and even before that. I would love to serve as a Lieutenant along side him Good Luck Tonto!!!!!!!! ---Lieutenant R. Gardner 1L88
  17. Name: Crease Rank: TL Activity (Active, semi-active, LOA): Active Recommendations for department: Increase CERT activity. Increase acceptance protocol.
  18. CERT Roll Call Please answer by 11:59 on Monday, June 24th You will be demoted instantly if you do not answer. NO EXCEPTIONS Name: Rank: Activity (Active, semi-active, LOA): Recommendations for department:
  19. CERT has less members than SWAT and SRT (the ARU roster isn't public so I cannot count how many people are in ARU.)
  20. - Only 5ish people have CERT Commander whitelist. The entire department cannot be represented by the armor of a command job. - I know your comment was in good faith, but saying it's not as hard to get in to is not only false (CERT requires LCPL+ in PD, SNR Trooper, 2 applications and 2 training sessions), but inadequately represents CERT as one of the only 4 tac departments on the entire server.
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