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Jeff Junior

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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. +/- When you where talking about 10-20 ppl outside the pd gate they where demonstrating and that is against the rules. Other then that it is a great idea but it is way to harsh 1 warn and a 600 minge or a ban for 1 day it is a little bit to much if they dont role play. If the punishment changes a little bit it will be a +support from me
  2. xD trust me USSR and UC are all custom classes almost try us and you will see xD
  3. NO more comments needed it is dealt whit already
  4. For fame it is closed ? This
  5. No more comments needed alredy been delt whit in ts
  6. he told me that he was sorry yes it was not okey what he did say but i did not wanna warn him as i said Before i am sorry if you did anything wrong
  7. and he was sorry about it like i said i am sorry if i felt like i did anything wrong
  8. i can understand that but he understand waht he did wrong and i even told him if he dose it again he will be recsiving a warn
  9. we where not figthing i was just explaing to him why i gave him a verbial warn and i am not gonna aruge whit him i understand that but as you are supposed to do so ppl dont brake rules and a verbial warning usally works and as i said i have a video of when it stared getting out of hand
  10. i am sorry if it felt like i did anything wrong and i will try my best to make you feel like i did something about it next time as i said Before i am sorry if you feel like i did do anything wrong and i will try to be harder next time so you will not feel like this
  11. i told him to stop and he did stop and it was my oppinion to not warn him i am not going to argue whit you about it in my oppinion i did not do anything wrong and for a fact he did not know all of the rules i am sorry if you feel like i did not do anything about it and i have no problem talking whit you in ts so we can resolve this and many ppl sees me as a role model for them and they are doing great as a staff members on policerp. and like i said he hasent broke any rulse sins i gave him a verbial warn
  12. -Support Okey i gave him a verbial warn becuse i didn't want to warn him yes he did brake rules. But he was understanding when i was talking to him he was angry in the sit and i can understand that anyone can be angry i told the dude in the sit that he can not be playerdissing you in a sit and outside the sit i was doing it super proffesional and i was calm whit you the hoal time but you wear super angry at me and did not listen to me why i gave him the verbial warn. i know that you wanted him warned but i dont warn players when it is my first time whit them in a sit yes if he was mass rdming i would warn him whit out a problem but you did not listen to me and was just saying warn him for playerdiss and nlr and. failrp and you did not listen to me even when carp and amry was trying to resolve it you where just complaing and and you threatened. me buy saing all the time in admin chat and when army and carp was trying to solve this you where saying that you will make a staff report on me and you have more stuff to show. When they brought us i was trying to talk to you but you where just screaming and complaning about me and you did not wanna understand what i was trying to tell you and why i did not warn him. You where just thinking that you could tell me waht to do in the sit. You need to understand that i did give him a verbial warn for a reason. You need to see that i did not do anything wrong.And that the person did understand that i was serious about next time he will be giving a warn if he dose player diss ever again or if i get a call about him breaking any rule again he will be warned and he understood that. and look i have not gotten any sits yet about him playerdissing whit means that it works. And yes i am sorry if you feel like i didnot warn him but it was my decision and if SMT feels like talking to me becuse i am to nice to ppl in sits i will gladly talk to them. And if anyone is wondering why i am not 1 of the warning Always is becuse when NoOne was Head Of Staff he told why he is not warning ppl so much and i took that in notice and learnd form that. Even carp and Amry told you to calm down so we could resolve this in game but you where to angry. I have no problem whit you munchies in anyway and i hope that you can forget about this. And yes i have video after the hoal sit was over if smt wanna see it. Other then that i hope that you will understand munchies ! and i am not angry about you making this report it will be a nother learing Point for me.
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