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Jeff Junior

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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. -Support -you have abad mouth when it comes to the lower ranks Always saying to them i will get you demoted and stuff you are a great dude but a command member cant be doing that. -you can get angry super fast if some things happend whitch a command member should not get +Support not bad app you should wait in my oppinion 2 more weeks and show that you dont get angry so easy
  2. Name: Jeff Jr/JeffS/Jeff Umbrella Corp SteamID: ID : STEAM_0:1:421604434 Current rank: SM How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : For Like 2 Months Rank Wanted: LT How many warns do you have? 26 all of them is when i was a minge on the Policerp server and did not care about policerp (Before i was staff) Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Yes bob bob gave me perm to apply Why should you be promoted? : i Think that i should be promoted to Lieutenant because i have been working hard as my SM Rank yes i know that i am not Always on PD because i am a Staff member on the policerp server so it is hard for me to be on every singel day as pd or other departments all the time i try to be as Active as possible. and some other things why i want to get LT in pd is because i wanna help the PD department evolve in to a better thing i dont want PD to be known as the mingy department. And i dont want to have any bullying in the department for example if someone is dissing them because ther rank in PD or just because they cant speak 100% good English or just because they are 10 for example i wont abuse my rank in anyway and i will try to stay as Active as a can if i get LT. Thanks for Reading my LT App ( I Know that my grammar is bad) You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes
  3. And I have seen it on darkrp servers it is super annoying when it pops up all the time
  4. +support Should get banned for longer but nor perma 2weeks should be good for him
  5. no pls xD lets do the kiki challange insted
  6. nope if a spammer is starting to spam and locks and pins it it is just a bad ide if anyone should get it it should be forum diplomats and smt jmt and noone else
  7. Fix your seniormod tags on the forums xD
  8. It could be handle in game still but +support
  9. -Support as a admin i feel like you are not ready to be a admin you have a bad temper sometimes and can get of on players for no reason. Wich a admin cant have. and that is why i am -supporting this +Support not bad app it dosent mean that i Think you are great staff member on policerp it is jsut that i Think that you are not ready for admin just yet
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